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  1. https://file.garden/ZlrJr4gXzRtJW4yO/magic/duck.mp4 Major thanks to Mr. Doon who wrote the meshcache importer! I mainly just wrote this post... For basics: Mineimator does support meshes, but they're not supported in the way you'd want to use them. The way that custom meshes got achieved in Mineimator is very hacky and kind of clunky, but it does work. Mineimator does not have a way to directly import meshes in-program, you'll have to go through a bunch of steps first. We shall also note that Mineimator does not support meshes with bones. No mesh skinning, no whatever. All imported meshes are just gonna be as still as a prop... Finally, please note this converter was an afternoon project and has problems. This program does not import normals properly, so shading will be rather off and may not look right. I have included the source code if you want to try and fix it... First download the converter, which I have included as a file right here. Place it in whatever place. Along with the converter is the source code, written in C. Converter: https://file.garden/ZlrJr4gXzRtJW4yO/magic/converter.exe Source code: https://file.garden/ZlrJr4gXzRtJW4yO/magic/converter.c Note: Windows may flag converter.exe as malware which is a false positive. I don't really know how to solve this though sorry... If you find yourself sufficiently scared by the false positive anyways you can skip to step 4 and try and compile it yourself using the C source code I also linked here. (edit: it was written in C, not C++) 1: Meshcache Files Mineimator 2.0.'s terrain is stored in ".meshcache" files, which are 3D models of the terrain that has been imported. It is important to note here that these are not collections of blocks, but actual 3D models of the terrain. I made a whole thread about this here: so I won't go too in depth about it here. 2: Manipulating Meshcaches To import a mesh, we will first have to get ready first. Firstly, you import an schematic with no moving parts (no doors, no levers, no buttons) and put it into the program, which will cause Mineimator to generate a meshcache from that schematic. Luckily, Mineimator already has a couple of these. To prevent Mineimator from randomly re-importing the original meshcache over the custom meshcache, I suggest using only the terrain pre-packaged with Mineimator, as terrain imported from other worlds will be linked to that world and Mineimator will re-import that meshcache if it detects changes in that world. With Mineimator's default terrain props, there is no world and your meshcaches can remain untampered with. Let's use the lamp post schematic file. 3: Making a Model and Importing it For this next part we have to get a mesh in blender, specifically Blender 4.0. Firstly, the mesh's texture has to be a single texture, and as I mentioned before, the mesh will pretty much just be completely stationary. If you want multiple moving parts or multiple textures, you're going to have to import additional meshes! Since I don't feel like modeling, let's just grab a model off of https://www.models-resource.com/. This is a tutorial anyways... The model I'll use for this demonstration is this model. https://www.models-resource.com/playstation_2/crashbandicootwrathofcortex/model/20863/ As we import the mesh into Blender, make sure to triangulate it first! And apply the modifier! That will be important. Next, we SPECIFICALLY export the model as Stanford PLY .ply. Next part, make sure that you have the settings on the right! You can uncheck Selected Only if the mesh is the only thing in the scene... Don't use Blender's Triangulated Mesh feature for exporting PLY files, half the time it doesn't seem to work right, for whatever reason. Next, refer to the following image: Next part: Next, we delete the schematic file for the lamp post in our mineimator project directory as well as the meshcache file. But now, you drag the meshcache file you just made into your project directory and rename it to have the same file name as the lamp post's meshcache file. Now we get into Mineimator, and although it may still look like a lamp post that is because it's not immediate! Re-open the project file and the lamp post will become Crash's head! Kind of. We still need to get the texture in: Since this is still scenery we use the mineimator scenery texture. This is why I said it must be a single texture earlier. We take that scenery texture and slap it onto that scenery and now we have a mesh in mineimator I guess! Since the converter doesn't import normals properly because of a bug with it (they DO get imported, they're kinda just weird) the shading is a bit off but it is indeed a mesh in mineimator! Here's the mineimator project in this tutorial: https://file.garden/ZlrJr4gXzRtJW4yO/magic/project.7z Also, you cannot export the terrain/mesh thing as .miobject unfortunately as Mineimator won't include the meshcache in the miobject no matter how you select it or try to export it. So if you're trying to share meshes through this, you're pretty much forced to share it through sharing the project itself and you can't use .miobjects for this. Remember - this is pretty hacky! 4: Compiling the thing If you're wondering how to compile this program you need GCC, it's written in C. The method I used to compile it was following the MinGW tutorial here: https://www.wikihow.com/Compile-a-C-Program-Using-the-GNU-Compiler-(GCC) and using the GCC 14.10 build for Win32 here: https://winlibs.com/
