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After One Year of being in Production, Summeria Album (The Pilot) has Officially been Released!! I've always wanted to Create 2D Animation, but I didn't really had the Courage to Move from 3D, to 2D, until back in 2023, That's when I decided I wanted to Create Another Tiny Head Adventure, but this Time Completely in 2D, I'll Admit, it was a Rocky Road getting here, both for this Production, and also for My Life. But After a Year long Production, It's Finally Finished!! Oh yeah, and this Whole thing was an Experiment to see if I can Create a Fully 2D Animated Film, Using Mine-Imator for Compositing (That means for the Lighting, and Effects). And It works Wonderfully! I Genuinely think that Mine-Imator is a Really Good Software for 2D Compositing, You Guys who are doing 2D Animation should try it too!
Merry Christmas!
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- christmas hat
- hat
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Welcome To My First Tutorial Post Fellow Mine Imatorers! (Animators i think i dont remember sorry) Today I Will be teaching you How to (without any hard-effort) Import Models From mods to Mine Imator! For this you need 3 Apps! (Maybe even 4) Model-Bench Block-Bench Mine Imator (yay) Winrar or any other zip app thingy 1. Download The mod you want to import stuff from. im gonna use MrCrayfish's Gun mod Click it if you wanna use Mrcrayfish's gun mod too It doesnt matter what version you use any version would work and also you dont need to install the dependencies. 2. Open the mod Oh you dont know how?? very easy my friend first Right click on the file next Click on Open With WINRAR and you did it! You Will find yourself somewhere like this, Here ill let the image wizard guide you from here: --><--- Now you got some stuff to stea- cough cough Borrow Basically we only need the Textures and Models for this one so copy them and put them in a folder Open Up The models folder it will look something like this Im gonna go into the Item folder and use this assault_rifle file for example Now here is kinda tricky if your toooo lazy Open up Blockbench and drag your file (mine is assault_rifle.json) inside of Blockbench now here its gonna be kinda luck based you will either encounter a error or Encounter this pretty model: Now dont worry i will help you fix this error: This may happen because the file has several variants in-game so it will use a main/Parent one for all of them but change some textures (i dont know why they do this its kinda stupid but i guess we could work with it) now what you gotta do is go to the path it gives you and retrive the actual model Note: The path it gives you starts at the parent folder (ex. models/special/guns/assault_rifle.json) models was the parent folder when you got the model it will look white like this Pretty easy to fix just find this and double click it The folder is what we need. we can see it says item so the parent folder is item so i cant upload any more pictures so here just click confirm then right click the picture you just double clicked on and then click on Change file then find the picture and click on ok now it has textures now do CNTRL + A and click on teh Create texture button (the upside down hill with a plus on the buttom) and check Box uv there will be some texture bugs so you gotta fix them then you need to install teh export to mine imator plugin (Files > Plugins > Search Mine-imator) and then do File > Export > Export mine-imator mimodel and thats it if you had problems send it here, and also its not the best way possible to do this but i guess it is atleast easy or maybe i made it look hard If this helped you Please Upvote! thanks!
Download v1.0.0 Changes since Mine-imator 2.0.2: Features Ported all features from mbanders's Continuation Build 1.0.6. Added gobos, allowing for textures to be applied to spotlights. Added light groups. Objects will only be affected by lights if both are in the same light group. Lights without a light group will still affect all objects regardless. Can be created from a new "Light groups" tab in the project properties. Timelines can be added to light groups through their properties tab under "Appearance". Added Copy position, rotation, and scale constraints. Timelines can inherit these values from any other timeline in the project. Timelines can switch between their targeted object for each constraint at any time during the animation. X, Y, and Z value inheritance can be switched on and off for each constraint at any time. Added Look at constraint. Timelines will rotate towards the direction of another timeline. Target timeline can be switched during the animation. Added Bend inverse kinematics constraint. Allows for body parts to bend parallel to the rotation of another timeline. Useful for hand and foot IK in custom models. Added dropdown menu to "Enable/Disable overlays" button in viewport taskbars. Can toggle visibility of gizmos, timeline shapes, and timeline guides individually. Added timeline guides. Visual representations of camera frustums, spotlight cones, etc. now appear when these objects are selected. Must first be enabled under "Enable/Disable overlays" dropdown. Added "Aspect ratio" modifier for cameras. Added scene color modifiers for night sky, night clouds, and stars. "Night" color is now called "Night Ambient". Added "Work camera FOV" preference. Added "Select locked timeline parent" preference. When trying to select a locked timeline, its parent will be selected instead. (Will continue up the hierarchy tree until it finds an unlocked parent.) "Import asset..." option now allows for multiple assets to be imported at a time. .miproject files can now be opened directly with Mine-imator from the file explorer. Added project search bar to the home screen. Lights can now be switched between point and spot lights after creation (new "Light" tab in its properties). Body parts now have a Wind influence modifier. "Inherit bend" option now copies bending from parts affected by IK. Import image popup now displays the texture being imported. Integrated item sheet importing into the import image popup. Interface tab in Preferences is now sorted into subtabs. Updated appearance of startup and home screens. Replaced Modelbench advertisement with Modelbench CB advertisement.
