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Everything posted by Lock_downmc213

  1. Looks good, but i noticed that the bending circle or what ever i cant find at all (where you can bend the parts to see who it looks like) If someone finds it please point me out one cause i can't seem to find it.
  2. Doing some research on Sharp/Blender or any fuckin' software at this point mouths and how to do it in MI. It got popular in the MI Community like several months ago. (sort of)

    So i wanna ask the experts, how did you guys managed to crack the technique in the first place? (I know i'm late at this point. I wasn't intrested back then. And know I'm starting get interested in this old trend. lol)

  3. Some one needs to make a Mad Libs Forum game over in the forums. (Seriously)

    1. Frost


      I made one about 4 years ago and it didn't work at all ?

    2. Lock_downmc213
  4. I'm gonna be honest. Losing files after a god damn crash is f-ing painful and hell to recreate. I feel you're hell/ loss. Also try posting a log (You know the log you get after the software crash)
  5. Looks good, I honestly like the Cel-Shading concept in 3d animation. (I actually known about it since) But this still Needs a bit work since the lines are not consistent. I would experiment with Cel-shading on a stable MB version once it releases.
  6. Basically, Nimi had some technical problems during December, based on the response via Discord i got from him. He delayed it for a week or so.
  7. Answers: I don't see that happening at all. If you're talking about IK Rig, Don't see that happening yet. (If someone codes in as a new dev) Not possible for reflections in coding, but in technical (I.E Making them manually in software) then you can. And other Engine features nope cause Limits of GMS. That's possibly changing in Last December or next year. (IDK at this point) *Cough* Mine-Imator Forums *Cough*
  8. Me after watching the newest @SharpWind SYSTM:

    Watch it he's gonna release this week just to troll you XD

  9. Finally the forums are back.

  10. Nice model, it looks accurate. Sure it looks creepy, but you did best. Here's a up-vote,
  11. As a Sony/Playstation user. I'm glad there doing this:



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jakubg1


      I think that's because there was an exclusive PS4 Edition. Now it will be replaced there with Bedrock Edition.

    3. Lock_downmc213


      @Ghatos Sony rejected the crossplay back when Better Together update rolled out. Mostly because of rival reasons and stuff. 

      EDIT: Yes there is a PS4 Edition it's called the legacy console edition. Because alot of PS4 users have complained about no crossplay untill finally sony did it.

    4. Spontaneous Explosions

      Spontaneous Explosions

      You'll have a lot of differences to get used to, but always remember: the Xbox One Bedrock version is way worse. PS4 won't have half the bugs that version does. They'll fix it eventually. But just remember that it could be worse.

  12. Spoilers for Sonic Movie New Trailer:


    They Actually listen, and i liked that.


  13. I'm gonna sleep until December hits. (As i keep eyes on MI Forums)
  14. Hmm, edge glow is kinda colliding with the Cel-shading & Official art style of MC into one. I like it.
  15. Ok, I don't get the fact that it got shut down with Downvotes (Probably for "Sexual Reasons"). But i find this really funny (I like Dark/Messed up jokes.). You get my upvote too. (Sorry, i'm am a messed up person)
  16. He's pretty much the AntVenom, but a Mine-Imator breaker.
  17. *Me reading minecraft.net on Biome Vote and finds this*

    • SWAMP!
    • JEN'S HOUSE! I mean, BADLANDS!

    Did Minecraft/Mojang just roasted Jeb himself or the house? Cuz that's a big oof.

  18. Press F in the chat waste you're seconds for this old piece of shit joke.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lock_downmc213


      If that was a joke than you got me off guard... (NVRMIND I see what were you talking about.)


    3. ThatGuyBrian
    4. Frost
  19. Well, darn. I figured. Looks like i have to do the "Modifications" thing. (*COUGH* 0.5 scale *COUGH*) Thanks.
  20. Hey, everyone. So i was doing some MB work the other day and then i discovered this without even using it: The Texture Scale. (I know it's been here for a while) And i was like "Sweet!" cause i didn't want to repeatedly scale my 128x128 texture sized models to 0.5 scale. And this is where the bug or "glitch" happened . As i started to use this tool set on 2 to avoid the Scaling the big textures. I noticed that 3D Surface glitch the heck out: And sometimes, it depends on the texture/skin and where it's placed, 3D Surface becomes invisible: I'm pretty sure, this will be fixed in the fully updated MB version. Until then i'm gonna try to make some modifications.... Note: I did some research on the bug on the forums and tried to find some one with this same bug. But nothing. (I may have missed, but i'm not really sure) I was gonna try to find it on Discord, until i realized that Nims left the server. -VG775
  21. NOTE: This is the first GO / Galaxy's Originals render to be posted on this forum. These are only exclusive to my DA. (Cause, it's easier to navigate with the Eclipse.) Anyway i would give a shot to post it here and see how others react. (Wait's for some backlash or something interesting to tell me) And finally yes i always add dialogue in my every GO posts... Dialogue: Scarlet Kazuko: This cave is too creepy... Are you sure this will be the place for me to train Mr. Fox? Marcel.J.Fox: I'm sure this should do the job Scarlet. What you were expecting some sort of monster to jump out? And also where the hell is my equipment? Do you have it? Scarlet Kazuko: No, I... *Scarlet got interrupted by a unknown female voice* ???: Well, well, well... looks like i have two new guests in my hide out, wow very cute. (There so many humors say that mermaids of the Atlantis are dangerous. That's a big lie were friendly, but no one can believe us. You would believe me......Right? Marcel.J.Fox: Uhhh..Who are you if this is your hide out then? *The mystery woman slowly comes and steps up with her tail turning into human legs* ???: Let me tell you something: There so many humors say that Mermaids & Merman's of the Atlantis are dangerous. That's a big lie were friendly, but no one can believe us. You would believe me......Right? My name is Meduza Neptune. Speak of the prismarine here's equipment there fellow human... If you have problems with this post reply and i'll see what to fix. Now i'm gonna go play MC on PS4. Credits: (It's important to do these, only to avoid problems in the future.) Original Characters © VersedGalaxy775/aldas123/Lock_downmc213 Based On The Game Minecraft © Mojang Program used Mine-Imator © Stuff by David & Nimi
  22. Finally an update on the progress. Thanks Nims! I'll hold the phone when MB full version comes out. (Can't wait to add more complex stuff on my own stuff)
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