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Everything posted by YoshiHunter

  1. For those who missed the unnecessary  sequel to Why YoshiHunter Shouldn’t Lead the Daily Bugle: 


  2. I figured I should make something before I go on vacation in a couple days. As always, Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
  3. Congratulations, you made me fear myself...
  4. One week later and my logo redo is on the popular creations tab.


    I don't really get the logic behind behind that.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. YoshiHunter


      @KaryuGraphics There is a thing that many people have told me over the years, and it is to keep much of your negative thoughts to yourself. What you just said should've stayed in your head.

    3. KaryuGraphics
    4. YoshiHunter
  5. These are overall not bad at all, in fact they are pretty good.
  6. You can download 7zip to take care of that. It is free and easy to use. Ontopic: Add me sitting against the tree, enjoying the beautiful nature.
  7. Not to sound cruel, but this absolutely stunk. Mineshaft has pretty much said all the problems I had with it. To add on to that, this was not funny at all. On the bright side, at least the lighting was great, and the posing was very good. Not to mention the scenery was a good fit. But not of those matter overall, since the comic did not make any sense, and it wasn't funny. I'm sorry for coming off as mean if I did, but sense your past comics were funny and made sense, I hold these to a very high regard.
  8. Spongebob Squarepants: BFBB is getting remastered, and I'm freaking happy. 


    1. Cryptic Runner

      Cryptic Runner

      I wonder how photorealistic the graphics will be. Will they look like these car racing games that look perfectly and flawlessly like real life?

    2. YoshiHunter


      If you check out the steam page, they do share some in engine stuff. By the looks of things they'll be trying to make things look cartoony, but at the same time make it look very nice.

  9. YoshiHunter

    Air Rig

    I decided to test it for myself and yes, this is a joke.
  10. How goes the progress on my requests? (More specifically the DEMP 2)
  11. YoshiHunter

    Air Rig

    There is no pic... Most likely a very good joke
  12. XD. Not sure if that was supposed to be a burn or something else, either way, that was pretty good.
  13. I luckily don't do that garbage. I just happen to like incredibly random stuff.
  14. As always, Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
  15. My apologies sir, I was a bit on a roll last night XD. (And thx for liking it!) I think music would probably not fit with this imo, and I don’t know how it would fit in something that lasts 5 seconds. I really like the suggestion though :).
  16. @9redwoods, actually change of plans, will take care of that as soon as I can.
  17. I don't have any plans on retouching them, but thx anyways.
  18. Ya'll remember my old logo? It was very good when I made it at the time, but nowadays I don't think highly of it. Which is why I decided to update it. I would like to thank @ShinyGHASTTear for the Minecraft letters he created. As always, Constructive Criticism is appreciated!
  19. Rlb3Mog.png

    Here is a possible update to my logo. To the guy who made those 3D Minecraft letters in MB @ShinyGHASTTear, you did a fantastic job on these.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. YoshiHunter
    3. ShinyGHASTTear


      That looks good

    4. YoshiHunter


      @ShinyGHASTTear why thank you!

      I just updated it:HM2RskU.png

      I made the hard hat more visible, and re-positioned the lower half of the logo slightly.

  20. I really like it! I can tell a ton of effort was put in this. For future reference, try to add textures whenever possible, as they can help add more detail, and so the model wouldn't look "simplistic".
  21. For those who missed my latest post: 


  22. I can do a voice. What are we dealing with here?
  23. YES Is Star Wars Battlefront II (2005) one of the greatest games in existence?
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