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Everything posted by Draco63

  1. @tutibrave Please stop downvoting people, it's pretty obvious that we're joking, considering that this is an april fools' post.
  2. AUGH, my EYES!alkdvh ;akjhv THIS IS JUUST SOOOOO BAD!!! I HAET IT!!!!!!! UR BAD! GO AWAe! I HOPE U DY OF DETH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!! also rain looks fake
  3. Wow. In the latest snapshot, Mojang fixed the bug of the end portal not rendering from the bottom. That issue has been in the game since the end was added. Gj, Mojang!

    1. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      that is actually incredible for a company like mojang to fix that

    2. Draco63


      yeah lol I thought it had slipped off their radar completely

  4. I have barely started watching this and I already love it. I especially love how the snickers image is on one of those fake transparent backgrounds XD
  5. You'd better be joking. You know how he just said how the community on here was bad? Don't prove him right. @JDButter Animations Btw, what exactly caused you to view this community as a "trash-fire?" I'm genuinely curious, I haven't really had many overly-negative interactions on here.
  6. My most anticipated holiday right now is april fools, because we get a special snapshot that day!

    1. MojangYang


      woah its been another 2 years?

      Feels like only yesterday when they released mc3d and the weird multi dimensions one

    2. Draco63


      Yeah :|

      It really hurts my brain.

    3. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      haha time to rickroll people

      pranking people on april 1st=no
      rickrolling people on april 1st=yes


      y'all must search never gonna give you up on google so it was trending

  7. This is great! I love how you even added volumetric lighting on the nether portal, really nice touch!
  8. The animation isn't bad, but it's a bit overedited. And yeah, as @Ethaniel said, it's too generic. Also, Minecraft YouTube intros are kinda cringey.
  9. There might be some roundabout way of doing it. Hold on, I'll go check. Edit: nope, nvm. Sorry.
  10. Hey, that's not bad! Could do with some glow effects, though.
  11. Simple: he makes the kind of trash content the internet loves (because the internet is full of idiots.) Clickbait thumbnails, quantity-over-quality, and a whole lot of Minecraft girls with huge breasts. (Because the internet is full of perverts, too.)
  12. Hey hey hey, about to be at 500 rep!

    1. MojangYang


      You already are at exactly 500

    2. MojangYang


      Oh no I accidentally ruined it

    3. EnderFrameStudios TM
  13. I've started playing the first chapter of Deltarune, because it's free, I needed more Undertale, and I just couldn't bring myself to reset and do another playthrough of the original game.

    1. Draco63


      Speaking of which, I feel like since I've become a fan of Undertale, I'm sort of obligated to make something about it in MI and post it here, but I just can't think of anything.

      You people are probably getting tired of me talking about this XD

    2. EnderFrameStudios TM

      EnderFrameStudios TM

      im not sure about everyone else but i think it would be cool for you to make something undertale, heck, i even have an undyne rig you could use, just tell me if you need it.

  14. I love the last bit. You do a great job of making your tutorials entertaining XD
  15. People are always arguing over whether XBox or Playstation consoles are better, but Nintendo Switch exceeds all of them. Not because of graphics, but because it can be used as any kind of console: handheld, portable with a controller, connected to TV with a controller, splitscreen, or with multiple controllers. Heck, with those kits Nintendo is selling, it can even be used as a VR headset.

    Also, while the graphics aren't that great relatively speaking, until I get a gaming pc, my Switch exceeds the graphical processing power of all the computers in my house. (Combined. XD)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Draco63


      Not necessarily what? No sarcasm, I genuinely can't tell.

    3. MojangYang


      I was just saying that the switch may not be that powerful and Maybe just a tiny bit overpriced idk

    4. Draco63


      I already said it wasn't that powerful. But it's more powerful than any of the computers in my house, considering that all those are either chromebooks or have integrated graphics.

  16. It's a joke. BTW, nobody's trying to be mean to you. (Okay, maybe one or two people are. I can't read minds.) Point is, this is kinda how the Mine-Imator community responds to newbies. Most of us are just trying to give constructive criticism so you can get better.
  17. The animation is definitely beginner-level. Needs a lot of practice.
  18. The new snapshot looks awesome! :D It seems like Mojang really took the fanbase's feedback seriously this time around. They added deepslate variants of the ores that can't naturally generate in deepslate, they fixed the ore texture inconsistencies, and they made the iron ore look better. I also like that they made cobbled deepslate more unique and made the deepslate top texture more consistent with the sides.

    Lush caves look pretty cool too.

  19. Hey


    You're almost at Voxy's perfect number

  20. What are the landmasses made of? Items? Actual schematics?
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