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Everything posted by MojangYang

  1. I can see that. Not what I'm talking about though. I'm asking you to not revive ancient topics.
  2. Don't reply to or comment on anything months old.
  3. My eyes are still on you guys. Now, post quality contents.

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Always Has Been.

  4. Time to be the new ian

    1. Ghatos


      step 1) disagree with everyone

  5. This is not an issue or bug in MI. Head into the item's properties and change its scale
  6. You can't, you have to upload it to imgur and embed the link
  7. just close it I guess? Also this should be in mine imator help not forum discussion, just so you know
  8. rip none of them shows up for me Edit: they do now
  9. Did you just slap a cube/surface on there? Because there is really nothing new about it. It's the simplest way and not usually a good looking way to rig a mouth.
  10. The forum's dying smh

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. FredMCGamer


      We must have hopes, we cannot give up yet!

      must. . .think. . . about. . . sensible. . . haircuts!



      The forum's isn't going to die anytime soon...

    4. FredMCGamer


      We are going to live forever!

  11. I see nothing bullcrap about it. This has been suggested multiple times. Just because there isn't a feature that people would rarely use doesn't make anything "bullcrap". The only bullcrap I see is cbr's rant. I mean... Don't ping every member of the mi team, and use proper english.
  12. 3D Pie Model Incident

    1. insanehelix7076


      I was there a few weeks ago

    2. Aq imator

      Aq imator

      plz don't stalk me pllzzzzzzzzzz

    3. soniccraft
  13. He isn't taking skin making requests, he is taking "make a rig using my skin" requests. If I understood ypu correctly.
  14. Can't the welcome and dev updates thingys at the top of the page be side by side to save space?

    Edit: Ah there we go. looks better

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. FredMCGamer
    3. soniccraft


       :steve_joyous:haven't  replaced the emojis yet

    4. Voxy


      The script that handles Headlines only loads once the entire page is finished loading, so it may take a while for things to be put into place especially if you have a slower device or connection!

  15. I'm starting a "top worst pfps" competition

    Gonna spend a few days observing

    1. Spontaneous Explosions
    2. insanehelix7076


      Animations are cool. You lose.

      imma change my pfp. Brb!

    3. insanehelix7076


      And now im definitely winning.

  16. Don't microwave your phone.

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Yes,I'll Cooke my Wonderful Potato Laptop.

      So I can eat Potato.


      Just Jokin...

    2. Zyn


      too late..

  17. .json models are supported
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