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Status Updates posted by SilverVirus

  1. It's been a looooooooong time since I used Mine-Imator. I have no idea what to do

  2. It{s going to rain for a entire day where I live. #flood

  3. Jesus, merging accounts suck. My status updates are messed up and they are from last year or 2013.

    btw i ship this so hard http://pre11.deviantart.net/d9be/th/pre/i/2015/040/a/5/__gang_bonnie__bonnie_x_chica_x33_by_bonnie_wabbit-d8heipb.png

    1. Aronanners
    2. Nedia


      Ladies and gentleman, the fandom at its finest. not

    3. SilverVirus


      @Aronan Its okay. I was kind of expecting this anyway

      @Nedia Yep, its at it's finest.

  4. Looks like I'm scarred for life

    Thanks for ruining my day Internet

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. SilverVirus


      @PikaMasterzMC Lol no. My dad doesn't even know how to use one

      and I'm not referring to sexual content.

    3. Nimi


      @SilverVirus Half Life 3 de-confirmed?




    4. SilverVirus


      @PikaMasterzMC I didn't take it seriously. I get it. Anyways my ears and eyes were screwed. Brutually 

  5. Me: I haven't seen natural daylight for 12 hours!

    Friend opens up the window curtains


    Continues watching Gravity Falls

  6. My day today:
    Girl who basically is in love with me: HEY WANT TO BE MY BOYFRIEND???11?

    Me: No. I like someone else

    Girl: ooh whatcha saaaaaay

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. SilverVirus


      Why should I see you guys cry? I don't even see the point of this conversation

    3. Ocelot


      I'm just trying to show that, when it comes to love, your actions could have huge consequences you never know about.

    4. SilverVirus


      They're basically the same. Its like a loop. In fact, it is a loop.

  7. My popularity at school is slowly growing. I don't know why, maybe its because I'm the only one who speaks English fluently, or if I'm lucky

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverVirus



      I was born in the USA, but then I moved to Mexico

    3. NoHayTroblemo


      Heh, im famous for that and because im Canadian. (I also live in Mexico)

    4. SilverVirus


      @TheGodOfTrouble I myself am hispanic

  8. My profile picture describes my hobby at school :P

    1. Emaniplex


      ... Mainstream trolling?  xD

      Idk, what?

    2. SilverVirus


      Hacking into the network system without being caught.

      Their Wi-Fi sucks

    3. Emaniplex
  9. New users. New users everywhere

  10. Notice me senpai! Please notice me!!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SilverVirus



      Not my senpai xD 

      Or are you? DUN DUUUUUUUUUUUN DUN. just kidding. My senpai is in real life



    3. Crow Robot

      Crow Robot

      What am I fighting FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR

    4. Mime360 Animations

      Mime360 Animations

      I'm not your senpai, I'm your Grandpa!

  11. Now that i saw the teaser of Gravity Falls: Dipper and Mabel vs The Future, I feel quite scared. What's more, the Dimension Rift is cracked, which means Bill must have gotton to it. And the look of Stanley..

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Emaniplex


      @MustardBlock  What do you mean? Ever read a lost-episode CreepyPasta? They're always worded like this. They're somber and far too serious for a kid's show (if not just full-blown crazy like a lot are). Sheesh.

    3. MrDonoB


      warning: bl00d

      i was at an old woman's house for their garage sale, and i looked through their boxes of tapes

      i saw a vhs tape with "gravity falls episode zero" written in red marker on it

      it was strange, because gravity falls never had a zeroth episode

      i asked the woman about it and for some reason she let me take it for free and she was acting nervous and it was weird, but hey i got a free vhs tape of gravity falls

      i went home and put it in my dvd player

      the intro started playing normally, except the music was a little slower paced than normal, and everyone looked sad instead of happy

      i thought it was a bug or something an kept watching, what a horrible mistake that was

      mabel couldnt reach something from a shelf so dipper got a ladder and he tried to climb up it, but then he fell off and was dead

      and there was blood!!!

