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Everything posted by Benji

  1. Was doing a thing with @Hagus comparing our techniques and styles. So we chose a prompt (Someone walking away from killing someone) and got to work. Here's my render. And you can find Hagus' here Criticism is welcome, but if you're going to, try and go into details seeing as I can't really learn anything from "the lighting is boring" and such comments.
  2. Okay, if you're gay, that's cool, but shoving it in a bunch of 12-year-old's faces with stuff close to softcore is a bit too much. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benji
    3. Ethaniel


      Oh no, is this gonna be another gay pride thing. 

    4. Benji


      Pfft. I'm gay but there ain't no pride in it for me.

  3. Starting college this fall. I'm slightly scared and much excited. 

    1. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      Just eat the professor if you get nervous 

    2. Hagus


      If you go to one of those huge lecture hall type things and the seats get higher the further back you are, bet the professor if you make a ball into the trash can by his desk, he won’t give any homework.

    3. Extro
  4. Why are all these 13-year-olds with self-diagnosed depression coming onto these forums and complaining about life exactly?

    1. Nzshark6


      I'll have you know that I was diagnosed by my Better Help doctor!! 

    2. Hagus


      No clue. 

    3. Ghatos


      Because they want to get attention and upvot- I mean, because school is hard and depressing :c

  5. Mia, if you want to stop arguing, you need to agree to stop as well. Just ignore him. Let him blast your rep. I'm sure your friends will build it back up anyway.
  6. @tditdatdwt they aren't stopping and you seem smart. Help.
  7. Okay, seriously. Karyu, Fray, and TJW. Stop. This is getting offtopic and is almost worthy of bringing in a moderator.
  8. He's flooding out other topics faster than you can say pina colada. That's not really something you should do.
  9. I think that's a nice touch. I'm excited to see the final animation. I find it a bit hard to find good songs from ID, honestly. They have some good ones, but their style and intentions always seem scattered album-to-album.
  10. Or or or. If you really- Actually. Hit me up on Discord > Benji#8274. And we can continue. No hate. :3
  11. Pbffft. This kid. Nah, kid. Try Amsterdam or Bleeding Out. Maybe Who We Are or Underdog. Or Polaroid
  12. I mean, it's passable. But it's definitely not one of their better songs.
  13. ? 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Benji


      There's an image. lol. @MYSELF3200 help me out here.

    3. MYSELF3200
    4. Hagus


      Soon....WHAT COULD IT MEAN???

      Im going to spend a few hours figuring this out

  14. That rain looks so fricking good oml.
  15. It's based around how I play. Which usually involves a lot of travel to find the right location to build a house. Then I gather materials and make armor.
  16. I was listening to the Minecraft soundtrack when the idea hit me. It started off with some dumb placement of cubes in Blender, but then I moved to MI since I'm more experience there. I hope you enjoy my wallpaper based on the 3rd-4th day of a survival world. Mainly based on my play style of not actually building a house for until day 5 or so. I'm always open for any form of critique. Thanks to @JosSamLoh for rendering this for me. Download the full resolution version here.
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