So a few days ago I asked 3 of my mates, on different days, what render idea they'd like to see me try and make, I asked for render ideas because 1, I haven't made renders in awhile & 2, I'd like to improve on my rendering skills! Here are the 3 ideas my mates came up with: - Render Idea 1: Puffer Fish Tea 1,2 & 3 - - Render Idea 2: Steven & Isaac Fighting Homer Simpson Style & Steven Boss Fight - - Render Idea 3: Creator Baby Zalgo's Ancient Shrine [Sunrise & Night] - That's all the renders I've made for now. There's not alot, but it's cool to see how much I've improved within making 3 renders! Can't wait to hear your opinions on these as I'm very proud of them!
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Hey peeps, it's been awhile, For the past few months I've been quite busy with alot of things, and because I'm quite bored today I thought I'd talk and share about it. Unofficial Commissions: Within the months, I've been busy with 2 unofficial commissions my mates wanted me to work on for them, what I mean by 'unofficial' is because I don't do commissions fully yet and don't have set prices for anything, I class them as unofficial and they name their price for it. For now I do these unofficial commissions with my mates I trust, but when I do feel like doing commissions officially, anyone can rquest a commission, though I don't know when that'll be as I'd still like to practise a bit more. Here's the unofficial commissions I worked on within those months: - 1st Unofficial Commission - - 2nd Unofficial Commission - Renders & Splash Images: Before I started doing the unofficial commissions, I made a few renders to practise my posing, and to see what my Improved FNAF2 models looked like when they're posed, and to be honest I think they turned out awesome! A Few New Improved FNAF2 & TJOC Models: Right after I finished modelling FNAF2+TJOC Endoskeleton & Freddy, I decided to model FNAF2+TJOC Bonnie aswell, and they turned out awesome! That's all from me today peeps, hopefully soon I'll be able to continue on my Creepypasta Modelpack I've been procrastinating for about nearly over a year now... Hope yous like my work; curious on what your opinions are on these! Can't wait to see what else I make in the future!
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- models
- splash screens
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My keyboard literally broke on Mine-imator, it looks like it changed key input or something like that, but I think it's literally broke (like, I can't do ?), is there a way to change this to default key input from my PC or no?
HI!!! So I'm a bit late in Posting this, but I've been Working on a 2D Animated Pilot for a few Months now. and I plan to Composite the Entire 2D Animation in Mine-Imator as a Test to see if Mine-Imator is Great for Compositing 2D Animation. The Answer? YES, it's really Good and Simple to Composite 2D Animation in Mine-Imator, I planned to Document the Process and Tips and Tricks I learn to Composite 2D animation in Mine-Imator after I'm done with this Project, so that for those who are interested in 2D Animation can do it too Compositing Example in Mine-Imator: Hope You enjoyed the Teaser Trailer and I hope You look Forward to the Official Trailer for this Animated Pilot Project
I'm really excited to announce that my 'DOORS Modelpack' is now available for everyone to download! Hope you's enjoy the new Modelpack! (You can also vote for the next Modelpack I should make in the Description of the video!) Link to the 'DOORS Modelpack' Download: Enjoy!