    26 points
  2. Download v1.0.0 Changes since Mine-imator 2.0.2: Features Ported all features from mbanders's Continuation Build 1.0.6. Added gobos, allowing for textures to be applied to spotlights. Added light groups. Objects will only be affected by lights if both are in the same light group. Lights without a light group will still affect all objects regardless. Can be created from a new "Light groups" tab in the project properties. Timelines can be added to light groups through their properties tab under "Appearance". Added Copy position, rotation, and scale constraints. Timelines can inherit these values from any other timeline in the project. Timelines can switch between their targeted object for each constraint at any time during the animation. X, Y, and Z value inheritance can be switched on and off for each constraint at any time. Added Look at constraint. Timelines will rotate towards the direction of another timeline. Target timeline can be switched during the animation. Added Bend inverse kinematics constraint. Allows for body parts to bend parallel to the rotation of another timeline. Useful for hand and foot IK in custom models. Added dropdown menu to "Enable/Disable overlays" button in viewport taskbars. Can toggle visibility of gizmos, timeline shapes, and timeline guides individually. Added timeline guides. Visual representations of camera frustums, spotlight cones, etc. now appear when these objects are selected. Must first be enabled under "Enable/Disable overlays" dropdown. Added "Aspect ratio" modifier for cameras. Added scene color modifiers for night sky, night clouds, and stars. "Night" color is now called "Night Ambient". Added "Work camera FOV" preference. Added "Select locked timeline parent" preference. When trying to select a locked timeline, its parent will be selected instead. (Will continue up the hierarchy tree until it finds an unlocked parent.) "Import asset..." option now allows for multiple assets to be imported at a time. .miproject files can now be opened directly with Mine-imator from the file explorer. Added project search bar to the home screen. Lights can now be switched between point and spot lights after creation (new "Light" tab in its properties). Body parts now have a Wind influence modifier. "Inherit bend" option now copies bending from parts affected by IK. Import image popup now displays the texture being imported. Integrated item sheet importing into the import image popup. Interface tab in Preferences is now sorted into subtabs. Updated appearance of startup and home screens. Replaced Modelbench advertisement with Modelbench CB advertisement.
    16 points
  3. (Art by mbanders) Hey guys, I'm here to surprise everybody with the first ever mod for Mine-imator 2.0, which I call the... Continuation Build The main purpose of this mod is to provide continued Minecraft support and bugfixes to Mine-imator now that official development is discontinued. But do also be on the lookout for kewl new quality-of-life features I may slip in now and again. Please enjoy it! Download (Windows x64 .zip): https://www.mediafire.com/file/5bkjcw5y244k2tu/Mine-imator_2.0.2_Continuation_Build_1.0.8.zip/file Please note that this mod has not been compiled or tested outside of Windows x64. The source code is available here in case any real modders wanna compile this for other systems (or build their own mods on top of this). https://github.com/mbandersmc/Mine-imator-2.0.2-Continuation-Build Version 1.0.8 (December 4th, 2024), changes since 1.0.7: Features Holding right-click while group-selecting in the timeline will now move the selection area. Changes Updated Minecraft assets to 1.21.4 - The Garden Awakens. Reorganized biome list. Bugfixes Fixed animatable blocks in scenery having their positions set to 0,0,0. Fixed some wind-affected blocks not being properly anchored to the block above/below them. Fixed more cases of timeline marker duplication when importing assets. Fixed timeline scrolling vertically while setting a region. Older changelogs:
    14 points
  4. 13 points
  5. Download v1.1.0 Features: Added Painter tab. Allows for creating and editing textures entirely within Modelbench CB. Included Features: Brush, Erase, Fill, Color Picker, Shape, Select, Transform Tools. Draw guide-lines. Pixel grid overlay. Color editor. HSV, RGB, and Hex modes. Latest 12 colors are stored in history. Color palettes. Is saved inside the .mimodel files, and can be exported to .mipalette files. Supports lospec .json file importing. Texture creator and dimensions editor. HSV and Brightness/Contrast adjustments. Added missing .mimodel features from newer releases of Mine-imator. 2.0.2+: "Show backfaces" option for parts. "Model color" model option and "Use model color" option for shapes. "Floor box UVs" option. Continuation Build 1.0.4+: Texture scrolling options for parts and shapes. Community Build 1.0.0+: Mirror texture X option for shapes. Changes: Renaming multiple parts now adds numbers next to them if "Show name warnings" is on. Bugfixes: Fixed "Show name warnings" preference not saving. Fixed IK handler not being accurate when scaling the model.
    12 points
  6. PhiliP

