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Cryptic Runner

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Everything posted by Cryptic Runner

  1. ..that's not how retro art works but ok
  2. eye shine is manual you can bend the eyebrows and scale the eyes down though....
  3. i've already used that rig (only the mouth) on my latest wallpaper tho lol
  4. you can keyframe the image effects though
  5. Original rig by SKIBBZ: Basically, this is SFR but with fangs and more glinty eyes. Here's a lazy example (with eyes removed) of the face rig. The fangs can be disabled by just making them invisible. I also have added a glint to the eyes, which can be used for a light reflection effect thing, or just for cosmetic/cute purposes. The eyes have a more glinty texture and can still be colored, and things like the eyebrows can be colored too (like the original SKIBBZ rig) Update: I have added 2 pixel tall eye textures, i have updated the download to have them included. Setting up the face rig is just as usual, put the mouth, eyes etc in the head of your character. I have also included furry face things like "OwO" and "TwT" eyes and mouths because why not. By the way, no need to credit at all, but credit is still appreciated. Here's the download: Download
  6. should i make a battlefield music matchup?

  7. decent enough for your first rig
  8. that visible edge of the map is making my ears shake reeeeeeee
  9. because i did a post where i requested skins to put in that wallpaper that's why
  10. Here's a small tip to get better at making wallpapers: Only use spot lights. (Point lights for some reason are glitchy, laggy and unsophisticated and they can't give you the edge light effect.)

    1. BaconSandwich


      Yeah I found out how laggy they were the other day setting up the scene for a CaptainSparklez fanimation but I gotta use them for torches...

      EDIT: Also, it's weird how long i went without using any point lights, I guess I just stopped finding them useful.

  11. don't worry, i might make another post that is also for skins for a deca city wallpaper
  12. People featured: @Jake_28 @Cubic Ralsei @MineRig @Red @CutieTheCat666 and Aluwyn (who isn't on the mine imator forums)
  13. just send your skin here and you'll be in my next deca city wallpaper (i just don't have anyone to put in my wallpaper except faceless cops and steve recolors)
  14. you can't just use the same camera and use instant transitions? i never use multiple cameras except for screens etc
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