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My name is North_Xv

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My name is North_Xv last won the day on February 13 2020

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About My name is North_Xv

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  • Birthday 03/12/2000

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  1. 太感谢了,之前经别人发的文件用过您的汉化,今日重装电脑下MI的时候偶然发现原贴,特来支持
  2. SO COOL!But my biggest expectation is that Mine-imator can support more languages, because my English is actually not very good!
  3. 大家好又是我!这个模型其实是我去年做的,我打算将他运用在我的动画上,但是我的动画由于诸多问题导致现在才完成,让我们先来看一下模型吧 Hello everyone, it's me again! This model was actually made by me last year. I intend to use it in my animation, but my animation is only completed now due to many problems. Let's take a look at the model first 动画video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YzmQ44YvEcE&t=8s 我在制作动画的时候我的朋友要求我要做的动画里要有以僵尸猪人为原型的怪物登场,于是我优先想到了《重返黑夜》中的凋灵猪人 When I was making animation, my friend asked me to have a monster based on pigzombie in the animation, so I thought of pigzombie in "take back the night" first 但是我在制作的过程中产生了另一种想法,最初因为我觉得铁球和铁链这方面对我来说运用在动画上太难了,于是我就想到了我要创造一个属于我的“僵尸猪人”!在保留了带着骷髅头的想法之后我想到了新品种“僵尸猪人”的诞生方式,在视频中,坏蛋们将凋零骷髅的头颅套在猪的头上,然后使用魔法将它变成可怕的怪物,新品种的“僵尸猪人”拥有突起的凋零脊椎骨,浑身流淌着魔法,蓝色发光的眼睛 But I came up with another idea in the process of production. At first, I thought that iron balls and chains were too difficult for me to use in animation, so I thought that I would create a "pigzombie" that belongs to me! After retaining the idea of carrying a skull, I came up with the birth mode of a new breed of "pigzombie". In the video, the villains put Wither Skeleton head on the pig's head, and then use magic to turn it into a terrible monster. The new breed of "pigzombie"has a protruding withered spine, magic flowing in the blood vessels, and blue shining eyes 而其中有一只变成了巨大的怪物,他不像其他“僵尸猪人”一样全身流淌魔法,而是魔法集中在大脑里,拥有比同类更加强大的思考能力,他有一只由凋零骷髅组成的巨大的铁拳,头骨的下颌骨裂开形成獠牙的样子 And one of them became a huge monster. Unlike other "pigzombie", his magic was concentrated in the brain, and he had more powerful thinking ability than his peers. He had a huge iron fist composed of Wither Skeleton, and the mandible of his skull split to form tusks 凋零猪人与人类的对比 Comparison of body size between witherpigzombie and human 虽然本次的主角是凋零猪人,但是在视频中出现的“僵尸猪人”会作为附属品提供在下载包内 Although the protagonist of this time is witherpigzombie, the "pigzombie" in the video will be provided as an accessory in the download package 下载Download: 我的英语不是很好,使用机器翻译可能存在语法错误,见谅 My English is not very good. There may be grammatical mistakes in using machine translation. Sorry
  4. You've done the same thing. When I showed my work to my friend, he said that someone has done it, and it should be you. I'm glad that someone has the same idea 谢谢,但是他们希望我更好的融入这个英文社区,所以我以后发布内容时可能不会使用中文原文了 Thank you, but they hope that I can better integrate into this English community, so I may not use the original Chinese when publishing the content in the future
  5. 中国其实有个蛮大的Mine-Imator圈子,我们从好几年前就在用,而我差不多是在2014年1.0测试版左右的时候入圈的,当时大家技术都不是很成熟所以当时在中国的Mine-Imator主流玩法就是用图片渲染功能做漫画,很可惜中国是个版权意识很差(虽然现在越来越多人有这个意识)以及低龄化严重的国家,一些低素质的孩子做了许多质量低下的作品在一些群组里炫耀时遭到批评就在论坛里面引战搞得过年圈子一片乌烟瘴气,有论坛之间的分化而且水火不容,我所在的算是比较文明的几个群组,而且有些来自外国的用户也在我们的群组或者群组里有人会经常和一些国外的动画大佬联系,我在网站里使用中文是我不会英文但是又怕翻译软件翻译的不是完全准确所以保留了中文原文,如果你们觉得不要使用中文的话我以后就在这里不用了,谢谢你们的建议 OK! I will not use Chinese here. The reason why I keep Chinese is that my English is not very good and I am afraid of grammar mistakes when using translation software, so I keep the original.
