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Everything posted by Bugleberry

  1. Bugleberry

    Metro pack

    This is awesome! Ethan get over here
  2. Like 50% of the gun rigs are Minecraft styled.
  3. Yes. And I’m a piece of garbage for spelling his name wrong.
  4. I’ve been watching the series of unfortunate events show, and all the characters are so infuriatingly unsmart it is driving me crazy.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Netherall Brimstone
    3. BOOMmaker


      I've read the first two books, and watched up until the last few episodes of the second season. My brothers love the books and the series, and while I do get annoyed with the stupidity of some of the characters, I like the witticisms. The narrator is probably my favorite part of it, and Count Olaf says some pretty amusing things. I do not like Sunny or Mr. Poe (I think that's his name) though.

    4. Bugleberry


      Some of my brothers read the books and think there really good, I myself have never read any of it. They say the TV show is a lot more true to the books though. I agree Mr. Poe is super annoying and gets frustrating because of how unsmart(yes I know that's not a word) he is. My brothers say he's even more unsmart in the TV show then he is in the books. Sunny is annoying because they always act like shes going to die, but they wont kill off a toddler in PG 13. It annoys me how smart she is, and that a ton of the people in the show knows what she's saying. 

  5. Here's something I made.

    Particles by skibbz

    And sorry can't figure out how to embed.


    1. MrPops


      looks cool ?

    2. WAZZL3


      dont post it here, post it in M.I. creations, also right click on the image and click copy, then click paste (dosnt work if ur on mac, trust me ;))

    3. Bugleberry


      Thanks @WAZZL3 for the help. Also I didn’t make it a topic, because I don’t think it’s good enough to be a topic.

  6. I edited my post to go into more detail. If it seems like I am targeting you, I am not. I was just giving some tips. Also @9redwoods I don’t think it’s a bad wallpaper, I just think it could be improved.
  7. There all so close to each other it’s just a miss match of colours. Don’t put people so close because you can’t see all the details and it’s painful to the eyes. The posing and lighting is kind of poor too. Most of the people there are hardly lit up or just rushed lighting. And the poses seem like you only looked over them at least once. It feels like this was rushed for a ton of free reputation. And do not compare yourself to other people. It’s not like that because sticky actually puts a ton of effort into his posing, you can tell just by looking at any of his wallpapers. I know you put effort into it, but a wallpaper with this much needed detail shouldn’t be finished in a day. Over all it looks like a decent wallpaper. Please note this is all just my opinion, if you’re offended I apologize.
  8. It's really sad that I put effort into this. thanks to 9redwoods for the template goodness I probably offended a huge audience Also these are super unoriginal no matter how different you make them, allems was great because he came to a whole different style. I don't know it just doesn't work as well.
  9. If you didn't see my topic this morning, here it is.

  10. Sure here’s a version of my skin. Also, it’s spelt birthday, not berfday.
  11. My best creation yet.



  12. Holy cow that was amazing! You never disappoint. I don’t really have any criticism, keep it up.
  13. Holy cow that was amazing! I loved the use of sound, the animation quality, the fluid movements, the amazing camera work, the cute little pixel art at the start, everything about it I liked. But I do have a bit of criticism. The lighting at the start is kind of poor, the walk cycle looks like there ice skating(try looking at some reference images.), the torch doesn't really look like it's glowing(there are a lot of tutorials that can help you on that.), also, like dually elemental said, try adding some fog to make it look more spooky. Over all it's an amazing high quality animation. Keep it up buddy.
  14. Well crud, can't believe I missed that. I'll fix it, thanks.
  15. I wanted to recreate the Mine-Imator loading screen, but change it around a bit. Credits to @Jake_28 and @9redwoods for the skins. Made in mine-imator and paint.net Also join my discord if you'd like: https://discord.gg/NZ4546y
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