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Posts posted by CraftyFoxe

  1. Does anyone know how to smoothen the transition between a linear motion and a spline? Basically I want it going a constant speed at first, but then slow down suddenly, but it just looks jerky


    I think maybe overlapping will help, but I actually can't get it right.


    Nevermind, I think I figured it out. You have to line up the keyframes with the bottom and just put a ease out keyframe on the folder

  2. 1 hour ago, pilyglot said:

    Overall it looks good to me; the animation of the train and such look natural, and the way the car kind of bounces down a little when it stops is a nice detail. I also like the use of camera angles to highlight what is happening.

    The only things I noticed that were kinda off (and obviously I'm not an animation expert) were the tint of the car windshield (windshields aren't usually that dark, and it obscures the character somewhat) and the way the firemen walk; making a custom walk cycle does take some time but it's definitely worth it, and if you save the keyframes you can adapt them for use in multiple projects, and it really adds to the overall smoothness of your animation.

    But as I said, it does look nice overall; looking forward to seeing what you make next ?.

    Fair enough, I do agree probably the guy inside was a bit hard to see since its so dark and custom walk cycle is one thing I need to work on for a long time

  3. Utsunomiya.png

    Alright I listened to your advice changed some things. Made the edge more foggy, added some more buildings in the background, darkened the shadow and removed the station platform light. 

    Keep in mind this is right at the edge of the set so that's why the edge is more defined, the station platform is quite long after this part. Here's just an opening shot

  4. 5 hours ago, OzFalcon said:

    Hate is a strong word, and I really wouldn't say the people who commented were hating it :(, but it's the movement of both the vehicles and characters that need a lot of improvement to look a bit more natural and realistic. Things like clipping and the motion of these things. If I were to give advice, it'd be to just practice some more, and practice more with using folders for the vehicles, overlapping X, Y and Z movements so they have a flow to them

    Thanks for giving me feedback, I appreciate it. I do need to utilize folders a lot more. I thought I could manage without them, but if people hate it this much, it must be really bad. I wouldn't mind negative feedback as long as it gave me some sort of lesson. Last time I posted this, I got downvoted by 2 people and then a 3rd guy wrote in the comments pretty much that sucked and that was it. And one of those guys put in the effort again just came back in spite to downvote again. If that isn't hate, I don't know what is.

    There isn't a whole lot of people animating vehicles around here and I wish there was someone I can look up to, but everyone is doing characters so Idk what is considered natural for a blocky minecraft car. I agree though obvious things like clipping is def can be fixed. The worst thing I want to do is make a really unrealistic animation, so I will try better next time to practice more

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