    My recent works

    M107A1 Benelli M4/M1014(+TTI Custom) Fostech Origin 12 MPX(TTI PCC Custom) Glock 17/34 Some models are made by/based on megat88_145(twitter)
    12 points
  7. HI!!! So I'm a bit late in Posting this, but I've been Working on a 2D Animated Pilot for a few Months now. and I plan to Composite the Entire 2D Animation in Mine-Imator as a Test to see if Mine-Imator is Great for Compositing 2D Animation. The Answer? YES, it's really Good and Simple to Composite 2D Animation in Mine-Imator, I planned to Document the Process and Tips and Tricks I learn to Composite 2D animation in Mine-Imator after I'm done with this Project, so that for those who are interested in 2D Animation can do it too Compositing Example in Mine-Imator: Hope You enjoyed the Teaser Trailer and I hope You look Forward to the Official Trailer for this Animated Pilot Project
    12 points
  8. What might I be searching for? Water, Food or perhaps inspiration The world is shifting, the generations are bending and yet here I am with the dream of beauty for the opportunity I got. I haven't been looking for greatness, for fame or followers. Its an amazing feeling I know... My only goal was to see my dreams come to life, and that they did, all of them found their way here. Thanks to the People behind Mine-imator The People that wanted to make a easier way for us. Thank you Developers Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2025 | Mine-imator 2.0.1 03/01/25 Fox Miner Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    11 points
  9. pack of models for the mine imator of withereds animatronics from five nights at freddy's 2 all together in its concerted version: I wanted to add the animatronic toys, more than Moneto, it will only be the withereds, well, I hope you enjoy the equipment, pass on the creator's word, I would also really appreciate it and feel free with the model, it's all have a good productivity donwload link:
    11 points
  10. After many months of texturing, shading, modeling, re-texturing, tapering, sitting in the corner, I've recreated the TF2 stock weapons. Yes, every single one, even the gadgets (1), Most were easy, but some were just....making my brain hurt. There is one problem, some weapons are not the same size, so you'll have to manually correct them. RISTRICTIONS: No Retexturing Dont claim that it's yours Do not mess with the tapering parts --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Feel free to credit me, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nC8bkQI9RG8RXyFc10bFnqtkJisAqLN-/view?usp=sharing
    11 points
  11. If you enjoyed this video reamber to Like and Subscribe also upvote my post so i can make to the monthly leaderboard
    10 points
  12. Rendered in MI 2.0.2 using 256 samples No editing Twitter link
    10 points
  13. Our sister though, never has been too crazy, but for a person like her she’s quite active and likes to stay active with us or others. She especially likes to go to Parties because she loves Music over everything, she keeps mentioning that that’s her way of seeing the world. Quite interesting to have someone that keeps telling you how you can see in so many ways, and believe me there are many… that she mentioned at least. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    9 points
  14. And despite all the differences, we still fit in together well and had beautiful times. There always happened something funny around us, mainly because our sister was… you know, blind, but also because of the combo of my two brothers who when together, usually like to do something crazy. But not like too crazy, they always stayed under the radar so they wouldn’t be seen as troublemakers. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    9 points
  15. I mean obviously it could get annoying in many ways, like having to go everywhere with your sister because you must be her eyes, or she just appearing in moments you wouldn’t want to have someone just appear. She really loves to catch someone in any situation and then just talk about their day. She is a very talkative person. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    9 points
  16. Hi guys, I've been working in Mine-imator for quite a long time, I want to present you my work, which I've been working on for a month, I used a huge amount of livehacks to speed up the render and more beautiful picture, if you have any questions, ask me, I'll try to answer everything.
    9 points
  17. This is a model commission
    9 points
  18. Fover

    Mecha-Steve | Rig

    *Posed* *Without Steve* !Important! This is the first time I post a rig on the MI Forum and I'm happy. But there is a problem; Since I didn't know how to make a rig, I made it by adding blocks from mine imator, and therefore it is not a very functional rig for animations.
    9 points
  19. Don't blame him for killin' people, he's doin it because it just his job. Credit: Crustyjpeg Awp model
    9 points
  20. In the end though, she’s a great sister and a great addition to our family. Now to my brothers who are basically like me, since we are Quadruplets, but we do have a difference in emotions, like Zari is very energetic and happy most of the time. Zori is chaotic and aggressive, and I am… well my sister always said I am too sad most of the time, and that quite fits it, I am strict and sad. Our sister though didn’t really have a strong emotion. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    8 points
  21. You also might imagine that we tried some interesting activities with someone that can’t see. Perhaps driving? We did do that on a Parking-lot to be safe, but it still went wrong in some ways, it was fun though. We attended many funny activities that we shouldn’t have, but those were special moments, that I am pretty sure that not many people could experience. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    8 points
  22. A friendly Creeper approaches! What would you do?
    8 points
  23. So yeah, that’s my Family. But with an interesting story all the way, starting with when our parents died. We’ve been put in a foster home, where we were taken care of. Though soon after that we got out with age, but we stuck together, mainly because of our sister, that we had to take care of, but also because we got to live together and split everything which made everything easier. Now it wasn’t that easy, but also not that hard. It sure was funny a lot of the time as well, especially if you can’t cheat in blind man’s buff. Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2022 | Mine-imator 2.0 Pre-release 4 27/01/25 - 23/03/25 Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    8 points
  24. Pages of the Heart
    8 points
  25. SpideySpidery

