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Everything posted by BOOMmaker

  1. I didn't miss anything. 

    1. Emaniplex



      (Eh, I was just about to do it)  :3 

    2. Sammaxbr
    3. Nimi


      But just in case- *shot*

  2. I have gotten absolutely no problems with 1.0.0 so far. No lag, no crashes... My laptop isn't even that exceptional...

    1. Ethaniel


      Mine seems fine, I had to reinstall a couple of times, the only problem I'm having is it does not save settings after it crashes for some unknown reasons

  3. Tatooine would never say that, if planets could talk. It's essentially one of the gathering places of the galaxy's malefactors and undesirables... As Obi-wan described Mos-Eisley... a "wretched hive of scum and villainy".
  4. Yeah... People have done this "C4D! But really it's Mineimator!" thing many times in the past, so I expected this...
  5. So I've been reading the Hunger Games series for the first time. I'm on the last book right now, and something struck me. The character Plutarch tells Katniss that the Capitol uses a form of control on its citizens called Panem et Circenses, which is Latin for "Bread and circuses". Plutarch explains it by saying: "The writer was saying that in return for full bellies and entertainment, his people had given up their political responsibilities and therefore their power."  And then a few sentences later: "... As long as that kept rolling in, the Capitol could control its little empire..."

    And I couldn't help but be reminded of America, and the hedonist mindset that seems to dominate our culture here. Is it possible that our government is employing this same tactic on us? Overfeeding us (as evidenced by the amount of obesity) and keeping us so fixed on entertainment and the hype of getting whatever's new (the newest technology, the newest fashion, the newest product) that we forget what others are going through around the world, and about what our government is choosing to do? An adult I was talking to the other day told me that public school isn't meant to turn out thinkers, it's meant to turn out workers, workers who pay the taxes and elect politicians to do the thinking for them. So now I can't help but wonder if he was right. Is it possible that our government is slowly doing this to us, eliminating the capacity of the new generation to think beyond what is on the surface, keeping them distracted by trivial topics, all while easing us into a more and more tyrannical government? They already tried taking our guns (under the pretense of stopping shootings. But honestly, who can believe for a moment that criminals won't break laws to get guns if they're really that set on killing people?), which would eliminate our ability to fight back if they ended up doing things that aren't good or just. It's just scary to think about, how easily a government could do this to its people, and how likely it is that they are doing that. Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Japnoo


      This should be on film theory,,, or book theory, I dunno lol, but man, that's deep.

    3. DigitalEvorian


      Hah,glad i'm a swedish viking... Or something...

    4. Frossa


      @Evorian, just apply the same dystopian properties to the politically correct, leftist socialist government of Sweden. Soon, we'll be living in a feminazi Islamic theocracy.

  6. Why are so many people here so rude to new people and those who don't have good grammar? On many topics I see that are newbies posting their rigs or animation, or even just asking for help, the majority of posts are either mocking the OP, using sarcasm against the OP in an insulting and rude way, or just people flat out saying that he sucks or is bad at using Mineimator... Then there are the JonTron videos and meme responses... And finally, the worst of it all, people encourage this behavior by liking the rude posts, adding their own rudeness to it by quoting the rude post, and then to wrap it up, they hide behind: "It's just a joke", "it's fun", or "well, it's true, and I don't believe in lying to people". Seriously. Doing this is immature and very rude... I'm honestly not surprised that the Disqus people hated us. 

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Mafa Animations

      Mafa Animations

      i still hate f@d though xD

    3. toaster1


      @Mafa Animations


      ok den :I_approve:

    4. Archon
  7. C'mon mate. This type of rudeness is getting out of hand... I know, it was just "a joke", or "the truth", but it really isn't that hard to decipher what this dude is saying, and when people respond to others like this it's just counterproductive and rude... And then everyone seems to think it's funny, from the likes these types of posts get... If you really wanted to know what he was saying, you'd ask him, not use JonTron videos... Just export the animation in a proper codec and upload it to YouTube like any other video.
  8. Okay, get the firing squads ready while the Mando'ade go and capture Jar Jar Abrams. 

    1. Archon


      I- I'm actually hyped for the next Star Wars... I think it'll do good...

  9. He gets it, guys. And Alex, quoting someone else without adding anything to it doesn't accomplish anything... and you haven't said anything on this post that hadn't already been said. Only one person needs to say the "no pics, no clicks thing" on a post if it's needed, and that person only needs to do it once. You (referring to anyone reading this) don't help anything by hammering someone with the "no pics, no clicks" phrase.
  10. But we are not successfully meeting aliens and we're not going to a different 'country', as it were. For us it is 'the Sun', and 'the Moon', and if we did meet aliens, first off, there'd be the issue of languages dividing us. Then the aliens could be hostile. And bro... How hard would it be for us to say 'our sun' or 'our moon' for their convenience when we're around the aliens? I can see your point, but it's only valid if we do have contact with aliens, which we don't.
  11. Because it's "The Sun" and "The Moon" to us? Plus, that originated before humans even knew about the other stars being as large and even larger than the sun. Our sun and our moon are what are most relevant to us, and therefore we hold them higher than those things that are further away... That's like saying we shouldn't call our rulers "The President" because there are other presidents and rulers in the world besides our own...
  12. Anyone watch this as a younger child? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECYWHaQUKNY

    1. BOOMmaker


      @blockerlocker: A show from the 90s about two adults from a neighborhood (I assume they're babysitters or something like that) who build a huge house made out of moving boxes (that they paint and everything) where they have the neighborhood kids over to play games, do crafts, sing songs, and solve problems.

  13. You can find an AK-47 rig here, though I don't think there's a Dragunov yet. http://www.mineimatorforums.com/index.php?/topic/6825-mine-imator-armory-last-update-5262015/
  14. Who is the guy wearing a garbage bag supposed to be...? I know the one I quoted doesn't.
  15. You know, I'd like Minecraft servers a lot better if they were just vanilla and on Survival. No plug-ins, no cheat codes, no claiming land or locking chests. No back-ups either. If griefers strike, deal with it and rebuild. It would be a lot more fun.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. EpicJ


      Just search for 'minecraft vanilla survival server' in google.

    3. ÜberKiller


      Usually that's a PVP server, where all of those exist. Plug-ins are questionable however.

  16. Kirov Airship: http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/kirov-airship-red-alert-3/
  17. Hmm... I have found that shaving one's eyebrows isn't a good idea. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BOOMmaker


      xD I just told my friend, and I think he's done talking to me for a little while. I have bald spots throughout my eyebrows now. 

    3. Penecho
    4. Ocelot
  18. Okay, I don't know why, but this had me amused to the point where I was smiling (I don't laugh out loud very easily).
  19. Nice man! Looked great! The only thing I'd really suggest is work on your lighting for the Nether a bit.
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