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Status Updates posted by MikTRF

  1. I suck... At sucking.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MikTRF


      I need to get better at sucking.

    3. KrisFirebolt


      Take lessons from a vacuum, train along with it as your sensei. Become insightful on nature, contemplate theoretical physics, study at collges, etc. Be the next karate kid at the miraculous science of funnels and suction. Get a degree, like a bachelors, work at Dyson industries. Be the next vacuum engineer. Be the suckiest thing alive. but just remember to enjoy life and do what you can to be the best you can be. Whether it is being a vacuum or not. :)

    4. SteveJobs
  2. Wow! School is taking up 50% of my day!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MobKiller Animations

      MobKiller Animations

      In college in my 2nd year, I did 10-14 hour days while trying to get a 2D/3D Animation Degree.

    3. KrisFirebolt


      This semester i have to take a train between two colleges because of the lack of classes i need for my degree


    4. MikTRF


      I am doing cp world history, cp biology, and cp world literature. Technically I'm taking college prep classes but there treating them as college classes. Next semester I might be taking college classes tho.

  3. I'm going to my first day of school since 5 years ago! It's kinda stressful, not gonna lie. Anyway see you guys after 3 pm!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      Good luck! :) 

    3. MikTRF


      That was fun, I had to 100% power of my phone, @EnderSculptor mountain time.

    4. crustyjpeg


      oh hey

      that's my timezone

  4. I'm going to a chiropractor for the first time, wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Floofy
    3. MikTRF


      Ok it's over now, that was faster than expected...

    4. Rollo


      Ah, I had the same problem one time. We didn't bother going to a chiropractor and I ended up being stuck with it for over a week.

  5. Why is the last few days of this summer so stressful? It makes no sense, maybe its cuz were going to a school instead of being homeschooled? Idk.

  6. My cat just begged for everything... Thankfully he stopped, if he hadn't I would've been going insane.

    1. Netherall Brimstone

      Netherall Brimstone

      You're lucky. My cat never stops.

  7. my parents are watching a movie called paranormal activity... uh... i'm pretty sure its a horror movie. help me plz

    1. Floofy


      yes. its a horror movie

  8. Just bought a gameboy color, yey

    1. Skjold


      Here. Have some more gameboy color

      Billedresultat for green paint

  9. Congrats! You have almost gained 100 rep in a week!

    1. 9redwoods


      ??? I’m on fire!

      thanks so much!

  10. I want to make a rig/model but idk what to make...

  11. I got new glasses today, I can almost see the individual pixels on my screen.

    1. 9redwoods



      you, sir, need to get a better computer in that case.

    2. Ian_The_One


      i also can almost see individial pixels

  12. Are any of you ppl good at anime animation? I can draw anime but I cant hand animate that stuff.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. MikTRF


      I just need it to look like the Pokemon xy anime. That might be difficult to do but idk how hard it is. If I were to show you my stuff i've made, I would be at negative rep its so bad.

    3. Extro


      Tbh, I’ve found that Minecraft and anime don’t really... mix, you know?

    4. HeYoNia


      Try buying a graphics tablet and practice with small stickmen and you can practice their movements and after you master that try putting an anime head in it without any faces after you get used to drawing anime heads add some body shapes etc and just go on

  13. Never forgetti I was deaddi in a bowl of spaghetti cuz I killed a yetti that was not readdi for the spaghetti.

  14. I've just fallen asleep by sitting around and doing nothing.

    1. MikTRF


      How does that happen?

    2. Netherall Brimstone

      Netherall Brimstone

      lol you're lucky. It's very hard for a Zweilous to completely be asleep

  15. I legitimately thought Steve was coming to smash cuz Masahiro Sakurai said that he liked Minecraft on the switch. Idk why I thought that tho.


    Unlease I'm dumb... I haven't seen the smash direct

    1. Slime


      Spoiler: Steve wasnt announced.

  16. Crap! My headphones just broke. This is really frustrating...

    1. Netherall Brimstone

      Netherall Brimstone

      Mine did too. A long time ago. But velcro fixes everything.

  17. Oooh


    Did not expect this!

    1. MikTRF


      Huh... Can't seen to make up its mind


  18. For the first time ever I'm able to stay up for as long as I can handle. Time for me to take advantage of this. Mbanders vs nimi here I come!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. MikTRF


      update: I'm really tired... lets see if i can make it past 1 am

    3. MikTRF


      update 2: I'm going to bed once this is rendered, I thought I could go till 2 am but apparently not

    4. Skjold


      Stayed up to 04:30, woke up at 13:00

      At least try to get 8 hours of sleep.

  19. I can't keep my eyes open... So ima go now kthxby.

  20. Can you give me some things to horrifingly edit in Photoshop?

    1. Netherall Brimstone

      Netherall Brimstone

      Use my profile picture.

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