  6. 好久不见我是来自中国的城北徐公,此包模型是本人通宵一晚做的,模型包内容是来自天境:往事里的生物,希望各位能喜欢。 I haven't seen you for a long time. I'm from North Xu of China. I made this model overnight. The content of the model package is from the mobs in aether: legacy. I hope you like it. 天境:往事是老牌冒险模组天境的非官方重置版本,天境世界是与地狱相反的一个世界,以一些大大小小的漂浮岛组成的世界,犹如天堂一样,里面有着诸多危险和有趣的生物以及铜银金三个级别的地牢等着你挑战。 Aether legacy is an unofficial reset version of the old adventure mod The Aether. The aether world is the opposite of hell. It is a world of floating islands, big and small, just like heaven. There are many dangerous and interesting creatures, copper, silver and gold dungeons waiting for you to challenge. 我最近在玩这个mod并且完成了模组里的全成就,所以作为“过关”纪念我想把它当中的生物模型做出来。 I've been playing this mod recently and completed all the achievements in the module, so as a "pass" memorial, I want to make a biological model of it. 以下为本包内容物展示: The contents of this package are shown as follows: 恐鸟:一种常见的生物,外表稍微有点吓人但是非常温顺,可以驯服并骑乘,貌似不同的颜色飞行能力不一样(黑色好像是最强的) MOA: a common creature, slightly scary in appearance but very docile. It can be tamed and ridden. It seems that different colors have different flying abilities (black seems to be the strongest). 顺便一说,黑色恐鸟的鞍是黑色的,恐鸟貌似可以穿盔甲但是我玩的时候没有研究出来(但是模组里面找到了盔甲恐鸟的贴图) By the way, the saddle of the black MOA is black. It seems that the MOA can wear armor, but I didn't find out when I played (but the map of the MOA in armor was found in the module) 飞天猪:一种长着翅膀的猪,可以上鞍,在空岛之间移动的交通工具之一(能驯服恐鸟的话这个猪就是用来吃的) Phyg: a kind of pig with wings, one of the means of transportation that can saddle up and move between empty Islands (the pig is used for eating if it can tame the MOA) 天翼牛:长翅膀的牛,用途和飞天猪一样但是貌似起跳高度更高一点(有恐鸟时它的用途比飞天猪多一个皮革) Flying cow: the long winged cow is used for the same purpose as phyg, but seems to take off a little higher (when there is a MOA, it is used for one more leather than phyg) 云跳羊:眼睛比原版羊大一点,作用和原版羊差不多,有趣的地方在于吃草后他可以跳的很高(但是不能骑)它和原版羊的区别可不单只是羊毛有花纹,它可以吃更多的草长更多的毛,然后可以剪两次羊毛 Sheepuff: the eyes are bigger than the original sheep, and they are almost the same as the original sheep. The interesting thing is that he can jump very high after eating grass(but not ride)It's different from the original sheep not only that the wool has patterns, but also that it can eat more grass and grow more hair, and then it can cut the wool twice 这里注意一下,这里的羊包括前面的猪和牛都是在Mine-imator的模型文件基础中修改的,但是羊在MI里的模型文件有两个,一个是长毛的羊一个是被剪毛的羊,这里我只做了一个模型并把羊毛分成了各个部件在模型上,使用起来可能比较麻烦 note here that the sheep, including the pigs and cattle in front, are modified in the model file of mine imator, but there are two model files of sheep in mine imator, one is the long wool sheep and the other is the sheared sheep. Here I only make a model and divide the wool into various parts on the model, which may be troublesome to use 天越兔:可爱的小兔兔,由于在有天境这个模组的时候Minecraft原版还没有兔子所以就和MC原版兔子看起来不一样了,跳动的时候身体一鼓一鼓的很可爱 Aerbunny: cute little rabbit. When the aether module is available, minecraft's original version doesn't have a rabbit, so it looks different from minecraft's original version. When it's bouncing, it's very cute 