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Everything posted by Tomoki

  1. I'm pretty sure he's gonna make it way way bigger than that that's a nice rigging job you got there though
  2. try replacing these flatlands with something. common mistake u make in most of ur animations
  3. So I made a wallpaper based on the latest james bond movie. hope you like it The Original Wallpaper Credits to @MobKiller Animations for the gun rig he made a while ago.
  4. have you tried? no one ever made any
  5. the smile kind of scares me ._. but the rig is awesome!
  6. so this whole downvote thing came in so I thought, I'm gona check bad topics like @muztanchik83 's and I already find downvotes

    even I downvoted so people actually went back on bad topics and downvoted them. wowza


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JjCinemas


      That's really petty to be honest.

      People like you are part of the reason the downvote system will most likely be gone after this week.

    3. Tomoki


      I.... I feel bad now....

    4. Rollo
  7. yeah I should just stick with these bright wallpaper I used to make like that skate park one aaand I just gave myself an idea for a wallpaper
  8. ya know... I wonder... well The way you write kind of feels like it sometimes, not forgeting the ~
  9. I've been very busy with college lately.... and also other things... so with the time I had I made this I feel like the brightness is too dark (even though it's suposed to be) heeeeh... credits kbyeee
  10. but he still can't get over intro templates... he changes intros every video I also realized that the animation was made by kaydo. look in the credits
  11. Tomoki

    Pixlpt Rig

    I'm gona draw face textures like the ones from pixlpt I'll even make a female version. why? cuz i feel like it. It's awesome though.
  12. why is everyone so silent

  13. at first I thought this lightning was too crispy for mine imator, but there's nothing after effects of photoshop can't do (i think, I mean have you seen some of skibbz's renders?) anyways, nice job!
  14. look just ignore this post please all of his post keep geting in the popular section from hate. ignore it (don't comment or anything) and no one is gona ear from it again.
  15. that collab the kiepocu made. midsa= mine imator doesn't suck anymore. i didn't make it in so why do i still have the name at that ._.
  16. advice: no one is gona request anything if we haven't seen your work at all. and mostly if you're just new.
  17. oh yeah, look it's common most people who make wallpapers or videos with this always forget about nimeh sorry nimeh
  18. you're not original at all. just in case
  19. just how fast can you click on posts that just got posted ._.

    like i just clicked on post and i receive a notification...

  20. So since it's a weekend and there's no school even on monday (4 me) I felt like geting back into animation!(yeah cuz i stoped) by animation i mean wallpaper making and stuff related to it. anyways, here's a wallpaper Edited Unedited why the credits kthnks bye.
  21. I'm 17. .. people say i have a good british accent tho.. well looks lke i can't (15 years old voices are hard even tho i can do them)
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