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Just Philip

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Everything posted by Just Philip

  1. I had motivation and as soon as I got it I instantly lost it. how great.

    life is just totally the best

  2. Porter Robinson?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      For sure Porter Robinson.

    3. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      ""Got it" - porter robinson" - Porter Robinson

    4. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      worlds intensifies

  3. You're sitting comfortable in you chair, monitoring the weather and listening to music with a cup of coffee in your hand. You decide to radio the other radio stations in the area and make sure that they are doing okay. You radio one of your close friends, Jake. He doesn't pick up. You radio him again, and this time he does pick up. You and him have a chat for a minute and you both make sure that everything is going okay for both of you. You put the radio back down, and go back to monitoring the weather. As you take the final sip of coffee, you hear beeping on the radar next to the weather monitor, and look at it. It's picking up something that has a short width, but very long body. You knew it was just the military submarines that pass by the area in the waters.  They always pass by this area, but you never know why. You quickly pick up another signal, but this time, it's in the shape of a flat sphere. It's like a disc, but it's bigger than the sub. You keep an eye on it for a bit, but after 30 minutes, you hear a faint but slightly loud explosion outside and you check the radar to see the sub is gone. It just disappeared off of the radar, but the disc shaped object is still there. Worried the explosion caused a landslide, you radio your friend again and ask if everything is okay. He says he's fine, but asks what that loud boom was about. You tell him you don't know. You look back at the radar and see the disc shaped object is gone as well. You tell Jake that you'll talk to him later. You put the radio up and keep a close eye on the radar. You have a strange feeling that something isn't right.

  4. The sound of an alarm clock going off was finally enough to get you out of bed. You get up and stretch, looking out your window. It's still a blizzard outside, and the thermostat says its -40 degrees. You make your way to the kitchen and pour yourself a nice hot cup of coffee. You make yourself a quick breakfast and eat it all quickly. You get up from the kitchen table and walk over to the door. There's a coat hanger with a bunch of old raggedy coats that you don't wear anymore because they are all a size too small, or not yours. You grab the only jacket that fits you, open the door, and walk out. You close the door behind you as you begin to walk to the Weather station to broadcast the weather. You finally make it to the door after almost freezing. You grab your keycard, slide it through the card reader, and the door unlocks. You open the door, walk in, and close it back. It's freezing cold in the station. Someone must've forgot to turn the heater and generator on. You walk back outside, closing the door on the way out as you walk around the back of the station. You find the gen covered in inches of snow. You clear off a small panel, and turn on some switches, and the station comes back to life. Finally, you walk back into the station, and you feel the warm air circulating through the building. You go upstairs and into the radio room. You sit down, turn the weather tracker and radio on, listening to the sounds of white noise and the howling of the wind from the blizzard as you get comfortably in your chair.

    1. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      Im gonna write more. Don't worry.

    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      I was gonna post it as an actual post, but since it doesn't show anything off besides words, I thought I should just keep it to status posts

  5. Goddamnit I watched it the first time and didn't cry but when I watched it a second time I cried. God this video is depressing. Good job on it though.
  6. "You are the Apex Champions."

    1. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      sorry ive been playing a lot of apex since I cant play save the world or creative.

  7. I just got out of surgery and this anesthesia is messing with me

  8. I need the most brutal honesty here. Rate my renders and (half stolen) rigs 1-10. Be brutally honest. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DragonPixel


      rigs 8/10

      renders 5/10

    3. HeYoNia


      Rigs 5/10

      Renders 3/10

    4. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      I like this. I like it when people are honest with me. It tells me I need to improve and work a bit harder on my renders.

  9. Thanks. That really made me feel a whole lot better about today.
  10. That's... the point. This character is a robot but with a human head. I thought that it looked good. Guess I was wrong.
  11. What do you mean by "but that head tho"?
  12. boo.PNG

    1. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      That's what is supposed to make it cute. It doesn't fit h- you know what nevermind.

    2. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      The pumpkin ate the child omg

    3. Ghatos


      *proceeds to die due to heart attack*

  13. I tried to make it a good render, but I failed in the process, so now it doesn't look that good. Anyway, that's all for now I guess. Bye.
  14. IACTest.png

    Welp. I guess this a new character I made. (You know who's robot rig it is) I still feel like I'm gonna get hate for making an OC from Hozq's rig that was meant for a different use and I just added some stuff to his rig and made this instead of using it the way the rig was intended.

    1. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      Reminds me of that one anime my sister wanted me to watch.


      Violet ever-garden I believe it’s called.

    2. Just Philip

      Just Philip

      A full render of this? I just made this to show off the character and to use it for my Discord profile picture. I guess I can make a full render, but I don't know what I'm gonna do for it.

  15. Well... It's a start. Hopefully you can get a better PC. You have potential. Don't let anyone get you down.
  16. unknown.png

    help me I did this as a test out of pure boredom and now I think it looks really good 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MojangYang
    3. Ethaniel


      Ugh those eyes

    4. OfficialCUYT


      Mans' hasn't had his refuel today so he's quite tired lol

  17. yep nothing wrong here at all ( @Hozq AMP rig)


    (I literally have no motivation anymore so I messed with the rig out of pure boredom) 

  18. ItHasArrived.png

    made this. I think its a really bad and lazily done render, but oh well.

    1. DragonPixel


      the posing is really good and the rigs are quit well done but the lighting sucks but hay what can you do but practice 

  19. Am I banned from using Mine Imator ever again?
  20. I don't care what anyone says, anything Doctor Who is an upvote in my book. Keep at it, Ludo.
  21. "Helvegen has arrived"

    1. Ian_The_One


      *Helvegen joined the game

  22. 3. Take it or leave it. Im jk. 32 or 16 works for me.
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