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Posts posted by Kwazedilla

  1. 4 hours ago, Frost said:

    You nailed those reflections. I do think too much of the image is blurry though.

    agreed, probably should have increased the blur size or reduced the blur entirely

    3 hours ago, Cubic Ralsei said:

    the only thing i hate about this is the SSAO leaking through the water

    unfortunately ice and water look horrible in mi, nothing i can really do besides using water rigs or editing

  2. resident spaceship wallpaper maker here

    i do like what's going on here, i do enjoy that you don't have a main "focus" in your wallpaper and instead show how chaotic the space battle is. as other people have stated above, space is usually very dark so you're going to want to turn down that ambient/night color. if you can, make use of light sources (such as from a sun or from explosions) and rim lighting to highlight the silhouette of ships even if you can't see them very well

    if you prefer, make the laser bolts white and set their glow color to a very washed-out hue. that will make the beam look more like a lightsaber and appear a lot more powerful

    try to figure out how to make thruster trails. there are multiple ways of going about this; you can check my profile for examples

    additionally, you might need to increase your ambient occlusion. normally this isn't desirable in scenes with a close subject, but since your camera is positioned far away from the battle the effect of the AO will decrease. set it so you can see the outline of edges on the individual ships

    not bad

  3. 2 minutes ago, Frost said:


    probably because the sun is a lot more closer to the camera than you'd think (probably need to shrink everything so the rim lighting is actually bigger) (and also place the sun further back kek)

  4. ngl cataphrysm basin be looking sexy after all these years

    but please study composition and make your wallpaper look good without any effects. no amount of effects will save a bad wallpaper, especially if they're overused

  5. hell, yes

    definitely love the detail in krell and the clone trooper models. perhaps if u want to make krell even more imposing, try to make him take up more of your wallpaper space and center him. adjust dof so that both the background and the clones in the front are blurred. if u want ur blaster bolts and lightsaber edges to get a more fuzzy edge, create a second cube around the actual blaster, scale it slightly larger, and only render its glow. also maybe try to move the clones behind krell to the side since they kind of make him hard to visually define

    and screw krell

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