在游戏中你可以鼠标右击把它顶在头上,这样你可以跳的更高一点,而且在空中你可以通过不停跳跃减少下落速度(但是你落到Aether底部时它不会跟在你的头上落到地面),个人认为最好用的一个空岛之间移动方式(phyg&flying_cow滑翔距离太近,降落伞滑翔更近,减掉落速度的饰品太难拿,moa遇到过bug)注意,顶着兔子时不要使用任何射击攻击的物品(否则兔子会被击中) In the game, you can right-click it on your head, so you can jump a little higher, and in the air you can reduce the falling speed by constantly jumping (but when you fall to the bottom of aether, it will not fall on the ground with your head), which is the best way to move between Islands in my opinion (phyg & flying_cowglides too close, parachute glides closer, so as to reduce the falling) It's too hard to take the accessories of speed. MOA has encountered a bug.) Note: don't use any shooting objects when holding the rabbit (otherwise the rabbit will be hit) 云鲸:本模组唯一一个纯观赏性的生物,打了不掉任何东西,飞在天上的庞然大物 Aerwhale: the only pure ornamental creature in this module, a giant flying in the sky without dropping anything cockatrice:这个长得像恐鸟的东西除了外形长得比恐鸟花花绿绿的以外还比恐鸟危险,攻击方式为向玩家射击毒箭时玩家中毒,此毒非彼原版中毒buff,毒效果除了持续扣血还让玩家摇摇晃晃的走路,如果你在空岛边缘你就完了,解毒的方法为吃模组中的白苹果,毒箭可以对任何生物有效(包括他们自己),似乎有些版本的毒是中毒加反胃buff Cockatrice: this thing looks like a MOA. It's more dangerous than a MOA in appearance. The attack mode is that the player is poisoned when shooting the poison arrow at the player. This poison is not the original poison buff. The poison effect is not only to keep bleeding, but also to make the player stagger. If you're on the edge of the air Island, you're done. The way to detoxify is to eat the white apple in the module. Poison Arrow works on any creature (including themselves). It seems that some versions of the poison are poison plus nausea buff 细节:cockatrice的花纹在夜间会发光(虽然貌似我玩的版本里面没有加入这个特性但是贴图里有发光部分的贴图我就做了) Details: cockatc's pattern will glow at night (although it seems that I didn't add this feature in the version I played, I did it when there was a glow part in the map) 史维特:前面猪牛羊理解为对应的天境生物的话史维特就是天境的史莱姆,但是和史莱姆不同的地方在于他们的攻击方式为把你包起来然后往空岛边缘跑......(MB和MI去背景渲染渲染透明部分非常糟糕) Swet: the former pig, ox and sheep understand that the corresponding aether creature, swet is aether's shrem, but it's different from shrem in that their attack mode is to wrap you up and run to the edge of the air island... (it's very bad for modelbench and mine imator to render the background, render the transparency part) 我给他加上了原版史莱姆模型没有的的东西:弯曲,这样可以让他看起来更加的柔软和Q弹,史维特一共有两种,蓝色史维特和金色史维特(貌似是在对应天境里的云方块)金色史维特的攻击方式为抓住玩家时跳的很高使其强制收到摔落伤害 I added to him what the mine imator model didn't have: bending, which makes him look softer and more elastic,There are two kinds of swets in total. Blue swet and gold swet (it seems to be the cloud square in the corresponding sky) the attack mode of gold swet is to catch the player and jump very high to force him to receive the falling damage 箭毒花:拥有和鸡蛇一样的毒箭,在一些版本里是中立生物,它的花瓣是用来驯服moa用的 Aechor_plant: with the same poison arrow as cockatrice, it is a neutral creature in some versions, and its petals are used to tame MOA 注:我把每一片花瓣花蕊和那些看起来像须根一样的东西做成独立部件是因为在游戏里都是动态的 Note: I make each petal, stamen and other things that look like fibrous roots into independent parts because they are dynamic in the game 西风啸云:可以说这个东西是天境里的毒瘤,它和平也能生成,总是高高的飞在天上你也不好打他,它会向玩家吐雪球,虽然没有任何伤害但是会有很强的击退效果,而且可以在天境的任何时间任何地点生成(如果你在天境的家空间足够大可能就会凭空刷新在你家里) Zephyr: