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Spontaneous Explosions

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Status Replies posted by Spontaneous Explosions

  1. Heyyyyy, a Live action Ahsoka series! 

    Can't wait for this! 

  2. I was learning on it... 


    If I am will became a Next Dev Of MI In 2024,What it would be like? And of course when In Learning Phase Its a Hard thing to remember which, and what code, option, and etc. What again if GMS2 Is need to be buying to be able to download it. Hmmm. So Guys if you wanna make me became next dev, please give me a video, or information that helps me to learn about Gamemaker. Whatever it is. Thanks for supporting me.. 


  3. Spider Man 3(MCU) is confirmed to have Doc Oc, played by the same guy who played him in Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man! 

    As well as Electro, with the same actor from The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

    Also rumored to have all 3 versions of Spider-man in it, because multi-verse(Doctor Strange is also confirmed).

    Honestly, I hope they use this film as a backdoor to a Maguire Spider-Man 4, even this many years later. That would be epic.


    Note: The actors are returning to the same roles, but are not necessarily playing the same character.

  4. Spider Man 3(MCU) is confirmed to have Doc Oc, played by the same guy who played him in Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man! 

    As well as Electro, with the same actor from The Amazing Spider-Man 2.

    Also rumored to have all 3 versions of Spider-man in it, because multi-verse(Doctor Strange is also confirmed).

    Honestly, I hope they use this film as a backdoor to a Maguire Spider-Man 4, even this many years later. That would be epic.


    Note: The actors are returning to the same roles, but are not necessarily playing the same character.

  5. wandavision solid release date LETS GOOOOOOO

  6. I'm absolutely stunned by Apple's Air Pods Max.


    Its like this. You can buy a Playstation 5 or, for $50 more, these headphones.

    Seriously. These headphones are $550. Not including sales tax.

    I mean, I never buy Apple products anyway. But are there actual humans who would pay that? I'll bet the Samsung equivalent of these is $120 ?

  7. This year, all I really want for Christmas is to be able to play Minecraft in VR with shaders, and have it not be a lagfest.

    So basically, I'm going to be disappointed.

  8. sometimes i forget who i am

  9. Mine-Imator Users, Let me guess:

    America,Russia,Indonesia,Malaysia,China,North Korea, South Korea,Japan,India,Australia, Philippines,Thailand,Saudi Arabia?,Brazil,Mexico,European countries. Not 100% Right.

  10. This year, all I really want for Christmas is to be able to play Minecraft in VR with shaders, and have it not be a lagfest.

    So basically, I'm going to be disappointed.

  11. This year, all I really want for Christmas is to be able to play Minecraft in VR with shaders, and have it not be a lagfest.

    So basically, I'm going to be disappointed.

  12. Just watched the first Lord of the Rings movie today. I have lived for way too long without doing that.

  13. wandavision solid release date LETS GOOOOOOO

  14. I want to learn About Coding, Learn Gamemaker studio 2, And Of course learn all first, then Try to make a Prototype/Beta Of Mine-Imator 1.3.1.

    Why?because I want to continue Mine-Imator Software update. Wish me luck. 

  15. Oh god oh man

    oh god oh man

    now its not just the in game stuff


    anarchy servers along with huge portions of the playerbase are going down if ms mojang studios persists

  16. I don't know whats going on with these monolith things that keep popping up, but someone is laughing their head off about it.


  17. I follow people for 3 reasons:

    1. I like you

    2. I respect you

    3. I worry about you, and what you might do to the community and would like to keep an eye on you.


    Some members managed to graduate from 3 to both 1 and 2.

  18. Why all of a sudden my dreams are realistic and extremely gory!


  19. Yay, Sculk Sensors have been added! Can't wait to see what redstoners do with them!

    Also, now I'm certain that the world height will be expanded, since Mojang has allowed it to be customizable.

  20. I had a dream last night where I can drag an object in all axis in MI. Don't know why I dreamt about that.


  21. Hey I wonder what tomorrow is.

  22. Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie

  23. Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie

  24. Raiders of the Lost Ark is my favorite movie

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