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Everything posted by Sticknub

  1. You wanna embed your gifs, mate? Allow me to show you how with a step by step tutorial. So, I'm pretty sure you know how to render your minecraft animation... just save it as an mp4 1. Next, go here: https://www.zamzar.com/convert/mp4-to-gif/ 2. Click on Choose Files in Step 1. Then choose your mp4 file This will make it more visible. Step 3. Click on convert files to: under Step two, select .gif 4. Next, enter your email address properly and correctly. 5. Click on convert under Step 4. 6. Now, go ahead and check your email. You'll most likely find their email, in which they sent the .gif file in. And if they did, click on he download link sent by this website. 7. Once the gif is downloaded, you now have it. 8. There's this website called file resizer if you need it to make your gif your avatar. http://gifmaker.me/resizer/ 9. You might need to upload your gif to imgur. 10. Now right click on the gif you just uploaded to imgur, and instead of click copy link, go ahead and right click it. Now, click open image in new tab. 11. Then, once you're at your gif's google images sight, (in the view image button, of course) copy THAT code and paste into your new topic. 12. Hopefully this helped. Goodbye, friend.
  2. This isn't entertaining. I don't know with everyone's deal is with the 'MGB' stuff. I prefer comedy skits, but, this animation isn't too shabby.
  3. What a faithful story. Let's see, hmmmm... *searches body for scars* Oh, here's one on my butt. I remember how I got this one, it's a funny story, actually. It first begins when I was adventuring in a deep dark forest, for no apparent reason. After hours, I finally found sight of the end. There was a mountain nearby the end, so I decided to climb that. (I know, I'm an idiot.) Later, night crept among my back. Then, all I remember, is seeing a green face. I immediately turned the other direction. Now, I was facing the cliffside of the mountain. Just before I could back-kick the zombie in the private part, he shoved me off the cliff. I was sent falling down, down , down, nearly to my death. I landed on my butt, on a sharp rock pointing in the air. I somehow survived, I don't know. There was lots and lots of blood for about a week, and by then I'd finally gathered the materials to make a band-aid. I finally crafted it and stuck it onto my rear-end scar. Yep, that's my story.
  4. ............................................................................. I see, lots more improvement.
  5. Awesome rig, mate! Only suggestion is, maybe add grass.
  6. No offense, but all of the could use LOTS of improvement...
  7. Really nice animation, the only few things I can think of to improve, is adding more render options, such as time, SAO radius, blur and power, custom sun color, fog if needed, shadow blur and size amount, and the ambient color. And then, maybe extend swinging animations and add transitions where there's none.
  8. Wow, how original. Okay, other than the fact it's a ripoff, it could use some better rendering, and maybe add some transitions to the animations, so that it seems more natural. Hopefully this doesn't hurt your feelings, just some solid advice and criticism . Hopefully this helps,
  9. This is amazing animation, what program did ya use?
  10. Nice work! Beautiful, lucid animation. Very smooth, and a cool short. Also, I must say, it's kinda obvious that this is much better than I could ever do, so I might look up to you as another animator-idol. I'd like to become as successful as you, my... fellow user...? Yeah, I'm an idiot by the way.
  11. Not tooooo shabby, but... What does this tell us besides it's gonna be about a Steve with a sword? Please don't murder me, but the end part looks a bit... awkward. Mainly 'cuz his arms are moving in which a motion where it looks like he should be walking, while his legs are nervously still.
  12. Uhm... First of all, you didn't show us much about the neck. Secondly, what's the point of this? Not too bad, though.
  13. Banana Montana [ ͠° ͜ʖ °]

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Sticknub


      I actually live in Texas. ( ͠° ͜ʖ °)

    3. crustyjpeg


      tex butt is texas

    4. Sticknub
  14. I must admit, this looks pretty nice.
  15. Sticknub

    A Rig For Chirp

    Wait, what? I thought you were gonna hate on me. Well, thank you very much!
  16. Some high quality stuff!
  17. Sticknub

    A Rig For Chirp

    If you rather see something better, but still bad, I recommend you take a peak at Sorry for the advertisement. Also, thank you. I'll take what you said as a compliment 'cuz I like his rig.
  18. Nice job! 8/10, 'cuz Idk, but keep up the great work!
  19. Banana Montana. This is ugly and only took a few minutes. Ex Dee Derppp Heh.
  20. This is okay, but overall could use some more effort and work.
  21. Sticknub

    A Rig For Chirp

    xP I did that so you could get a good view of the head.
  22. Sticknub

    A Rig For Chirp

    @Chirp, my apology. I'm quite disappointed of how this came out, to be honest. But, here's what I've done. Pictures: Yeah, this is very ugly. I know you're gonna hate it. D: Also, I give up. I'm not doing it again, Oh yeah, here's the download :http://www.mediafire.com/file/cwv9bmujoejlgem/Chirp (Rig).miobject
  23. Finished, but quite disappointed on how it came out.
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