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Status Updates posted by vash0110

  1. I just graduated from high school...now to get a job Q_Q

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. vash0110


      I want to be an animator Lol.I might be doing a course that goes for 2 years that teaches you how to Rig and animate and use programs that show you how tom make special effects that would be used in a movie 


    3. Notorious TheRageMC

      Notorious TheRageMC

      2 years of College is enough to get that job though. Even on Hollywood.

      Right now, I'm in a University where I need to study for my Majors for the final exams.

    4. vash0110


      Didn't end up finishing the course, guess I better find a new interest lol

  2. So i was looking through my Skype call recording File and i found the very last Skype recording i did.....it was of the Amination Squad. So it was around Easter time and it was like 2-3 in the morning.Any way i was helping Cryo make an animation about him being hostage and some stuff went down any way we kinda went of topic as more of the members started coming online.I forgot how fun the Squad was..kinda missing them.....but at the same time im happy i left....But i miss talking to my mates....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cryotivity


      I miss the times when it wasent even amination squad, people over hyped us for something we werent it was much more fun when we were just friends. But i dont regret the squad even if we arent doing so well right now... Personally i miss you as a squad member but we decided once you leave theres no return. It doesnt mean we cant talk anymore though.

    3. Cryotivity


      @flarp we usually only talk in the squad chat so it is just kind of hard to because we are always busy

    4. Skjold


      everyone get your "TEH SUQAD IX DYNEING" trend stauses!

  3. It feels weird to be out in the world of animators as a lonewolf again......Kinda feels Good...but weird

    1. Skjold


      *nudge* WBM is searching new members *nudge*

    2. Jack


      I'm part of two groups, yet they never have anything for me to do so it feels like I'm not.

    3. ÜberKiller


      It feels freaking great. Now I can do whatever I want without worrying about obligations.

      Besides, that was a group of friends. It's not like I don't have more, or can't make more. You can do the same.

      I'm just going to stay away from groups for a while. Every single one I've been in has been crappy and nothing often gets done. (Though working with the TF2 Classic Devs was nice, stuff got done. But drama worse than here happened and I left long before then)

  4. Nyan nyan nyan nyan,ni ho nyan


    1. Skjold
    2. Upgraded Moon

      Upgraded Moon

      Get on skype m8

    3. vash0110


      Plz no

      Ill fight the copy with the original 


  5. Streaming with Skibbz 

    Come by asnd say hi


    1. SKIBBZ
    2. Skjold


      Wash and Skrubbz. I ship it.

  6. playing overwacth 


    1. vash0110


      I was Playing dark souls to start off with, then went to overwatch lol


    2. vash0110


      Cause i Changed the Stream name after i Switched to Overwatch, And it takes the name of the stream

  7. I'm not sure if any one else has this problem but if a mouse gets disconnected from you computer mineimator Seems to crash.Does and one else have this problem because its starting to annoy me and it happens when ever im animating my current animation and i haven't saved yet. "SAD PANDA IS SAD!"

    1. MineRocker Animations

      MineRocker Animations

      it happens to me a lot too :/

  8. Im working on this one animation that is apparently good.(i think Amination Squad are off their Chops m8)

    1. GOZZE


      yay.add me and tentacles

  9. Just a quick msg to see how the MI family is going, its been awhile 

    1. vash0110


      The old vash, is there another one? Also it's good to hear that everything is still going good :D

  10. Messing around in mineimator and me and effusion made this.......420 is the Illuminati......................http://i.imgur.com/8kHI0cS.png

    1. Nimi


      But that's clearly 4200, not 420.

  11. Can  mode please remove the second Drank to much [Lip sync] test???? (preferably the one with out likes :: )  

    1. Nimi


      you can hide it

  12. dat moment when its 6:06 am.....and its Christmas......but you don't get any thing...

    1. Marty McFly

      Marty McFly

      You've been a naughty boy.

  13. Playing some sick vintagesouls 



    1. vash0110


      When you type vintage and you get Vintagesouls


  14. Why isn't there a Christmas sale for Mine-imator?

  15. Im currently streaming over watch, Come by and say hi 


  16. Streaming some OverWatch 


  17. Waiting for the mineimator realm server like .......

  18. Currently doing a sick stream on youtube. Come by and say hi :D



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