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Everything posted by Tomoki

  1. Reemember the doors collab by minedojo and that other collab that was similar? Thats the same thing. Not ginna judge here though, do your thing, idc.
  2. Many newbies here are always asking how to post a rig. most... no all of them are posts instead of status updates. we needed that.
  3. What have I done


    with the help of a friend tho ;D

  4. You got better but not enough, still dont worry you'll get there. Now I'd suggest you use transitions (if you dont know anything about transitions I suggest asking your friends who use mine imator too. It would make your animations better and smoother i think, this is kind of slow and robotic because of it being linear. 2nd of all *learned not learn (past and present are way different) 3. Heh 4/10 for the vid good luck on your animating journey
  5. I'd love to have a way to import videos in mine imator and put them like, on a surface or something. So it would be realistic in a scene where someone is using a laptop or something.
  6. Most of your posts (im thinking all your posts) are in the popular section from hate... Well ontopic I dont like the intro becauee it's from a template and theres too much dubstep The animation needs improvement (all your animations actually do) trying to copy skibbz's breathing cycle (or posing) wont make it good at all. (Mostly when you didn't do it right) Needs more scenery And please for once listen to what we're telling you without trying to start a flame war for once. Overall score: 3/10
  7. it's a kind of not realistic and it's like 2 much effects wich makes it discusting FYI you didn't credit skibbz for the rig (ಠ ͜ʖಠ)
  8. ikr, I forgot about withersolid too but I realised winfell didnt make anything like that and remembered.
  9. Not at all you just have to ask the rig to who you're suposed to beat in a pm or skype or something. And the guy who's suposed to beat you is gonna ask for your rig
  10. I realised that after 3 wallpapers and no one told me that. even though I had some toughts about it.
  11. see, now this is a reason why the forum can't co-operate in a certain way. (i would have suggested co-operating with your friends or a small team. like hyun's dojo does sometimes. but hey I'm in.
  12. is it me or is @CaptainClipy glowing (the guy with the book) the pickaxe next to the horse too. and the chest, elytra.... like most thing that aren't suposed to glow in there are glowing ._.
    1. ShadowUnicorn_Gaming


      you rekt your world is what you've done

    2. Pharien


      yeah we (I) kinda made it worse when I set off 8 chucks filled with tnt and it crashed both of our games xD

    3. Astro Animations
  13. So I was playing minecraft on a server with SKIBBZ antcioff and pharien, we were building stuff (like the bedroom skibbz used in his new animation)

    and i decided to make a tnt cannon, after skibbz was done with his room he made 2 heads

    and I did that


    yay me

    1. NietyFox
    2. Tomoki


      even kind of more rood cuz im doing that right now and he left the server a while ago

      but hey @Pharien  was in this too


      my progress so far

    3. Astro Animations

      Astro Animations

      I so wish I could play on a freaking server with SKIBBZ, wow you lucky.

  14. 8/10 needs more technology equipment. like a pc for starters
  15. I hate Undertale as much as you do.
  16. I'm kind of bumed right now so I won't say anything.. special, that's just a wallpaper i made a few days ago. Credits OkBye.
  17. Does this deserves to be posted?



    1. Emaniplex


      Might as well. It's the newest fad.  :D

  18. fact: @NietyFox was normally in antcioff's place and @Pigeon_ in Dark's But I wasn't sure if Niety would like to be a drunk person.. so yea
  19. you were normally in @Emaniplex's place but i couldnt decide wich one of you I would take so I got a vote you can guess who won. I was about to post another wallpaper though, I could edit it and put you in it
  20. So I made another simple wallpaper. Plot (What they're doing) (read if you want to) Credits To the Batmobile!... I mean to My next Wallpaper!
  21. It's the only short one i could find ._.
  22. I feel like removing my comments now... (did not feel sarcastic at all) I'll be going now. your fingers actually are kind of messed up and they need to be fixed.
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