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Everything posted by jakubg1

  1. Then why did you quote my message? Wait, I'm lost and disoriented now. Quitting this discussion to not spam anymore.
  2. You still don't need to refresh the page. You have a "show reply" link...
  3. They're already updating. You don't need to refresh the page to see new notifications. Edit: Bacon was first. Please someone from staff, delete also this post.
  4. . Please someone from staff to delete this post... I've probably broke the rule so I want to delete it, but there's no option for that.
  5. ... I'm from Poland... Poland is not Czech Republic. (however, they're similiar countries)
  6. Read the last line below my profile picture and you'll know the answer.
  7. I'm a new developer of the biggest Polish train simulator!

  8. That was suggested before and it's probably impossible in Mine-imator.
  9. Every schematic part that is turned into a movable object is treated by Mine-imator as a body part, therefore you can't delete or move them in the timeline. I dunno if there will be ever any solution for that issue.
  10. Italic characters are looking different than normal ones. Tilting the text internally would be nearly impossible in GameMaker.
  11. 1. It'd be inefficient because in major amount of fonts small letters (like "a") are changing their shape: a a 2. https://www.files-conversion.com/font-converter.php
  12. Something is not working for me. It says: file?downloadToken=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhb instead of a wallpaper.
  13. I'm not animating facial expressions yet. Posting this animation, I was mainly focusing on the teleport itself. However, the second tip was helpful Thanks!
  14. Remember to quote the person you're replying to.
  15. Cool wallpaper idea, but putting some scenery would make the contrast more noticeable.
  16. Do you mean the animation should be better or is better? If should be better, what should be fixed here?
  17. No description. It's a part of the collab animation I'm doing. Sorry for bad quality ? Criticism is appreciated.
  18. In the 1st and 2nd image, I see the end of the scenery. My idea for the title: "A House of Mysteries".
  19. So thin can... I think the character either drinks air or is drinking through his nose.
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