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Status Updates posted by Allemn

  1. New Fact: My OC, Allemn Sapphire Ruby can do brewing.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. CoolElf


      @Mustard You are late dude

    3. MustardBlock
    4. CoolElf


      @Mustard You promised 30 minutes or less and I don't have to pay where is my pizza

  2. bye

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Ocelot


      All those banned members? Guests.

      All the members that ' left?'


      You still have three chances. Don't blow them.

    3. Archon


      All those creepy stalkers? Guests.

  3. The reason why I got hated is because I was mad over a signup status update. I tried to say sorry to them but I got a warning point from Ayhay. Right now, I am planning to leave this forums because of that.

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. MrPizzaCat


      @Dono @Mustard u srs m8s

    3. The messenger. (Ao)

      The messenger. (Ao)

      FFS allemn! If you leave the haters get what they want! Just man up and deal with it! Your just giving up because of a tiny bit of hate!?!?! Grow a pair mate and stay! All they want is for you to leave, so by leaving they get what they want! If you stay they'll get bored and stop. Its like bullying, I got bullied for quite a few years but when It didn't affect me any more they stopped because they got bored and couldn't get what they wanted. So stay...

    4. The messenger. (Ao)

      The messenger. (Ao)

      and kick them back down to the dirt where they belong

  4. 2nd Warning! 20% to shut down Allemn Animations and give up myself

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. SKIBBZ


      # = Number not hashtag xD

    3. Lumie


      @Skibbz i agree :)

      why care about fame?

      you should use mine-imator cause its fun, not for fame.

    4. SKIBBZ



      Exactly! :D I choose to use mineimator because its FUN and SIMPLE! just the way I like it :)

  5. Well, PastTheMidnight's voice is super cute! :3

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Mineupfast


      Not yet, we ain't.

      Elven X Skyrim

    3. Archon



      Elven x Serana specifically

    4. Defused
  6. I have to leave this forums because of hate

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Allemn


      I felt that the world turned more cruel

    3. JjCinemas
    4. toaster1


      So deleting my comment wasn't?

      Dude, I'm not against you in fact, you're a very talented and promising guy, but you just have to live up to your promises, and show us what AllemnCraft is! Make a teaser animation or something! Go on!

      Earn our respect!

    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. Ethaniel


      his art was a joke, his skin was not

    3. Allemn
    4. Bisharp


      "Show comments (20)"


      Only 6 comments... Someone touched the delete button

  7. I'm angry now on Cosmitopia! An unfair OP NPC called Cluex killed me when i do /warp village!

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. Allemn


      Also, I cant buy stuff from the village because of that controversial Cluex!!! >:(

    3. StevenMator


      Just say to an mod to fix it. And please dont start an flame war due to this

    4. Allemn


      Ok. Locked. We need Hax!

  8. Have a bowl Mr. Squidward!

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Aronanners


      Sarcasm or no?

      If not, then no problem. (Yeah, I also thought it was real for a while after I first read it. xD)

    3. toaster1



      No, no sarcasm, I'm serious. :)

      I never act sarcastic. It's never a good thing to do.

    4. Aronanners


      Oh, alright. =)

  9. I hit 600 subs on my channel suddenly. It is too surprising to see that. :o

    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      thanks for testing me. :)

      But I will make an appropriate FanFic soon since my other FanFic criticize the Mods.

    3. Mooshim


      I'm frightened.

    4. Sammaxbr
  10. Allemn Rig 2.0.0: Final WIP picture http://puu.sh/iUskE/f469fefb8b.png

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Voxy


      @Cryo: Yours is literally a render of your character with blue text next to it. Get more creative, mate.

    3. CaptainMaxwell7


      So Allmen decided to share a pic of his wip rig. Ppl arguing about eachother art... MY TANKS ARE BETTER THAN ALL OF UR CRAP! PS. Not directed to Allmen.

    4. MustardBlock


      @Cryo: Tbf, your art for the AS, Cryotivity, etc looks like trash.

  11. One more time MustardBlock and you'll face the punishments!!!

    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Allemn


      He sent a msg to me on Profile Feed which is a link to a screenshot of with "8D" after it.

    3. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      Wow. On my AMA.


