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Cryptic Runner

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Status Updates posted by Cryptic Runner

  1. finished the donut image render! 


    pretty proud of how it looks, it looks nearly like real life

  2. finally finished the donut in the donut tutorial

    it's only been 8 years that i've been trying to use blender after all



    (no this isn't the new stuff i've been teasing don't worry)

    1. FredMCGamer


      Looking tasty!

      Keep up dem blendin!

    2. Draco63


      I should probably do that too, actually. I've just been fixing all the problems I have with blender with google searches, but the donut tutorial is an infinitely better solution.

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      yeah i'm getting really familiar with blender with the donut tutorial. 8 years of being clueless on how to use blender, and a single playlist finally finished that streak. i'm gonna use blender to mostly do models and maybe animations for my game projects

  3. i'm currently moving so i'm staying at a hotel (which looks extremely out of place in my city due to it's modern architecture and RTX tech demo polished surfaces)

    new stuff coming out soon though, stay tuned

  4. quick MI suggestion: taskbar icon progress bar

  5. started playing far cry 6. it's pretty amazing, i'm having a blast even at the intro

  6. it's my birthday and i am at the risk of getting beaten up today, yay

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. animation dude 888
    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      breaking news: i did not get beaten up

      as for context, last friday there was some pretty violent drama that happened at school. i won't go much into it, but that might give you a vague idea

    4. animation dude 888
  7. i started listening to sonic game soundtracks again and oh my god they're bangers that i missed out on for 3 years straight

  8. i am currently making the most ambitious crossover ever

  9. i really like windows 11, apart from some sliiiight issues like the start menu being vastly different, installing taking a while and slight delays that were already in windows 10. it's pretty good overall though, performance increased in some games, all programs work properly, many UI redesigns are extremely welcome (media player thing isn't on the top left corner and is instead on the bottom right corner and only shows up when it actually needs to) and sometimes there are improvements with sound and visual quality in games somehow. 

    and yes, you'll keep everything you had before. some games had their graphics settings reset, but other than that it's fine.

    1. niam


      Average Windows 8.1 enjoyer


  10. school is such an awful place that if you vomit you're lucky

  11. deltarune chapter 2 is really good. the wait was worth it and i do not regret my decision of playing indie games more than AAA games

    1. Draco63


      I just started it this morning, and I'm already shocked by how much of an improvement it is over the first chapter. Like, chapter 1 was good, but it's amazing to see just how much Toby Fox's skill increased during the development of chapter 2.

    2. Draco63


      Also, for once I can actually play something Undertale-related completely spoiler-free. Yay!

    3. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      i finished it. it's really good overall and really fun (and hilarious)

  12. 80's music: try not overusing synth and (potentially nonsensical) lyrics that sound really cool challenge (impossible)

  13. cyberpunk is much better now. it still has it's issues, but it's much less buggy at the very least. it's even better when you install mods.

    1. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      build atlas up liek a house of card liek the wars of the world liek a bully in the yard

    2. Cryptic Runner
  14. it's sad to see so many game companies sacrifice themselves for money by releasing buggy games (particularly ambitious open world games). even rockstar fell into that rabbit hole. i think i'm going to start playing more indie games

    1. Draco63


      Seems like a good decision.

    2. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      dissapointed to rockstar :facepalm:

  15. antivaxxers: try having common sense challenge (impossible)

    1. Ghatos


      "instead of using vaccines, we should inject people with a weaker version of the virus so their body can develop an immunity"

      Saw that from a reddit screenshot

  16. videogame characters: try not having a weird jumping animation challenge (impossible)

    1. An Engie Main

      An Engie Main

      *laughs in mario*

    2. LacaMenDRY


      GTA5 is the most Dynamic Jumping Animations.

  17. the amount of detail put into jetpack joyride is actually impressive sometimes



      Built Atlas up like a house of cards like the wars of the world like a bully in the yard

  18. i watched airplane yesterday. very hilarious and fun movie

  19. mine imator crashes when i try exporting an mp4...

    i will still resist using blender despite that

    1. crustyjpeg


      i would advise against resisting blender tbh

    2. Draco63


      I would as well.


  20. yooo gta 6 gameplay just dropped 



    aka i'm actually working on an animation for once 


  21. i'm really optimistic about the steamdeck, however the only issue i'll have would be storage space (rockstar games exist) and comfort. the XYBA buttons and the D-PAD look like they were placed in the worst place humanly imaginable

  22. the lack of surfing features in open world games set in coastal areas is extremely infuriating

  23. watch dogs legion bloodline is much better than the original game. everything from the story to the gameplay is what the game should've been

  24. i watched luca today and it was pretty good, much better than raya.

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