it's the most annoying thing in aether. It can be generated peacefully. It's always flying high in the sky. You can't hit it. It will throw snowballs at the players. Although there's no damage, it will have a strong knockback effect. It can be generated at any time and any place in aether (if you have enough space in aether's home, it may refresh in your home) 注:他周围的几片云在游戏里都是独立可以动的,但是在模型里被统一弄成了漂浮效果的部件(因为我做到它的时候我已经通宵了想早早睡下所以就摸了)尾巴我想用弯曲效果做整个但是效果不好所以没能很好的还原原版(主要还是摸了) Note: several clouds around him can move independently in the game, but they are unified into floating parts in the model (because when I did it, I had to stay up all night, wanted to go to bed early, so I cut corners). I wanted to do the whole thing with bending effect, but the effect was not good, so I failed to restore the original version (mainly laziness) 拟箱怪:地牢经常出现的怪物,如果你第一次见到他你可能会被吓飞,貌似会随机吃掉玩家身上的物品(而且貌似打死后不掉落)本来想让它腿部弯曲的,但是由于感觉到它的腿是木质的就算了(绝对不是摸鱼) Mimic: the monster often appears in dungeons. If you see him for the first time, you may be scared to fly. It seems that you will randomly eat the players' items (and it seems that they will not fall after being killed). Originally, they wanted to bend their legs, but even if they felt that their legs were made of wood (definitely not lazy) 这个东西最缺德的地方就在于圣诞节箱子变成圣诞箱的时候他的外形也会变,一些有天根木箱的版本里的样子是天根木款式的 The worst part of this thing is that when the Christmas box becomes a Christmas box, its shape will also change. Some versions of the box one day look like that of the box 战斗哨石:青铜地牢的小怪,踩到某些方块时生成,会试图接近玩家并爆炸 Sentry: mob of bronze dungeon, generated when stepping on some squares, will try to approach the player and explode 注:sentry生成后几秒会变成启动形态,启动形态时贴图会发生改变,除了发光的眼睛部分外贴图还加入了一点高光效果,所以我把高光贴图和眼睛做在一起省去了切换贴图 Note: after Sentry is generated, it will turn into the start-up shape in a few seconds. When start-up shape, the map will change. In addition to the luminous eye part, the map also adds a bit of highlight effect, so I omit the switch map by combining the highlight map with the eye slider:青铜地牢的Boss,通常就在路口旁的房间里等你,比较难对付,攻击方式为单向移动对着玩家撞击,只能通过镐子造成伤害(貌似是工具造成伤害,总之剑类武器对其无效)值得一提的是他能够破坏除boss房间以外的方块(包括基岩),死后掉落青铜钥匙来打开宝箱 Slider: the boss of the bronze dungeon, usually waiting for you in the room beside the intersection, is difficult to deal with. The attack mode is to move in one direction and collide with the player. It can only cause damage by pickaxe (it seems that the damage is caused by tools, in short, sword weapons are not effective for it). It is worth mentioning that he can destroy the blocks (including bedrock) except the boss room, and drop the bronze key to open the treasure chest after death 女武神:白银地牢的小怪,踩到某些方块时生成,中立生物,和她们战斗时有对话(只是我不懂英语打的时候一句没有看懂),死后掉落奖牌 Valkyrie: bullies in silver dungeons, generated when stepping on some diamonds, neutral creatures, have conversations with them when fighting (I don't understand English, but I don't understand a word when fighting), and drop medals after death 细节:手臂和腿部可以弯曲,但是缺点是剑没有剑柄 Details: arms and legs can be bent, but the disadvantage is that the sword has no hilt 