      That's too old m8. Give up. Accept it.

    4. Frossa


      How is Mustard to blame for any of this... He just brought something TheRageMinecraft said about you to your attention. I suggest you take this issue with him in that case, by PM.

  12. If i get banned, My channel and the whole Allemn Animations will be dead.

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Allemn


      No, it's illegal!

    3. AbAppletic


      Yeah, but then you can just keep changing country ips to something else everytime they ban you again xD

    4. Allemn
  13. Prepare the Mega Nixel Mixel Nixer! Mhahahahah! *drops the Nixel bomb at Kylec_MC*

  14. Do you think my characters are horrible as the SU fandom?

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Project


      @Kilonn Google. Long explanation 

    3. Crow


      @Project Working on it.

    4. DigitalEvorian


      Oh how i "love" humanity...

  15. It's my birthday!

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Chono



    3. LolDoge


      Happy Fantasticity fantastic, excellect, brilliant Birthday!

    4. Marten
  16. So, i was planning to take down the downloads of the Steven Universe rigs. Because, someone posted an animation featuring my rigs on r/MinecraftCringe and people hating/cringing over the Minecraft/SU crossover. I also saw lots of hate comments on several SU/MC animations (including PabloSnow's preview of the SU intro in Minecraft animation which got 120,000+ views).

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Nicolasev


      @Allemn because anything mixed with minecraft makes view. It's kinda clickbait by now. The only one that wasn't much cringed-talking was agario / Minecraft since they were for the most greatly animated.

    3. Allemn


      Well... look here.


      Agario in Minecraft also got posted in the same subreddit.

    4. Nicolasev


      @Allemn Stop trying to have the last word, people cringged because the animation was cringy, on the agario one it'sz well-animated which wasn't for SU-MC but people cringe about anything.c


  17. I'm not coming back to Cheese's server!

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ThePortable


      If anybody else calls him Alladin or Aluminium, I'll release my Ranger >=)

      (Be careful, he bites xD)

    3. Lumie


      If anybody else calls him Alladin or Aluminium, I'll release my my little baby cat >=)

      (Be careful, he bites xD)

    4. ThePortable


      See guys, both me and RubinRux are armed >=D


  18. What's the Reason why Akmal and Endergirl are popular here?

  19. Will AllemnCraft continue through 2015 and 2016?

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Frossa


      Mhm. That's what they all say.

    3. Blue Chocolatebar

      Blue Chocolatebar

      Nothing is disturbing the first episode of IoE anyways.

    4. JjCinemas


      Frossa you troll

  20. Fact: My character resembles a mix of Finn the Human and Homestar Runner.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    3. MrDonoB


      I don't really see any relation to Homestar in there.

    4. RedcapCreations


      The boy can see what he wants to see! D:

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. ThatAnimatedGuy


      well... You know what they say. Happy Waifu = Happy Laifu

    3. Kreuzer


      @TAG that means more happy waifu = more happy laif- *gets shot* *regenerates* now where was i? oh yeah happy laif- *gets shot again*

    4. ThatAnimatedGuy


      ...And more than one waifu = one bad laifu.

  21. It's tumblr's fault...

    ...not the fandom.

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. MustardBlock


      Just a little problem with this,


      Tumblr is not a person, it's a website, it is the fandom's fault.

    3. toaster1



      A fandom isn't a person either.


    4. ÜberKiller


      If it's the Social Justice Warriors doing it, it's neither the bumtumblr's fault or the fandom's fault. It's the actual people doing it: The SJW's.

      Being so dense to pin blame on an entire group of people for a few people acting out of line is just plain stupid. But you guys are quick to arguing at who's to blame rather than what we can do to help.

  22. Should i temp join Amination Squad for 2 weeks?

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. NoHayTroblemo


      Hey guys why don't we stay on topic

    3. MineRocker Animations

      MineRocker Animations


      Wait.. Dude.. I'm not in Amination Squad.. Even if someone in it would be inactive I don't think you would be able join anyway.. For example.. Skibbz will be inactive for 2-3 months but he's not out of the squad :D

    4. MineRocker Animations

      MineRocker Animations

      Oh wait.. Was this a joke? xD

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