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Everything posted by MoltenLapizza

  1. I noticed some things in the image and I'd like to point them out. BROKEN HIP. The way Alex pose looks weird, I'm fine with the arms but the legs are weird. Their expressions look too bland. There's too much bloom in the sky. and if you're going to keep the bloom, atleast have some backlight for Alex and an overall better lighting to match up with the bloom's brightness. (Just don't overdo it) Hope you can use these points to improve on the next post.
  2. Huh, only realized now that I'm still in MB 1.1.2

    Eh maybe later...

    1. TheFishMC
    2. LacaMenDRY


      Because The New Version of MB have a Texturing Error. that was a GAP.

  3. I do love me some speed building while my roof suddenly starts disappearing.
  4. So subsurface scattering... So her clothing is part of her flesh as well? It looks like it has the same tint.
  5. Is the mouth and eye gradient being transparent part of the raw version?
  6. Why does the second pic look weird.
  7. How the heck do you fix the y bending in MB. my tapered Torso always end up creating gaps.

  8. you guys work out?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. LacaMenDRY


      Now I Working.

    3. Yoshifan33


      hey, i am in shape!

      round is a shape...

    4. CanadianLunaPogi


      I get enough. (150 minutes a week).

  9. Didn't think that the Thunder Spear test would get featured but Yay.

  10. Your pfp reminds me of my childhood.

  11. Do you guys use folders (overlapping action) on your body parts as well? or is putting folders on the main part already good enough for you and why? 

    1. MojangYang


      I (used to) just put the entire character inside one folder, that way I can create better arc motions.

  12. Always fire at a far distance, you don't want to end up like this guy.
  13. Last night, I dreamt of myself eating spaghetti but some blocky guy pushed it over. Disappointment filled the room and I woke up.

    1. soniccraft


      This was my dream8irwv82edyc21.jpg

  14. The sound and recoil make's it feels so strong. But did you have to make different variations? Reverse looks like some weird magik reload animation materializing the bullet from thin air into the gun.
  15. MI has given me the death of all animations with the corrupted project message. I tried using the backups but it also gives the same error. This is my first encounter with the error so can anyone give a helping hand? I really don't wanna lose all that progress.


    1. Skjold


      Backup more often lol

  16. There is sometimes that part of the day where it's most active, it's usually from 10PM until 1AM EST. Though there is another from 9AM to 11PM EST. Meaning if you want most people to view your post in the Recent Topics without possibly getting blocked by other posts, you can try around these times or minutes before that.

    I thought of this for a long time after viewing the forums too much everyday, I really gotta do other stuff or else I might end up working with spreadsheets. ?

  17. I noticed that you went beyond the sunlight range in the background. You can see the shadows suddenly stopped on a certain point, you can either move it so that it won't show that or increase the range.
  18. I like how you put them in real life, really nice concept. Looks terrifying when I think about it.
  19. Here's a render for that I guess. It looks like the butterfly is being burnt to a crisp.
  20. You spin me right round, baby right round like a record baby right round, round round~
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