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About Steve41149

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  • Birthday 01/09/2006

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  1. I successfully ran Modelbench using Wine on Arch Linux
  2. If u r not Chinese. u can leave this topic. 这是Modelbench社区版的汉化版本 本人制作了标准版和抽象版的汉化 由于CE版本的Modelbench无需替换汉化文件,所以标准版的CE无需再次导入汉化 字体已经为你换好,我也会一并将换好文件名的全套字重思源黑体的ttf文件以及语言文件放在仓库 下载链接: 蓝奏云: 标准版:https://wwkw.lanzouj.com/iZLAi11ocnyb 抽象版:https://wwkw.lanzouj.com/ig2Re11ncrni GitHub:https://github.com/Steve41149/Modelbench-Community-Edition-Simplified-Chinese-Translate.git 由于本人是第一次使用GitHub,下载的位置是在release(发行版)中,还没熟练使用,非常抱歉 抽象版和标准版都在GitHub中
  3. Well. If u r not Chinese, u can leave this topic. 我是钻石块,很早以前我制作了一个Mine-imator(以下简称mi)的2.0pre5-正式版的汉化版本 顿时才发现这里有个关于本地化翻译的专栏可以投帖子( 所以... 我打算在这里分享我的汉化版本,当然,ModelBench CE的两个汉化版我待会会另起一个帖子发出来 字体已经为你换好,我也会一并将换好文件名的全套字重思源黑体的ttf文件以及语言文件放在仓库 接下来是下载链接,请仔细查看内置的帮助文档再使用 蓝奏云:https://wwkw.lanzouj.com/igwOa0s6cl7a GitHub:https://github.com/Steve41149/Mine-imator-2.0-Abnormal-Simplified-Chinese.git 由于本人是第一次使用GitHub,下载的位置是在release(发行版)中,还没熟练使用,非常抱歉
  4. So in what time will the 2.0 update be completed? I'm really looking forward to it! I would very much like to be able to add the Bézier Curve feature, which was very helpful in our animation production!
  5. I now use English translation by machine translation. There will be errors, because I am a Chinese. At present, I can make an opinion on mine imager. Sometimes those action curves are generally not enough. I hope to update the function of a custom curve to be used on the timeline. And in terms of rendering, I also hope to update and better effect. For example, the bug that light effects, volume lights, and translucent materials do not render the background can be fixed. I also suggest updating the reflective effect of the material to make the material have a better texture. And the optimization of mine imager. I hope I can do better. I often take up too much space and crash when I do mine imager, which makes me have to use the old version of mine imager. This is really a headache and the problem of bending. I hope I can add the bending effect of version 1.2.5 and previous versions to the new version, In the new version, you can use both 1.2.5 bending and the latest version of bending, as well as the early box bending effect. I still use 1.2.5 bending in some models, resulting in bending bugs in the new version of bending, so I have to use modelbench to repair the problem, which is very troublesome. The above is my suggestions and feedback on the new version of mine imager. I hope developers can see this post. Thank you! 我现在使用的是机翻进行的英文翻译。 会有误差,因为我是一个中国人。 我目前可以提出一个意见用在Mine-imator的上。 有些时候那些动作曲线一般都不够用。 我希望可以更新一个自定义曲线的功能用在时间线上。 以及在渲染方面,我也希望可以去更新更好的效果。 例如光线效果、体积光,以及半透明材质不渲染背景的bug可以修复一下。 我也建议更新材质反光效果可以让材质有更好的质感。 以及对Mine-imator的优化处理我希望可以做的更好,我经常在做Mine-imator的时候出现占用过大还死机的情况使得我不得不使用旧版本的Mine-imator,这确实很头疼,以及弯曲的问题我希望可以将1.2.5版本及以前的弯曲效果添加到新版本当中,在新版本既可以使用1.2.5的弯曲又可以使用最新版的弯曲,同样也可以使用早期的方块弯曲效果,我现在有一些模型用的还是1.2.5的弯曲导致在新版的弯曲中出现弯曲bug,也就不得不再去用modelbench去修复问题显得非常麻烦。 以上则是我对Mine-imator新版更新的建议以及反馈,希望开发者可以看到这条帖子,谢谢!
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