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Cryptic Runner

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Everything posted by Cryptic Runner

  1. nice animation, but the lighting looks like goldsrc with bloom and ssao applied
  2. what's with these giant exaggerated anime eyes and that completely bland mouth tho
  3. I'm really annoyed with the regular minecraft text slapped on the camera with nothing special kind of dialog. What other style of character dialog should i do?
  4. well, the blocks, items and models aren't completely finished so yes it's possible but if it's updated right now we won't have the other content 1.14 will have at it's release, because 1.14 will probably have more content than it's snapshots
  5. It would be extremely useful for animators to have a timeline search bar, so people can search specific objects without being completely lost and searching for the object. For example, an ultra detailed scene in which you have lots of objects that are all different from each other (and that have different names), but you can't find a specific object, so you can search for that object.
  6. are you dumb? snapshots aren't finished, it's basically like the half-life 2 beta but it's made public by the creators, and obviously the half-life 2 beta was extremely unpolished, unfinished, blurry, and glitchy. minecraft snapshots aren't finished, they're not completely polished, they're not finished and some things are glitchy too. basically, you're wanting someone to directly slap unfinished content into a program.
  7. mbanders probably contaminated me, as i am now a flexy boi hahaha
  8. my brain: JUST DO IT IDIET me: well i wish to do it but i'm too busy so sorry
  9. sucks man it's just the iphone x with the notch disabled setting which just enlarges the notch :((((((((
  10. it is the best one you have made, nice
  11. i love it when there's light edges on characters especially in mine imator, it makes it look like plastic just like in minecraft dungeons and it looks appealing
  12. looks good but very stiff and unnatural
  13. i hope it's not that white creature that cries and does scary things from that scp thingy
  14. lighting looks pretty 1.0.6-ish but nice
  15. Was your map made in 1.13? If not, open the map in 1.13.
  16. 1.13 is the only compatible version for mine-imator, so open your world in 1.13, if you have made it in 1.12. (why do people build with 1.13? strange as heck)
  17. Was your world in 1.13 or older? Mine-imator only supports 1.13 and in 1.13 every entity and block directory has been changed.
  18. Mine-imator only supports 1.13 currently, so you need to open your world in 1.13.
  19. Did you make it in an older version than 1.13? Mine-imator only supports 1.13.
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