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Everything posted by Red

  1. So we're stuck with the pinch bending? Why not add that in as another option, like sharp and smooth joint bending is?
  2. One thing though, I've never really liked the pinching bends. It looks a bit off and weird, other then that it's pretty great though!
  3. Red


    nO pIcS nO cLIcKS
  4. If you're talking about these circles ^^^ Then it's going to be under the rotations tab. Just click it to open and then they should be back.
  5. This feels kinda nostalgic, it reminds me of the old minecraft. you're holding a torch, there's a bunch of different mobs, in a cobblestone building, and the lighting's poor. all of those combined gives me that feeling. nice job. I miss old minecraft ;-;
  6. It's a bit too slow, when the roblox dude got shot he didn't react at all, and when he died he should have fallen backwards.
  7. Red

    HUD Rig

    Yeah, you're right. I can also see how you can get fed up with it. It's all I've been seeing lately.
  8. Red

    HUD Rig

    URGENT if you're not freaking out about net neutrality, then you're not paying attention
  9. You mean like for free? That's a hell of a lot of work to do without getting paid.
  10. I'm not quite sure how that would work out for the keyframing. I assume you want the two people to see each other animate, so they can work more effectively, but you wouldn't be able to see what they're doing if you're working on separate timelines.
  11. Oh, i looked into it. his glasses are a transparent texture and the render depth just glitched
  12. I didn't, where exactly is he?
  13. @Colonel Muffin you're up. Download
  14. I'll be after @TheXKing360
  15. The fire kinda looks a bit unnatural because it moves so fast.
  16. Definitely an improvement, but they still look a bit off and broken. Unless that was your intention, maybe make them both come into place at the same time, instead of one after the other.
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