      "why are they writing this in a zeroth episode that shouldnt exist!!!" i said to myself

      then mabel looked at the screen with blood and screaming for about 24 hours until it stopped


      then it cut to soos being killed by wendy against his will

      "this is out of character and out of place" i thought to myself

      then it cut to commercials


      then it came back and the mystery shack was made of bones and blood!!

      "why>?!?!!//1!!1@!?1/!" i said to myself.


      then it cut to grunkle stan running and accidentally tripped and scraped his knee

      that was enough to scare me enough to burn the tape until it was dust

      the end

    4. SilverVirus


      @MrDonoB Looks like I'm scarred for life

  12. Out of this forum! Out of this forum!
    5N@F fans be out of this forum.

    (I'm joking, please don't sue me)

  13. Raise your hand if your a veteran

    raises hand

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. tditdatdwt


      Listen.. lol "Clyde" it's YOU ARE or YOU'RE not YOUR. Do you even English?

    3. SilverVirus


      Your confusing me:/

    4. SilverVirus


      My grammar is more better when I'm actually concentrated. Other than that, I'm too lazy to spell.

  14. Scott, why are you making Five Nights at Frooby's for infants? http://scottgames.com/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CarlHeadCrashed


      what sick man brings babies to fight

      what sick man brings babies to fight

    3. SilverVirus


      I hope its not canon. I'm actually kind of surprised Toy Fox appears in the teaser.

    4. Mime360 Animations

      Mime360 Animations

      Oh god, I'm dead


      Five Plushies at Mike's corfiermd

  15. Since yesterday, I've been losing my sanity. I keep laughing like a pyscho. I need to keep that in control. And today's the day I'm gonna ask out my crush, but if I see someone else ask her out and my sanity is really low....

    A life time of sadness and pure revenge thing with happen

    1. Emaniplex


      Nah, you're not going crazy.  ;) 

      But you need to loose some sanity to be an animator. Heh heh...

      *Eye twitch*

    2. Jar


       . . . lose

  16. So at school, I fell asleep, and my classmates pranked me. They made me look like an idiot and made me kiss a girl. When I woke up, I jumped off the window.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ethaniel


      So kissing a girl is a prank now... woo now I have an excuse to kiss her

    3. Ethaniel
    4. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      *sexy Kiss*



      this is how i imagine it

  17. So can you tell me about your virus thingy? I was doing stuff and I want to hear what happened

    1. Mooshim


      I had a Mine-Imator project that randomly went corrupt.
      I couldn't open it, so I posted it to the forums for people to try and help me.
      All who helped found that they couldn't open it, and their Mine-Imator crashed.
      Unfortunately, the error did not stop there.
      When said users tried to open Mine-Imator after that, an error message would pop up and Mine-Imator would crash.
      I posted instructions on how to fix the error shortly after people started posting about it.

      Now everyone should be clean of the 'virus', and my project has been saved.

    2. SilverVirus


      Okay. My name is ironic though...

  18. So does anyone want to blow up a mansion/play hide and seek? Join me on my server! jorgedoseMC.aternos.me

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DigitalEvorian
    3. SilverVirus


      Let me start up the server. Since people weren't joining I turned off the server for a while

      and no its not a fad hide and seek

    4. DigitalEvorian


      now it's instead "client out of date"?

      what server version is it?

  19. So I sold a wallpaper to some noob and I said it was made in Cinema 4D. It was actually made in Mine-Imator

    Easy $15 dollars right there

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ocelot


      Dishonest, but no harm caused. Also cash!

    3. Mafa Animations
    4. SilverVirus


      @Ocelot Dosh dosh dosh dosh. If I see another noob, I'll get $15 more dollars.


  20. So where is the mob creator thing that David promised?

  21. Sometimes, the worst games have the best soundtrack.

    Take Sonic 06 for an example.

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