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Everything posted by Ghatos

  1. Isn't Mine-imator already in 64 bits? Also it would take way too long to redo the whole software in another engine.
  2. Nice model, although the upper teeths should be moved fowards so they don't collide with the lower teeths when the shark close his jaw. Also, the lower left and lower right teeths should be aligned. Finally, the shark on the last picture is invisible when under water. To fix this, decrease the shark's render depth.
  3. Il y a des Français dans la communauté, mais un serveur discord Mine-Imator francophone, pas sûr... Et je ne peux pas en créer un non-plus, j'aurais jamais le temps de le modérer avec tout les cours que j'ai ?
  4. like what Mine said, download DirectX: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?DisplayLang=en&id=35
  5. The wallpaper looks really great! I was asking because you answered to your own post saying it was fantastic
  6. Man CHILL, we're not judging you, we just asked why you wrote like that, no need to get defensive. __Mine__ didn't insulted you, or disrespected you, or anything close of that, he litteraly just asked why you put that many lines breaks, nothing more, nothing less. Now, about your idea: What you want is being able to parent the reflection camera to the main camera, but in a way that makes the reflection cam rotates in the opposite way on some axes. Which I think is a good idea, but we should be able to do that with any objects. Let me explain: My idea is an option for an object parented to another one to copy the rotation of only certain axes, and also being able to set how much the object will rotate compared to the parent: This object copies only the Y and Z rotation of his parent, and theses rotations are multiplied by the multiplicators, so: If the parent moves on Y + 20, then the child moves that way: Y + 20 * (-1), so basically, it moves in the opposite direction (-20) And if the parent moves on Z + 20, then the child moves this way: Z + 20 * 2.5, so it moves 2.5 times further than the parent (+50) I hope it wasn't too confusing lol
  7. Don't smoke wither roses, kids!
  8. A water effect? You mean water particles? here's a tutorial for that: And to make a gate of hell, you can import one from one of your minecraft worlds (if you build one in it, of course).
  9. You have to DM a moderator for that. Also, don't pin Nimi if you have a problem, just ask your question and a user will respond to you.
  10. Me and the boys at 2AM looking for ฿Ɇ₳₦₴
  11. I didn't liked your cut g enough which is why I'm not in this picture
  12. Well, as long as you don't sell your model it's fine. No needs to give credits, just don't sell your model.
  13. Ghatos


    That's a lot of feathers
  14. Ghatos

    Zoomed Out!

    Zoomed out? what do you mean by "zoomed out"? if you don't know how to move the work camera (or any camera, the controls are the same): - hold the right mouse button to move the camera, and while hodling it, use the WASD or ZQSD keys to move it, like in a FPS game - hold the left mouse button to rotate the camera around the (0, 0) coordinates
  15. If I remember well, it's not possible due to dll files not existing on mac
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