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Astro Animations

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Everything posted by Astro Animations

  1. you literally said that it wasn't final and less than an hour later made it final. what.
  2. I'm sorry. My friends made me do this. It's terrible because it's a joke, just so you know. What is life.
  3. Pretty much everything everyone said multiple times above Because most animation softwares are simply confusing and non-user friendly, Mine-imator was created to be a simple software that can produce decent, or sometimes truly amazing, results. Idek lol
  4. Well, I personally think this doesn't deserve upvotes, but rather downvotes, because it's just... I can't. But you don't downvote and leave because constructive criticism is the whole point of these forums, is it not? If you spun like that you'd legitimately snap your body in two. The constant spinning made that not even a dab. The dab. The dab. The dab. Last I checked you can't levitate irl Watermark. Ecip. Grammar. You don't need perfect grammar on the internet, but decent please. The dab.
  5. O Yeh im is verr sad bout dis minecwep vidyo dat wus litwery gun be le bester vidyo an oll de internut wus litwery gun be cheng me lif nuw me hul lif is rooned brb gun do suiced Really... suicide over... a Minecraft video you spent 30 hours on. I promise it didn't ruin your entire life. No suicide necessary.
  6. You can't ask for only positive feedback or this website has nothing to offer you.
  7. pretty nice, but his arms should be less right up against his sides.. so instead of: something like:
  8. No I added that myself, let me tell you that was a freaking pain.. but it worked... eventually. That's cool, but please don't quote the entire topic
  9. Actually it's probably the best editing I've ever seen.
  10. ... and videos in which he fails hard and rages hard. those are funny.
  11. well I watch graser but I don't watch cube but I like the never have I evers and the random other entertaining videos and the videos about his iPhone he needs so dearly
  12. idk if anyone here watches graser but that's k cus you don't have to in order to like this conversation he had so Graser has been getting the new iPhones on the first day for 10 years... but thanks to "transit", this tradition has been broken. He had to wait 4 WHOLE DAYS... THAT'S 96 HOURS!! edit: sorry about it being temporarily removed, that was due to youtube issues.
  13. I hope you know that music is copyrighted. actually it is bad
  14. and then I added seven times the lethal amount when you weren't looking.
  15. Offtopic: VetAlertVetAlertVetAlertVetAlert V - e - t - A - l - e - r - t Ontopic: I was actually just about to ask why you didn't use iconic 2b2t players tbh its 2b2t, there aren't usually many players in the same place.
  16. you could've just known that, since its quite obvious.
  17. well 2b2t warriors wouldn't exactly be naked. (armor-wise plz no warning point)
  18. Ok before you get all angry because I'm being too fanboy... I just wanna correct that by saying... ... idk But I'm trying not to be fanboy to the annoying level, so if this is the annoying level, let me know And for the cutting, you can blame movie maker. It is literally the stupidest editing program known to man. You know those parts where the camera jumps just before a new clip and it looks cringe? In the project, literally none of that was there, it was perfect cutting. But it rendered like that.
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