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Everything posted by CubixGeek

  1. I think I technically won my first MGB. But both of us didn't finish our animations so RIP. 

  2. EYYYYY! I heard explosions were pretty painful!
  3. So I made 2 entries for the Wrong House Collab and I just wanted to post them here for some reason. They are not the best and I know that. 1: I crashed the program while animating it so. boom. 2: It has a joke that I made on @The Tan James 's stream.
  4. If we use this, do we have to credit the Creator (you) or because of modifications It doesn't matter?
  5. Well I'll try to make an entry today, Will I still be able to give you my entry tomorrow?
  6. oh... its October 13... I had to much work to do so I could not make mine....
  7. I got IGN : CubixGeek (Who is the guy on my profile picture) and IGN : CubixPlus (who is a more robotic version of CubixGeek)
  8. James wanted us to send him animations, so, I made this, @The Tan James don't watch this until the 29 or whatever. yeeeee. magic.
  9. I made this because... um... I don't remeber why but here. Used my skin and @Patrick's skin (the guy doing the explosion)
  10. I can be : a Riggers (Depends what is to rig.)Editors ( I can edit. wooooo)StoryMakers: (I iz much gud at Gramar. And also at creating stories.)Animators (I can help for implenting realistic Motions. maybe. idk)Builders ( I can build. i think)Voice Actors ( I can do multiple voices, like Batman, arnold schwarzenegger, Elmo, Stitch, Maybe the guy who sings what a wonderful world, Some Kind of Choking Demon, Evil Palpatine and maybe more) Yeee.
  11. Current WIP MGB againts Ninjabee : Pre-Render #4.5 : Ninjabee_Redtricity 's WIP Render : LINK To Do list : +Add actual Fighting -Bad stuff +Improvements (I will be editing this page as I make progress) (Pre-render 1 and 2 were not used and 4.) (Pre-Render 3 is the same as 4 but shorter)
  12. Animating My MGB, here is what I made yet : (Note that there are thing to improve I know, its a Prerender, not the official thing) :


  13. 4 years later ........... IT IS DONE! Here it is : (random link to the collab) RandomDude4567 : But its in 720p. UpMoon : yeah. RandomDude4567 : Dud, we in 2020, we do 23k now. Upmoon : but... RandomDude4567 : We also have hover-boards Upmoon : We do? RandomDude4567 : YEA, but they still don't hover,
  14. interesting, but you made it! yeaaaaaaaaaa.
  15. maybe tomorrow too, but believe its today and it will motivate you
  16. TODAY is the last day for uploading your entry, so Hurry up! IF the name counter isn't correct, sorry I lost track.
  17. ok then, I can animate (not alot cuz of current projects) I have AE ( I can add dramatic lightning but idk, I watched skibbz tutorial) I can Edit ( But idk if im the best) I can Voice act ( you didn't ask for that but whatever) so, and can be a filler, so, um, just, um, Take people who want the jobs and when your done, I can do what is needed. maybe.
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