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Cybernetic Cinema

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Status Updates posted by Cybernetic Cinema

  1. Time is so limited now adays X.x I can barely even come up with a good animation idea and this capstone deadline is SOO close! But since I can't work on it during break I might as well make a few animations. Hopefully a good channel trailer! I wonder how everyone else is doing...

    1. Shayzis



    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Thanks Chaukeke, Merry Christmas to you too! :3

  2. I just realized I posted in the wrong section... crap.

    1. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      I hope posting in another section while hiding the first post doesn't count as dup topics

  3. It has been a while since I came here xD But to update, I haven't gotten a chance to work on my Blender animation in a while. That  being so, it doesn't mean I was doing nothing :3 I am almost done with my second project in SFM and I can't WAIT to show you guys! Hopefully I don't get lazy enough to  come up with a new intro as well.  Wish me luck guys! 

  4. Oh man! I can't believe I am saying this but SFM is awesome! Although the graph editor scares me sometimes (As in I can't really see what I ma doing) you guys should try this. Don't worry I  am still doing the blender animation too if anyone remembers me saying that but I don't have access to my files right now. Oh and I am also still doing the collab too as well as the animation in SFM... I should have learned this stuff years ago xD 

    1. crustyjpeg


      Oh!  I use SFM too!

      Still trying to get the hang of it though.

  5. I feel so free in Blender! Plan on making a small spoiler soon.

  6. Click on this for a SWEET dropkick!


  7. Woot, finally decided on my new profile pic and logo! It's looking waayyy better than before.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. lou3d
    3. Zeno


      Looks cool. Too much bevel layer style for my tastes, but still.

    4. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Very understandable! But I like experimenting. and I am going to be honest, I have a whole bunch of other versions X.x I was overthinking it so I just chose this one.

  8. Check out this sweet TAKEDOWN!!!


    1. Shayzis


      My new years resolutions are always getting the next grade. I've done nice so far ! :D

  9. Right after I finish this collab I am uninstalling Mineimator, and instead going to try my hand with SFM and Blender. I am not saying I will leave these forums. All I am saying is that I want to grow, and being 17 I have to make a choice. To advance, or crumble. Wish me luck and I hope my content will be even better to you guys!

    1. Ethaniel


      You sound like you were trying to make it sound emotional. 

      "Lol Im not using mine-imator anymore but Ill stick around here lol"

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Ew, anime moments xd... *Shudder*

  10. Hey check out the new wallpaper I made! I am positive you won't be disappointed! 


  11. I wonder, as far as profiles go, does a good amount of people know me and what I do? Or am I just another noob?

    1. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      not noob, but pretty well known i think. i donno.

  12. Rule of thumb to follow: it doesn't matter how long it takes you to do. All that matters is how well you do it. Even if it takes hours, days, and months. Practice, is key.  Because if you don't practice, then those hours/days/months could very well have been wasted. 


    That's what I get for trying to make a scary wallpaper x.x 

    1. Emaniplex


      Practicing for months is fine, but making an imperfect product in a reasonable amount of time is way better than shooting too high, not getting it done, and abandoning it after nearly a year.

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Makes sense, thanks for the input mate :3

  13. 3 people online, man that's the lowest number I have seen on these forums O-o

  14. Welp, didn't realize there were more rules in the forum discussion about sigs X.x

  15. Supah, actually isn't as bad as I thought :l Click dis for vid:


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Eh, I liked the first half alot. The end did start to get a bit weird but I wouldn't call the video bad

    3. Ethaniel


      Oh, the animation is fine, just cringy.

    4. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Okay Ethan xD I didn't expect another answer from you anyways, tis the way you are. You be you man :3

  16. I think my images may be a bit too big X.x Eh, that's a morning problem.

  17. I am so disorganized on things to do O-o Better start making a list...

    1. Emaniplex


      That's a wise decision.

  18. You have a cool 2d walk cycle going on there! Nice :3

    1. SB7989


      Thanks, my dude :y

  19. Guess while I wait, I can start fixing my terrible cover art

  20. Okay so would it be wise to make teasers and a trailer, or should I just post the example for the collab along with the rules?

    1. Sebablixa


      Why not both.

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      Well I can do both but I was just wondering as I already made the example. I mean I guess I can post the collab rules and example first and work on the trailer later.

    3. Sebablixa
  21. Heck it could even be a little animated forum game, I don't care just help me get active X.x

    1. Chickenk122


      just make a collab or sumthin

    2. Cybernetic Cinema

      Cybernetic Cinema

      A collab... Welp, I guess it's time then.

  22. QUICK! Summer break just started and I want to do as much as I can until I sleep! Give me an animation idea!!

  23. Just in case you missed it...
    Please try my game X.x

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