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- doors
- modelbench
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So yesterday I made a model out of a random idea I had in my head and to be honest, it came out better than expected. Hopefully yous think the same as well as I'm really proud of it! I also made 2 renders of it as well, 1 of the renders can be used as a Mine-Imator Splash, so if you want to add it in, feel free to. -- F0rgxtten S0ul -- -- F0rgxtten S0ul W.I.P Screenshots -- ( Just incase yous want to see the progress of how I modelled it. ) And that's pretty much it! Tell me what you guys think of this model, I'm curious about your opinions on this fella.
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- mine-imator
- modelbench
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This is my Minecraft Animation Series called "The Stupid Thing". The story is... This series is about a stupid activities with 3 characters called TV Head, The Red Dude, and Leviathan (The White One). I already made 5 videos about "The Stupid Thing". I hope you guys enjoy it
I'm really excited to announce that my 'Improved FNAF Modelpack' is now available for everyone to download! Hope you's enjoy the new Modelpack! Link to the 'Improved FNAF Modelpack' Download: Enjoy!
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- mine-imator
- modelbench
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Made in Mine-Imator
- hallowen
- mineimator
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Mine-imator [All Versions - Updated] in Spanish Hello everyone , This is a translation I've been doing with my brother, made primarily for people who speak Spanish, like me There are all versions from 1.0.0 to last, 2.0.0. (With the exception of: "Before the 1.0.0 versions") This post will be updated as long as Mine-imator is updated or the translations have improvements. I'll let you know in a status update You can put suggestions and errors to make the translation BETTER. I hope the translation will be very helpful. -Mine-imator 2.0.0 PRE-RELEASE 4 (Current version) - Download -Mine-imator 2.0.0 PRE-RELEASE 3 - Download -Mine-imator 2.0.0 PRE-RELEASE 2 - Download -Mine-imator 2.0.0 PRE-RELEASE - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.9 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.8 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.7 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.6 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.5 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.4 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.2 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.1 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.0 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.0 PRE-RELEASE 3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.0 PRE-RELEASE 2 - Download -Mine-imator 1.2.0 PRE-RELEASE - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.4 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.2 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.1 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.0 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.0 PRE-RELEASE 3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.0 PRE-RELEASE 2 - Download -Mine-imator 1.1.0 PRE-RELEASE - Download -Mine-imator Community Build 1.0.3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.6 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.5 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.4 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.3 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.2 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.1 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.0 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.0 DEMO 5 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.0 DEMO 4 - Download -Mine-imator 1.0.0 DEMO 3 - Download -Images (From Mine-imator 1.2.1) -Video (In Spanish, obviously)
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- traduccion
- translation
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Made in Mine-Imator 2.0
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- wallpaper
- diamondsword
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Well. If u r not Chinese, u can leave this topic. 我是钻石块,很早以前我制作了一个Mine-imator(以下简称mi)的2.0pre5-正式版的汉化版本 顿时才发现这里有个关于本地化翻译的专栏可以投帖子( 所以... 我打算在这里分享我的汉化版本,当然,ModelBench CE的两个汉化版我待会会另起一个帖子发出来 字体已经为你换好,我也会一并将换好文件名的全套字重思源黑体的ttf文件以及语言文件放在仓库 接下来是下载链接,请仔细查看内置的帮助文档再使用 蓝奏云: GitHub: 由于本人是第一次使用GitHub,下载的位置是在release(发行版)中,还没熟练使用,非常抱歉
mine-imator I made some wallpapers in Mine-Imator
Spaghetti_soup44 posted a topic in Wallpapers and art
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- 3d animation
- wallpaper
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- mine-imator 2.0
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- mine-imator
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Made with Mine-Imator 2.0.0
Hi! I'm new here at the forum and, for now, I would be happy if you guys could check out my new short film "Animalia: Attack Attempt" made by me using Mine-Imator <3. It has English captions. Synopsis: In a world where there was a civilization called "Civilização de Gandalf", Pingo, the primer-minister, needed to face constantly a rebel group which threatened the integrity of his civilization. Little did he know, what was waiting for him.
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- animation minecraft
- minecraft animation
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Software used: Mine-Imator 2.0 (for rim light)