武神女王在白银地牢最里面的房间等你,你需要十个奖牌才能向她发起挑战,和她可以对话(但是我一句也没看懂),死亡掉落金剑和白银钥匙,个人认为模组里最菜的一个boss,难度比滑行者更小,长着翅膀却会因为击飞吃亏,但是不要小看她的攻击方式,她能快速移动到你身后以及发射电球(但是你蹲墙角拿重力晶剑她是真的拿你没办法) Valkyrie queue is waiting for you in the innermost room of the silver dungeon. You need ten medals to challenge her. You can talk to her (but I don't understand a word). Death drops the golden sword and silver key. I think the simplest boss in the module is less difficult than the glider. With wings, she will suffer losses from flying, but don't underestimate her attack way. She can Move quickly behind you and launch the electric ball (but you squat in the corner and take the gravity crystal sword, she really can't take you) 注:由于武神女王和女武神模型一样所以武神女王在模型包里只有皮肤 Note: since Valkyrie queue is the same as Valkyrie model, Valkyrie queue only has skin in the model package 烈阳巨灵:黄金地牢的守卫者,太阳的化身,同时也是个话痨鬼(当然我也一句没有听懂),死亡掉落日轮祭坛和黄金钥匙,日轮祭坛的效果是让你可以直接调节游戏时间 Sun spirit: the guardian of the golden dungeon, the incarnation of the sun, is also a talkative (I didn't understand a word of course). Death drops the sun altar and gold key. The effect of the sun altar is that you can adjust the game time directly 要和他对完所有话才能开打,战斗方式可不是那种面对面硬打的方式,他会在整个房间里跑来跑去(比香港记者还快),一边跑还会释放火球或者冰球,将冰球打到他身上才能造成伤害(貌似玩家越多他的血量也会越多),对于准性好一点或者说会玩的人来说就是普通的弹球游戏,对于菜一点的人来说就是inksans It's not the way to fight face-to-face. He will run around the room , release fireballs or ice hockey while running, and hit him with ice hockey to cause damage (it seems that the more players, the more blood they have), It's a normal pinball game for people with better accuracy or who can play 每次收到伤害时会召唤一个烈焰奴仆来攻击你,烈焰奴仆和烈阳巨灵模型一样但是大小不同所以我做了两个模型 Every time I receive damage, I will call a servant to attack you. The servant is the same as the spirit of the sun model, but the size is different, so I made two models 下面是对比图 注:本包不包含粒子效果 Here's a comparison note: this package does not include particle effects 以上就是本模型包所包含的内容 These are the contents of this model package 除此之外一些有趣的东西: Besides, there are some interesting things: 我在做这些模组的时候还发现了一个叫做mini_cloud的贴图,但是我在游戏里并没有见到这个生物,于是我上了官方wiki查找时了解到这是一个可以驯服的生物类似狼,玩家在Aether待4~5天游戏时间才会生成而且稀有的一个生物,不过它还是个未加入的生物,官方说法貌似是准备在The AetherⅡ中加入,不过The AetherⅡ早就放弃了去做Highlands了,不懂Highlands未来的更新或者The AetherⅡ的其他版本会不会有 I also found a map called mini cloud when making these modules, but I didn't see this creature in the game, so when I went to the official Wiki to find it, I learned that it was a tamable creature similar to a wolf, and the player would generate and rare a creature after 4-5 days in aether's game time, but it was still an unincorporated creature, according to the official appearance It seems that the aether Ⅱ is ready to be added to the aether Ⅱ, but the aether Ⅱ has long given up to be highlands. I don't know whether the future updates of highlands or other versions of the aether Ⅱ will be available 下载地址Download 我的英语不是很好,使用翻译软件可能语法有错误,见谅 My English is not very good. There may be some mistakes in grammar when using translation software. Sorry
