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Everything posted by EndahGurl

  1. Endergirl- rejecting your realities and substituting my own since 2014. (guess the reference)

    1. JjCinemas
    2. epicjubjub


      Everyone who watches Mythbusters knows that line.

    3. BlackoutsWorkbench


      mai god are you watching mythbusters on netflix? also Adam Savage

  2. Offtopic: That... is the worst auto-correct I've ever seen... Ontopic: Heh, that's nice... literally... *ba dum tss*
  3. I see this and I think of the scene from Ratatouille where Remy yells, 'Lightning-y!' Heh, nice job BTW.
  4. Pieeeeee for breakfast... yey

  5. Ladies and gentlemen, THIS is what happens when unexpected relationships happens. Everyone tries to ruin it.
  6. *Superman theme song plays*

  7. I'd pay money to have my Mine-imator look like that. nah not really
  8. And I'm just sitting here, multitasking between watching parkour wins and funny car crashes...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ocelot


      And I am sitting here typing this...

    3. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      and i'm sitting here worrying about getting beat up

    4. IQPlayer


      @James whoa What?

  9. A is for Astonishing W is for Wonderful E is for Enlightening S is for Stupendous O is for OMG M is for Marvelous E is for Exciting why are there no good words that start with 'e'
  10. Like Lamyral said, it's been suggested before, I like the idea, but it'd probably start up a TON of flamewars, people might even lose friends, etc. etc.
  11. The most likely reason there's no scenery is because Pigzilla already crushed Tokyo.
  12. That moment when you resort to MTV to cure your frustration.

  13. Mythbusters + Dairy Queen + Music = Me missing out on everything.

    1. crustyjpeg



    2. IQPlayer


      Even My Text Rage! :D *Smashes Someones TV*

    3. Ethaniel


      Mythbusters good show it is sciencey

  14. If you want to destroy your parents' car, call the Mythbusters.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BlackoutsWorkbench


      that is like from season 2 isnt it?

    3. Hesmiyu


      That an old episode :P

    4. EndahGurl


      @Blackouts No, Season 5, I believe.

  15. Is it weird I picked cherries over sausages to eat? (and no, I'm not a vegan)

  16. Basically I took a screenshot of some random scenery in Mine-imator, then went in with Paint.NET and edited it. Before: After:
  17. Minecraft Username or Skin: Epic_Endergirl19 Would you like to be killed in the animation or not? This basically means that MC is so realistic that if you cut down a tree, the tree falls and squishes you: Idrc
  18. Offtopic: Either really good Mine-imator wizardry, PDN or Photoshop editing, or it's Minecraft shaders somehow made into a GIF. Ontopic: Yeh, I've noticed those, but never really used them.
  19. That's what enclosed firepits are for, yes?
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