    The Homies

    The Homies
    8 points
  26. 8 points
  27. TheRatmir

    Art for my birthday

    Well, I officially turned 16, and it turns out that I have been in the Mine-imator community for 3 years already I want to say thank you to the people depicted in the art, because thanks to them you see me as I am at the moment.
    8 points
  28. - Hello, my name is PackDZ, nice to meet you are. This is my first time posting on this platform, so there will be some irregularities when writing on this post. So I hope everyone can advise for the future. - Getting to the point, today I would like to introduce to you all my Rig Pack. This is considered a Rig Pack that I have invested a lot in; from consulting, manufacturing, testing and debugging. So what does the Rig Pack have? + First, let's take a look at Rig's Introduction video: + Second, My introduction to the Rig Pack: Charater Collection: with Extrude + Female Body ; [ Inverse Kinematics supports ] Facial Rig: with 4 types of Faces + [Extra] from Pupils. ( You can also swap facial too. ) Extra Stuff: Cape: (no elytra / with elytra: ➔ Your Texture). Glasses: [Recreated] from Nelsony IKIT Rig. Better Elytra: with 2 Styles. Name Tag: change your Minecraft Username and allows with "Face Camera". Better Armors: added "1.21 Trims Armor" + Female Body. Special Models: added Outline (with 10 objects, Visible it and "Glow: ON" if you want) + Body Half. ➔ WARNING: Import "Outline Setting" folder before using "Outline" objects ; if you want to add "Face Rig" you have to set: "Render Depth: -3" and "Shadow: OFF". MC gui: The rig's Central Point. 1. [ Hotbar ] : added Toolbars ; Hearts / Foods / Armors / Bubbles ; Experience ; Offhand ; etc. 2. [ Inventory ] : Added Equipment ; Crafting ; Item/Block ; Character Placing ; Effect ; etc. 3. [ Item Slot Hologram ]: [Recreated] from Regy Rigs. 4. [ Block Impact ]: with "Outline Select" & *Breaking Effect". 5. [ POV ]: A Minecraft player "First Person" perspective + MC gui + Extra. That's all.....? + Final, Support 1.2.9 ➔ 2.0.0+ & Community Build. Hope you guys enjoy my new Rig Pack i made P4CK
    8 points
  29. - Nintendo DS Lite -
    8 points
  30. Minecraft - Plush v1.2
    8 points
  31. AR34


    This is a model commission
    8 points
  32. 8 points
  33. Hikari & Nozomi from Blue Archive Get this Rigs : https://aramadhan.gumroad.com/l/qfpgq
    8 points
  34. (Some lore)
    8 points
  35. 8 points
  36. Cassie! That is you, isn't it? It's been quite some time, don't you celebrated your birthday anymore? Roxy... what happened to you... to this place? It's no big deal, don't worry the staff will do everything they can to bring this place back up and running, and then I hopefully see you again on the cart. *Sniffs in tears* You... You remember? Sure why wouldn't I, you were first, twice. Have you ever thought about a racing carrier? *Giggles in tears* Don't be silly, I wouldn't be able to... I know you would my little racer, you're a Talent! *Starts crying* I am sorry Roxy... Don't be my little racer... all decisions have a reason... *System Crash, Error EventID41* Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach Ruin Minecraft Renders Intel Core i5 | Intel HD Graphics 4000 2023 | Mine-imator 2.0.0 23/08/23 - 12/04/24 Skin Showcase The Quadruplets Story Showcase Gallery ©Fox Miner Creations
    8 points

    Small box, Big box

    THE CAST FTP Cereal Box | Happii O's |
    8 points
  38. LORE CONTEXT "Me and my brothers eating lunch" -Grit THE CAST Grit Mochi. | Voxhel | HuoTao | "Kuma"
    8 points
  39. 8 points
  40. An old computer from the 90's The screen resolution is 640x480 and the aspect ratio is 4:3 Total Size of Files: 58,04KB ZIP Size/Download Size: 30,00KB Model Version: 2024.03.09 (YYYY.MM.DD)
    8 points
  41. BulBash

    melee pack (RIGS)

    Hello! Today i made melee pack Made in : Blockbench like pls
    8 points
  42. @Mpleyale Billy Kenny Tyler Idk who he is it. yeah im stealed foxy toon's chracter name thing lol
    8 points
  43. THE CAST Reyzon | Aki | Cookie |
    8 points
  44. "We're all we've got... This family." -DRX59 2024 - 02 - 14 (Valentine's day) THE CREW DRX59 | Voxhel | Grit Mochi. | HuoTao | Reyzon Kino. | Aki Han | Cookie | FTP Cereal Box |
    8 points
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