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Everything posted by __Mine__

  1. Not very helpful without telling them how to do so, just saying. @tutibrave I'd suggest taking a look at @LacaMenDRY's explanation above in regards to posting an image of your creation. If you're still unsure, a more in-depth explanation can be found here:
  2. Is there any chance you could message me the model? I could try taking a look at it.
  3. From what I can see there are 2 Diamond Swords, 3 Diamond Axes and 2 Arrows. Depending on critical hits, charge of Arrows and Strength effect of the other player, this would total 39 - 87.5 damage, or 19.5 - 43.75 hearts. (Bottom end of range assumes no critical hits, no Arrow charge and Weakness I effect. Top end assumes all critical hits, full Arrow charge + bonus critical damage and Strength II effect) ...in other words, he ded
  4. Not sure, I always see people making green the Impostor ;-;
  5. My Minecraft account turned 9 years old today!

    1. Ghatos


      My account is 6 years and 23 days old :c

  6. Damn, I cannot catch a break.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. __Mine__


      Long story short, I asked a question and now he hates me so much that he's going out of his way to make me look bad.

    3. Ethaniel


      That's really silly lmao 

    4. Ethaniel


      It's so much worse on mobile. 

  7. ...yeah, I honestly do not see what I've done wrong here to have offended you this much. Funnily enough, multiple other people have also criticised you in the same way, but of course you're only targeting me because you just hate me that much. Also, I literally never said that your video wouldn't get unblocked. Shockingly, that actually turned out to be from someone else, not me! Crazy, right? You're so desperate to bring me down that you're specifically picking out things that only I said (despite almost everyone else being harsher) from several months ago and now you're literally fabricating points against me. All I can say is what you are doing to me is extremely hurtful.
  8. Seriously, what is wrong with you? Why are you so determined to drive my name through the mud when I've literally done nothing wrong? I'll repeat, I have nothing against you. But you clearly have a massive grudge against me when you're going out of your way to make me look like a terrible person.
  9. You're literally making no sense whatsoever. Do you have me confused with someone else? I've literally never judged you, ever. The last time I even remember talking to you was several months ago where I'd simply asked if you were okay, because you'd had a full-on conversation with yourself on your own topic, praising your own rig, asking yourself for permission to use it, granting that permission, then being happy that you were reacting to your own rig. That confused everyone, not just me. So I honestly don't know what your problem is.
  10. Honest question, why do you put an absolute ton of line breaks in everything you say? Your posts are like three times longer than they should be because of it lol
  11. Is there any chance you could send the .mimodel? I could try taking a look at it. Also, does the log say anything about the crash?
  12. In case anyone missed it:

    If you haven't already, feel free to vote on what the next set will be!

  13. Probably not, but the name just rolls off the tongue. I make sure that each of the models have a unique feature to them, so that they aren't merely a texture-swap. That'd just be boring otherwise lol
  14. Due to the 5 URL limit, the links on my forum signature have been merged into one, which will now take you here.
    This list will update if/when more packs are created, however I'll be making a proper Megathread for these in the future.

    Here are all of the Cursed Creepers so far!

    Pack #1: Walking Storage (Also: Chibi Chest Creeper)

    Pack #2: Hot Topic

    Pack #3: Getting Pushy

    Pack #4: The Tables Have Turned... Into Creepers

    Pack #5: Musical Companions!

    Pack #6: Let's Face It

    Pack #7: Invalid Ssssssyntax

    Coming soon: Lodestone & Respawn Anchor

  15. Woah! The sixth set is here! Sorry for the extremely long delay! I've had a lot to deal with recently. ;~; This pack contains six Creepers; two Dispenser Creeper variants, two Dropper Creeper variants and two Observer Creeper variants. The Dispenser Creeper and Dropper Creeper have a hidden door on top of their heads that can be opened by rotating the "Top Door" part on the X axis. The pulse on the back of the Observer Creeper's head can be toggled on or off using the "Active" part. Download them here! If used, credit is appreciated!
  16. Not sure why you're all taking @Voxy seriously here, he was making a harmless joke lol
  17. Imagine being so against one thing not precisely being in the Minecraft style that you bash on the work to the point of making the creator feel terrible and regret posting it, while additionally mass-downvoting everyone who even dares to disagree with your harshness. No wonder people consider this community to be toxic. Hope you're real proud of yourselves.
  18. I've never seen either of you being this against a rig/model of this style before, despite hundreds of them existing. Some of which are much worse than this one. You're acting like he made it out of cylinders or something. Calm down. EDIT: Thanks for all the downvotes, you two... guess that's what I deserve for having another incorrect opinion, huh.
  19. It really feels like you're nit-picking here, if I'm honest. I see nothing wrong with the model.
  20. I've since deleted my previous comment as I realise it was totally unconstructive and too harsh, and for that I can only apologise. However, I still stand by my point that you really need to handle criticism better, regardless of whether you want it or not. While a lot of others here were definitely way too harsh and forceful now that I look back at the comments, your handling of them was not much better, calling people "entitled" and "biased" for disagreeing with your style. I am not entitled. Far from it, in fact. Name-calling, whether it be from you or from others, is not civil, accomplishes nothing and just allows the whole situation to spiral out of control like it has done now. Also, none of the criticism is "targeted" in the slightest. If this exact same model were made by literally anyone else, whether they be popular or controversial, multi-thousand-repped or in the negatives, it would receive the exact same criticism. It has nothing to do with the fact you made it. I get that it's nothing more than a hobby and that everyone is entitled to their own styles and opinions, but just realise that although they have different (and sometimes downright terrible) ways of showing it, everyone here is only trying to help. For one thing, if someone is suggesting you change something about your model, kindly thank them for the feedback while explaining why you prefer your own style over their suggestion, then leave it at that. If they argue with your reasoning, they are the one in the wrong for not respecting your preferences, but if you then argue back, you are opening yourself up to also being in the wrong alongside them. Two wrongs don't make a right. You don't absolutely have to retaliate every single time someone disagrees with you, and likewise, everyone else should not retaliate back if you disagree with them, because that is exactly how situations like this happen. A simple disagreement or two quickly turns into name-calling and insults, and achieves nothing but hurt feelings for everyone involved. So I've admitted some wrongdoing on my end and apologised, now it's time for you to do the same. We all started off being neutral and civil towards each other. So let's just end this here, forget this all happened and all go back to being nice to each other, shall we? Grudges suck.
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