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Status Updates posted by TwoToRule

  1. Do you remember

    1. Draco63
    2. TecnoXhaotic


      I remember... a chat over here... yeahhhh

  2. 'murica



      July 4th, why?

      Out of all days, my grandfather has a heart attack on the 4th!

      Now I'm (we, them) packing up to go see him in the hospital.

  3. If I had a dime for every Minecraft game that's gone under, I'd have two dimes. It isn't a lot, but it's weird that it happened twice.

  4. Does anyone remember that live action video that somebody used Mine-Imator for the CGI? I think it was post apocalyptic or something.

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Do you mean COVID-30?


    2. TwoToRule


      Yeah, actually. Thanks!

    3. LacaMenDRY


      Your Welcome. The Actor of that Film is me. You didn't realize it?


  5. It appears that I have greatly underestimated the amount of stock video I need.

  6. I love the names of stock videos. For example:


    "Cheerful group of hipster friends hiking in the woods together"


    I searched for "forest"

    1. Draco63


      I mean, the video is technically about a forest. Sort of.

  7. kqij4saezztzurjzg.jpg

    Thanks, YouTube.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LacaMenDRY


      That's how I'm feelin while My Iron Man Animations Got Blocked. COPERIGT!

    3. MojangYang


      Hey, youtube. I'm glad you are making a fortune with MY hardwork and not giving me a pence.

    4. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      thanks youtube! >:(

  8. I can now confirm that knife cuts do not, in fact, hurt as much as paper cuts.

    1. insanehelix7076


      And now i have nostalgia of when i cut my fingers with knives out of curiosity as a 4 year old.

    2. Floofy


      a paper cut cuts through more nerve endings/pain receptors then normal, deviant from normal cuts

      paper cuts can also get infected far more easily

    3. Draco63


      Whenever somebody mentions paper cuts I suddenly get very protective of my fingers.

    1. TwoToRule


      No disrespect to the new theme, but I saw some people commenting on how bright it is. I thought I'd leave this link here if people wanted a dark theme or a less-bright light theme.

    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      i'm using a browser with a dark theme option builtin and it's still extremely bright

    3. LacaMenDRY


      This Helps me A lot!

  9. Yesterday I got a Carmax ad on YouTube about the annoyances of having to wait.


    It was 15 seconds and unskippable.

    1. Draco63


      Almost as bad as the ads about adblockers or subscriptions that remove ads.

  10. still don't understand what the deal is with some bowl

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      Yeah I don't know. Something about throwing a ball around. All I know is we got a new trailer for The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. 

    2. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      dunno what's so special about it, does it look good? does it make pasta taste like motivation, or does it completely remove the infinitely slippery grease from spaghetti?

    3. MojangYang


      Apparently it involves catching a ball with a bowl charged with 2048 KJ of static electricity energy

  11. nothing like timing this song to midnight




    It was beautiful

  12. Screenshot_20201111-210544_1_1.jpg

    These new YouTube buttons are garbage. The like button doesn't even turn blue anymore.


    I am infuriated.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ghatos


      so you're telling me that the like button not turning blue IS INTENTIONAL?

      what was google thinking??

    3. TwoToRule


      It turns from an outline to solid white/probably gray (I use dark mode so I don't know gray for sure).


      It's extra dumb because that's what it used to look like before liking a video. All of my senses are thrown off.

    4. Ghatos


      I'm using youtube vanced, and when I like something the button doesn't change color. So yeah, the official app looks terrible and vanced is a bit broken

  13. I've decided not to continue in this debate, because I don't want it to be weighing down on mind. However, I would like to say a few final things.


    Topics like this can bring out the worst in everyone. This includes me. While I thought I was being reasonable, I may not have been. If this is the case, then I am truly sorry. And for those who I personally have felt have been acting inappropriately, this also applies to you. I'd like to clarify that this isn't an attempt to be passive aggressive. I say this because, once again, topics like this can bring out the worst in everyone, so I would like to try to see past what seems like possibly immature responses from my view and not hold it against any of you. Again, this is in no way an attempt to be passive aggressive, but rather how I would like to see past my own personal view of other's actions. (I sincerely hope my message gets across clearly. If any of you are taking this as a blaming statement, please don't. None of this is meant to be a personal attack on anyone.)


    Moving past all of that, I believe that we, as a forum, should actively try to avoid any serious drama like this in the future. This is a forum website for a free Minecraft animation program. This was never meant to host drama train wrecks like this, especially on such a serious topic. It should rather be a place to share creations and have lighthearted conversations. I think this whole argument has deviated way too far from this original purpose. I hope we can all put in a reasonable effort to keep this from happening again, including me. I don't think any of us joined the forums to partake in any of this.


    Whew, glad I got THAT out of the way. Guess I'm going to revert back to internet-speak now and not write essay-grade status updates.

    1. __Mine__


      Honestly, if people could just stop talking about politics so much on here that'd be great.
      That is not, and never has been, what this place is for.

  14. So let me get this straight: being sarcastic about "violent protesters" is acceptable, but one sarcastic statement about "bootlickers" isn't? Honestly, think. 


    Personally, I think it would be nice if we could have a civil discussion here, but that can't happen with so many immature responses and a torrent of downvotes. I swear, a lot of you devolve into "out of this house" mode when you see something you disagree with. And yet, these are the response that get upvoted, while the mature replies are apparently the root of all evil. 


    To tell the truth, I'm disappointed in all of you. I used to hold some of you in high regard, but I sadly can't say I do anymore.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Voxy


      But he even said it himself that it was a sarcastic comment, so clearly it wasn't one of those "mature replies"? ?

    3. TwoToRule


      I think we might be miscommunicating and not talking about the comment I'm referring to. I won't go much further into that for reasons I'm going to explain soon in another status.

    4. Ethaniel


      My last status update was the sarcastic comment, not the one replied to you.

  15. Made an updated version of the Heaven meme template


    Had to put Alex Trebek right next to my boy Avicii. Rest in peace.

  16. Funny how there was all of this "Russia" stuff with the election when Trump won in 2016, which I guess was acceptable apparently. But now that Biden "won," election fraud is completely inconceivable, entirely impossible, and anyone who says otherwise is wrong.


    That's kinda weird. Huh.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. __Mine__


      I fail to see what's unfair about this election. It just seems to me like you can't accept the fact Trump lost.

    3. TwoToRule


      I never said it didn't. It's not impossible for both sides be wrong to a certain point, no matter what side you are on. I recognize that. I honestly don't know if the fraud is real or not. However, I really hope that so many people would vote for someone who should probably be in a nursing home rather than the White House.

    4. __Mine__


      The thing is, a good amount of people likely voted Biden not because they wanted him in, but because they wanted Trump out.

  17. Same Java, with cape

  18. I'm losing faith in the userbase of this website

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Voxy
    3. Ethaniel


      You're late to the party.

    4. TwoToRule


      It's kind of been a continuous process, really. One cannot truly say when it began.

  19.  apparently one of the songs in Super Smash Bros for Minecraft was arranged by the composer of the Dark Souls soundtrack


    what timeline is this

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