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  1. explosion effect https://youtu.be/mbdMn7kIo0o smoke effect https://youtu.be/tpD1Z3lZOto download link: https://www.mediafire.com/file/hojke29jhhh67by/sheets.zip/file Note: since its been months since i touched my pc i forgot where did i take the original green screens from YT if anyone knows let me know to post link to them
  2. This test animation was made to kinda test my realistic lighting in a video format for a work in progress animation that takes place in realistic environments. I played around with using multiple glow sources to make a more customized god ray. Don't be afraid to send honest feedback Fun fact: This scene is actually still being worked on as it's one of the many settings I still have to make for the animation project.
  3. this pack contain random Particle sheet effects https://gyazo.com/66f4b709e0c93678e234e2abdb3c1e20 download link https://www.mediafire.com/file/f1v46547m5h4fqx/sheet_pack_1.zip/file
  4. Hello, I'm looking for a Energy Blast Particle...something like a Kamehameha type blast? I was looking for some here but apparently the download links are no longer invalid.
  5. Custom Particles by me Woooo.... Ok, idk what to say here cause how original does this idea get I think there are about 5 million particle packs and counting on this forum today as there are R E A L I T Y knock-offs (guessing) But if you want to download this then make sure to credit me or ill be stopping ya from doing it https://www.dropbox.com/s/3s1247tc2xdklm7/[BFYT] Custom Particle Pack.zip?dl=0 K bye!
  6. I don't know why I rendered this in 4K, but it looks pretty nice. - Edit: Yeah I probably should've improved the ambient/moonlight lighting, but.. I got lazy.
  7. I made lanterns, and I made a topic for lanterns. Do anything you want with them, heck, you could eat them :/. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375357229890797569/481153045258960936/Lanterns.zip /\Download. I know they're a bit weird, but they were going to be private until I thought I needed something to post.
  8. As always, got bored, wanted to make a rig, got this idea, made it, done, GG. With over 25 separate particle "Spawners", I wouldn't even know why you would use this... Anyways... Eh, not much. Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?07cw19d8d957yct Man I'm so un-professional these days... Well, that's all I got... Bye! also plz liek dis post
  9. Heya! CatO here and this is another one of those..."random-particle-tests-that-were-actually-made-by-accident-when-trying-to-make-something-else" gifs. AKA test particles. For some reason, I thought of the title "Future" particles since it's almost depicted as a time-traveling scene. v gif v https://gyazo.com/adcf6ea1cf14afd9ff1bec740e69d685 Also, should I release Forcefield/"Future" particles for download? Poll rn. Forcefield: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c64gkJ0_VME
  10. I know it is possible but how do i make particles? I want to know soon so i can make my animations look cool! It would be awesome to look at custom particles for one of my animations and see it come to life!
  11. So, I was making my first background which included an explosion in it. This is where I run into my first issue. I tried to get the explosion to be in the picture but it wouldn't stay there, and I couldn't "freeze" the explosion. If anyone knows how to help that would be greatly appreciated. I will comment when I get the problem fixed. ok lol i got it right after posting it. If anyone runs into this issue, just go ahead and spawn the particle, then save the picture as its going off.
  12. This pack includes a variety of particles of minecraft for mine-imator and some particles made ​​by me. List: Rain particles Snow particles Tornado (Tornado Mod) - (produces too much lag) Leaves particles See FPS: Direct Download: https://www.mediafire.com/?hgy00vscc3ghaye ----------------------------------PUT THE CREDIT IF USED!!!--------------------------------------------------
  13. Hi! This is my first post, but NOT first animation! So, anyways, here is a teleport animation test for an enderman... and here's the faster, less laggy, brighter (youtube, this brightness thing sucks kinda... at least it's easier to see...) video version: I used the Alpha Glitch. Its really useful. So, yeah. Thanks for taking the time to look. See ya!
  14. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hey Guys! After a longtime Its my first post Heart Rain particles! ok.enough talking....... let me show you a pic about the Heart rain particles: download link:{media fire} Tap Me to start download! to download yourself from mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v2mlpjur6j6n1zm/Heart+rain+particles.rar good luck.bye ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ahhh........ forgot that........ this particle is for you and your lovely christmas !
  15. Drowning particles Hey everyone, it Cobalt and i'm back with drowning particles Note: you can remove the water drop particles and make the bubbles spawn faster If you don't know how to install particles here how Credit is always appreciated! Hope you like it bye -cobalt
  16. Greetings! Here's my first and freshly-created particles pack: Blood particles! The pack includes 3 files, each with different motion, so you can easily create gruesome blood effects on a neck or shoulders! Here's the kind of stuff you can do with it: (WARNING: Gore picture) I hope you'll like this pack. Credit is always appreciated!
  17. So I recently found out how to use 3D cube particles... so I made this:
  18. I need some potion effect particles and a 3D bottle for a special animation im working on,including future ones. Im not good with particles so if anyone who is willing to make them or already has them set up,please do,thankyou L:
  19. Well, I bet this is pretty good! Hope you enjoy it!
  20. Ok so most of my Time I usually spend about 90% of my Mine-imator time rigging,Originally I was gonna make this rig for a collab but I think it looks pretty cool,This is my First public rig ever,so its pretty basic. Ninjabee's Enderman Rig Comparison with M.Is 3D Mouth Inside Mouth Fingers Mouth Pearl(Optional) Mouth Comparison to M.Is Shot with Fingers and Mouth open Holding a block Eyelids Pupils move also,As well as a purple glow Last but not least Particles I tried to make them look like the Actual Particles they emit in game. Download link:https://www.mediafire.com/?fid72br2x27vyr7 Oh,You don't HAVE to credit me. But if you do want to use this rig for your own Purpose Crediting would be Appreciated L:
  21. Hey so ive seen some of my work (even if its not that much) is getting good comments so i decided to take some suggestions for making rigs or skins and maybe particles (not big particle stuff so dont get your hopes up... not to be rude) so you can say and there is a 90% to 80% chance i will do it depending on what it is becouse if its very very complex (like huge robot, mech or tank) i may take too much
  22. Brand new we have a new Particle Liqud You can Put Bucket or any alse! WARNING: THIS PARTICLE WILL LAG LOTS TO MUCH BLOCK YOU HAVE MAKE HIDE THIS PARTICLE
  23. Im going to show you a video of me testing how to make a desert enviroment and i made some personal particles for the test too sooooooo ill leave a link when i post the individulas but i say they are pretty good. Btw still not posted video
  24. I'm having some trouble figuring out the particle editor. I can create the particle effects that I like easily, the direction, transition (from 1 particle frame to another), etc. What I can't figure out is how to cause the effect to only activate once the camera has switched to the frame I want it to start in. Not particle "types" frames from the particle creator, but on the timeline. They seem to be active constantly and randomly and may or may not be visible in the frame during any given playback regardless of where I place the particle on the timeline. For instance in the picture below, I want to have the particle effect START it's animation at 115 on the timeline, animate for 1 frame, ending at 116 on the timeline. No matter what I do with the values that seem like they would affect this, the animation of the particles starts and ends randomly and always repeats randomly. I need it to look like a bullet has hit a zombie, blood splatters from it's body for an instant, then dissolves into the air. Is this something I can do in Mine-imator, or should I just do it during the post-processing in after effects? I can get the animation itself to "flash" for an instant the way I want, but it just keeps repeating this over and over and over randomly. I want it to animate once starting at 115 and end at 116 and not happen again. And while I'm asking questions, how do I add media directly to the post rather than posting it on another site and linking to it (specifically videos)?
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