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Status Updates posted by RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh

  1. I spot a trend starting in my account system.


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. DigitalEvorian
    3. SDWAN


      May I ask why you have an account system? Is it for a forum?

    4. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh
  2. I made a few more tweaks and I could use some feedback! http://ezcha.net/account Make sure to reply with your username so I can give you something!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh
    3. Emaniplex



      Hey, what are Ezchunks? Also, you added the bottom of the site!  o3o

      I'd like to see some organization tabs when you start adding more content.  :D

    4. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      @Emanatronic Click on the ? symbol to the right of it. ;)

      @_X̗̗́_ Say what?

      Oh btw you have both been rewarded.

  3. I added profile pictures to my account system! Try it out! http://ezcha.net/account

    1. Emaniplex
    2. Nimi


      I wasn't expecting this for a default picture. xD




    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      Here's an updated link that shouldn't give a 404 error to that picture. 


  4. If there are any other computer nerds out there I could use some input on this build http://pcpartpicker.com/p/rThwwP

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Emaniplex


      I might've been able to help if you weren't going COMPLETELY ALL-OUT.  :blink:

      Uh, well, the only thing I can tell you to do at this point is to make sure the case will fit the motherboard. Not sure if that wasn't obvious.  xD

      If you get really stuck over the assembly, then I could help you out a little.  :D

    3. SDWAN


      @Emanatronic > Mid tower case can fit standard atx motherboards

      > Ezcha has a m-atx motherbaord there

      Emanatronic. You are high m8

    4. Emaniplex


      @SDWAN I didn't look at the motherboard or case specs, I just remembered that I bought a huge case to cover a huge motherboard, and it barely fit.  :blink:

  5. Are there any nerds out there that can make plugins? I got the main functionality down but I need help with making a menu and other things.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. J



      1. This post is old, I'm not triggered anymore. xP

      2. I have no idea why you are still salty towards me.

      3. I didn't even come close to finishing the plugin, so you can't really compare.

    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh



      1. I don't care.

      2. You only freaked out, told us it was worthless, and then got mad at us. Oh, and you only threatened to grief it and ruin all of our hard work.

      3. This plugin only took two weeks to make, rather than two months. And it has many more features.

    4. Zeno


      calm tf down

  6. Here is a very revealing teaser for Mine-Imator Realms. wJlAYmn.png

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nimi


      Glad to see progress is being made after being dead for a month. ^w^

    3. Rollo


      Is it part of a randomly generating village/city?

    4. Caeden117


      I thought it was dead the whole time o.O

      Well, I guess the MI Realms will be revived shortly!

      >Inb4 MI Realms goes down after a week of the new release

  7. Finished up my new account system. http://ezcha.net/account Everyone's old accounts should still work.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      @PikaMasterzMC During the login? Have you registered?

    3. Nimi


      After hitting login, yes. I believe I registered when I had to do that multiplayer Cubied thing awhile back.

    4. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      @PikaMasterzMC Try registering again, I think that's when I was still testing the system. It's been reset since then.

  8. How does my new website look? http://ezcha.net/ I need some feedback please!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Emaniplex


      1. The "I make things." is cute and funny, but I'm not sure that's what more mature people are going to want to be reading... I really don't know though.

      2. You sure you want to keep the art blank? I guess it's a style. Hmm...

      3. Can I have some free space to continue to scroll down to? It's a little weird when the very last thing I'm looking at it is perfectly at the bottom edge of the screen. I mean, just scroll to the end of your profile page.  :D

      That's about it, but keep doing your thing. This is great!  :thumbsup:

    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh



      1. I like to keeps things short and simple. I wouldn't want to read a wall of text on some persons website :P

      2. The art was pretty simple to start with, but the colors didn't look very nice together.

      3. Yup, I'm working on adding a footer.


      And thanks! :) 

    4. Cryotivity


      Its pretty plain and boring imo

  9. What could this be?


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      @PikaMasterzMC If I have to have a online database system, I might as well make a website for it. ;) 

    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      @x3j50 MI Realms is still getting worked on, do not worry. We just hit a small bump in the road.

    4. Nimi


      @Ezcha If it's building, I can help. :ph34r:

  10. On the odd chance anyone wanted to know, here is how to use Cheese Bot in singleplayer. 


  11. *gets banned for spamming*

  12. john smith what did you do

    1. NietyFox


      he posted 4 topics.

  13. How is my WIP site looking? http://beta.ezcha.net/

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. AbAppletic


      It is kinda messy

    3. RobotCoveredWithHumanFlesh


      The tiles are automatically positioned. It will look much better when I add more things.

    4. AbAppletic
  14. spiderman spiderman spiderman

  15. I'm thinking about buying notepad, is it worth it?

    1. BloxTheRigger


      well they're like $8 from Walmart so it's not really a big deal

    2. Emaniplex


      Depends on what you do. I've never seen you do art.  :3 


    1. DigitalEvorian


      Oh c'mo- KAAABOOOOOM!!

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