  7. 新年快乐?!下个星期就是中国年了,在中国过年的时候人们会放烟花爆竹来庆祝(虽然现在因为环保问题被禁止燃放),因此我制作了一些烟花爆竹的模型来代替不能在现实中放炮的遗憾,模型均为Modelbenchchs制作,这次带来的烟火包包含三种模型,分别是:爆竹,烟花以及长筒烟花 Happy New Year?! Next week is the Chinese New Year. In Chinese new year, people will set off fireworks to celebrate (although now it is forbidden to set off because of environmental protection problems), so I made some models of fireworks to replace the regret that we can't set off in reality. The models are made of Modelbenchchs. This time, there are three models in the fireworks package: fireworks, fireworks and long tube fireworks 预览图(与正常人物的比例) Preview (scale to normal person) 爆竹 Firecracker 烟花 Fireworks 长筒烟花 Long tube fireworks 其中长筒烟花在点火后会发射多枚烟花(模型包不包含烟花发射效果),所以我制作了一个盖子来模拟发射烟花时烧焦的发射口, Among them, the long tube fireworks will emit many fireworks after ignition (the model package does not include the fireworks emission effect), so I made a cover to simulate the firing port when launching fireworks, 可以打开的盖子 A lid that can be opened 以上就是这次模型包的内容,喜欢你们喜欢,使用时请标注作者谢谢,最后祝各位新年快乐 The above is the content of this model package. I like it. Please mark the author when using. Thank you. Finally, I wish you a happy new year 我不是很擅长英语,使用翻译机可能有部分语法错误,请见谅 I'm not very good at English. There may be some grammatical mistakes in using the translator. Please forgive me 下载 Download
  8. I'm sorry, but now I have corrected the language. I made this package according to Fantastic Fish mod, but this mod is not whale, I'm sorry.
  9. I'm sorry, because my personal fault caused the previous content not to have English, so I edit it again. 大家好,我是来自中国的城北徐公,这次我为大家带来的是使用Modelbench制作的一个MOD生物Pack希望你们喜欢,奇异鱼类是一个关于水下生物的mod,里面包含了一些鱼类以及一些其他的海洋生物. Hello, I'm North Xv from China. This time I'm bringing you a mod creature pack made with Modelbench. I hope you like it. Strange fish is a mod about underwater creatures. It contains some fish and some other marine creatures. 鱼,在水里随处可见的普通鱼类 。 Fish, common fish found everywhere in the water. 北梭鱼 Barracuda 其他鱼类,模型几乎都是独立的一些鱼类 其他鱼类模型几乎独立于某些鱼类物种。 其他海洋生物,除了鱼类以外的生物 除鱼类外的其他海洋生物。 护士鲨,一种温顺的小型鲨鱼,模组中身边围绕着两条小鱼 Nurse shark, a meek, small shark surrounded by two small fish. 鲨鱼,这么帅气的生物当然是作为压轴登场了 ? Shark, such a cool creature is the last to play.? 附录(appendix): 我不擅长英语,所以文本由软件翻译,如果语法上存在错误还请见谅 I am not good at English, so the text is translated by software. If there are errors in grammar, please forgive me. 下载地址:百度网盘 Download:MEGA 使用时请注明作者,谢谢 Please mark the author when using. Thank you.
  10. Sorry, my English is not so good, so there may be a little mistake in grammar. But that's right, I want to share with my friends.
  11. Can I transfer this Rig? I want Chinese friends to look at this.
  12. Hello everyone, I come from China, my name is North_Xv. Today, I'm very glad to share with you my rig. This rig is imitation game < terraria >Duke Fishron , above joined the many details, such as moving eyes and points clearly every single tooth, and can move the ear, I hope you like it impression drawing preview details May I make and not in the game (such as no game so fat), but the project is quite large, also my English is not very good, so part of translation grammar may a bit wrong, please forgive me.
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