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About Emaniplex

  • Rank
    ✞ Good Cop ✞
  • Birthday September 19

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    ✞ Good Cop ✞
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    Anything and everything beautiful. The top being:

    Animation, expression, the selfless act of protection, self-sacrifice, devotion, brotherhood, honor, innocence, VIVACIOUSNESS, and death to some extent. :}
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  1. There's a "pastor" on a news-station right now by the name of Kevin Swanson who's talking about how the Bible decrees that gays should be put to death. The news-station is practically crying atheist stuff at the top of their lungs.

    This has to do with the radical anti-gay laws being passed in Uganda, apparently under the advice of American missionaries who "couldn't get people to listen here."

    If the Bible and Christianity is misinterpreted so badly by the people this society is calling "pastor," I can see how everyone else is so clueless as to what the Bible actually says.  :| 

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    2. Amethyst_Dragon


      (Before last post)Religion is an expression of things which aren't bad in and of themselves. It's reflective of the feeling some people have that there is more to this world then the material. Everyone believes something even if they believe that the material is all that is. My main problem with cristianity is when it starts to become hostile to people who aren't christian. People should be allowed to choose for themselves what they believe the nature of exsistence is. Forcing people into things pretty much never ends well. I think it is the concept of people forcing things on eachother that is the real problem.

    3. Emaniplex


      @Amethyst_Dragon This is the kind of misunderstanding that's going on in the majority of the world that I'm talking about.

      Christianity isn't hostile toward anyone. We don't force anything onto anyone or anything like that.

      What we have is a set of guidelines that we try to follow, the problem is that some people get mad when other people don't believe what they believe.

      The teachings of Christianity includes allowing people the free will to follow whatever they choose, not forcing people into it. We respect people who do their own thing.

      (We just don't like certain ideas, like abortion and such, and we tend to express those feelings)

    4. Amethyst_Dragon


      @Emanatronic The problem is that this misunderstanding is not without reason, christianity has a rather unpleasent history. There are different kinds of christianity but that is much less aparent to people who aren't a part of it. So christians who are perfectly peaceful may at times find themselves being dragged into the same catagory as the extremeists, this happens with virtually every group of people.

      And there are times when christians start to get a little bit interfearing, some christians literally go to peoples doors in an effort to convert people. Also telling people they are going to hell for believing other things does not exactly make christians look very tolerant of other belief systems.

      (Believeing that abortion is wrong is one thing, inflicting laws upon everyone that makes it illegal is quite another. Political opinions can be quite offencive to people because laws effect everyone.)

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