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  1. Hello! My name is Leetroid, and this is my first ever rig I've created! I've only found one table rig without textures, and I thought; why not make one myself? I have two versions, one with a sheet on, and one without. With sheet: Without sheet: Like what you see? Download it! (Customize table by changing colour on sheet or making invisible.) The rig is copyrighted to Leetroid Rigs but the textures to Mojang AB. I allow you to use this in any way you want (no racist, hating etc.) by these terms: You must provide a link to http://leetroidrigs.tk/ and a link to the Rig if used.
  2. How can you use many textures in a same model, to make variations, but without the need to rebuild the same model again using another texture? Tried to duplicate, but the items are grouped in the same "slot type", and if you change the texture on a second model, the first one change too.
  3. There could be a lot of uses for this, but the big one for me is animating the face. Maybe a texture has its own layer system (ideal) or even just being able to keyframe one skin to another in order to swap out expressions or clothes or something. Additionally, it'd be great to have an expression library to contain all the expression options. Hopefully I'm explaining this well: Laika uses the replacement process for their films (Kubo, Coraline, ParaNorman, etc.)
  4. So, I was about to open my Mine - imator until I noticed that my Project's default Minecraft texture pack was bugging. A LOT. I couldn't explain why, so I thought to share this video with you.
  5. Hello creatures of the everlasting Mine-imator Forums. I was wondering if you could give me a link on where I can find some Sword Slash and Collision Textures? I need them for my new fight scene but I somehow can't find it. (I tried to search up 'Transparent Backgrounds' they only give me pictures without Transparent Backgrounds. Dumb Google.) If so, tell me if you could give me a link on where I can get it. Thanks! Photos Below, wanna check what I really mean't. Yeah. That is all. Thanks! @victory summery (Wanna tag so that he might wanna see this. :3)
  6. Hey. I thought of publishing some textures for sails. You simple apply these to spheres and rescale the spheres to the size you like. The higher the X scale is the more wind it have caught. =) Here's the textures and two screenshots. You can also turn on wind and experiment with that. Remember to turn on "show backfaces"! https://gyazo.com/14516e3669e92e8f12ee19520d6826d2 https://gyazo.com/bb22e9ac007c1365c872b83fb7c61968
  7. Kapslock

    Texture Pack Glitch

    Alright, so the texture pack I'm trying to make an animation with isn't loading properly with schematics with Jonh Smith Legacy and Dokucraft Dark (both 32x32). Weird things just pop up on the textures, and if anyone knows anything, please respond. Images: It has happened there, and on a mountain schematic with John Smith
  8. Hey, I was just trying a lot of different texture packs for an animation and all the texture packs I load ends up looking something like this... I mostly tried Minecraft 1.8 and 1.9 packs but I still haven't figured out the problem. Can anyone help me with this?
  9. Everyone knows that terraria swords are awesome, so, why not get them to Mine-imator? Texture (1024 x 2014): Texture BIG (2048 x 2048) (THIS TEXTURE IS FOR THE BIGGEST SWORDS)
  10. In the last half year I haven't used Mine-Imator But now I have found an alternate use for Mine-Imator which would be much more useful to me. I have only posted this topic in hope that at least one person will see this and do something diffrent with M.I. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So recently I have had to work with parallaxing in my spare time so I had an idéa. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- I have posted this in Narrative Animations since nobody ever use Mine-Imator for anything other than test animations. ------------------------------------------------------------------ All this is simply made by using panels with diffrent layer textures moving at diffrent speeds from side to side. ------------- Like if you'd like or don't. The reputation system on this forum is flawed. Post your thoughts in the comments. There might be a slight chance I'd read it when- -if, I get into Mine-Imator again.
  11. Hello! I made a knife! You can download it with blood, or without. There is a sombie version. =D sorry that there isn't a picture. I'm new and I don't know how to add a pic. :\ Here is the link download. =D
  12. So what I mean is that you're able to import a texture, and you can select how often it replaces a texture of a particlular block. Let's take MCSM for example. You can see that the grass differs in differs in textures here and there. This feature would really add some more depth to animation graphics and would help "break up" the usual same texture being repeated.
  13. Bonjour ! ( Sorry, I am French, I use a translator) I have a small bug of texture. I think that textures are too big, an idea to solve the problem without lowering the quality of the texture? Merci !
  14. Hello! Yesterday, while the forums were down, I decided to try creating an effect of wet wood using reflections and specular textures. Enjoy. Rendered using Mine-imator 1.0.0, edited using Photoshop CC 2015. If you are interested, you can check out the VFX breakdown:
  15. Hey guys! I've recently been playing around with the 1.0 Demo version of the program, and have been having a lot of trouble trying to add a texture/resource pack to my animation. The texture pack works fine in Minecraft itself, but as soon as I try to import the texture into the program Windows tells me the program is having issues and closes it. :c Any way I could fix this?
  16. Well, I want to create Interstellar wormhole so I need them.
  17. Hello! I recently figured out a way to get items or blocks from minecraft textures or mods easily into Mine-imator! So if there are items or blocks you want just tell me and I'll put it together for you! Here is the form: Name of Texture(s) or Mod(s): Blocks or Items: For 0.7: Anything else(are there specific items or blocks you want?): So start requesting! I need something to do! Completed Requests: ~ab~the~apple~lover~ Animator_of_Awesmeness
  18. can someone please shade my skin? im bad at that skin is under my profile pic
  19. at the moment I'm using mine-imator 0.7 (resin the program "wine" isn't able to run direct X) so at the mean time I'm working on my first fighting animation. how ever i was having trouble trying to find some old textures to use. any old texture pack will do. hope you could help me out if you can.
  20. Here's a test of a gif using animated textures!!
  21. I've been making this texture pack for a little while now, purely for Mooshim (he is making a series), but I decided I would make it public since a lot of people wanted it. This isn't the finished version but I guess its kinda like a "pre-release". (Btw its really unfinished) Thanks to Mooshim for the Ores and Stained Glass Blocks (So Far) Include: Items (So Far) Include: Maybe you can do something with the blocks so far? Hope you like Please give feedback Updates (Hopefully): Complete Resource Pack (Anything else suggested) Thanks for viewing, and as always, more to come! -Please give credit in your video, art or description (or whatever else).
  22. So i downladed this image from google and i can load it into mine-imator Please Help!!
  23. I'm making a animation and it includes Clocks and Compasses in Minecraft. Can someone make those clock and compass textures onto a item sheet? It would be really appreciated!!
  24. How to change texture of a block? Seriously.. imma trying to make a rig tho
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