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Fox Miner

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Status Updates posted by Fox Miner

  1. Finally some compatition! 


    @CanIIA I wish you much luck on your journey, because it's gonna be a hard time... 😈

    Just joking, you have my full support, your art is amazing and if it cost me my weeks first place, then be it! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @FOXY TOONS, not a bad idea, might do that one as well. Man you're my new inspiration 🤣



      But in the render we can't be punching each other, because then it will give off the impression that we're all enemies... we are not enemies, we are just playing a friendly game of capture the flag, and nobody got hurt. 🙂

    4. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @FOXY TOONS I'll make a workaround, well see

  2. 7zPS6sA.png

    Challange set, oh boy let's beat this guy, 😎

    1. Zyn


      beat this guy instead
      haha you cant

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner


      Will take a while, but... Maybe... 

      If I stay at the forums a bit longer

  3. Almost there, just two more upvoted and I would beat the man himself for the week... At least... 


  4. You guys, check this awesome Art out by @CanIIA It is truly amazing, just hope that she'll post it so that you can upvote the topic, but seriously go check it out it's amazing!

    Have a nice day!

    Oh wait, didn't notice the Status Update there!



  5. @az453988577@gmail.com


    Okay, I mean I get that this is obviously a joke or so, but still! Why do you have a E-mail as Name for the forums, that's weird!

  6. My Forums Skin has been update, but the old one is included as well!

  7. Announcing the fact, that my Forums Skin Is getting a major update. 

  8. ajPSmVm.png

    What have I achieved to deserve your attention?

  9. Well, I am Back and... What the actual... 

    What did I miss!? 

    I was only a week gone and this!? 


    Jesus Christ! 


    I mean I noticed Daniel to join the dev team temporarily, but damn I missed like a lot! 

    Someone catch me please! 

    1. niam


      Dev update #22. Big update is coming, yo.

    2. LacaMenDRY


      Finally my best fren is back from warzone.

    3. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @niam Thanks for telling me about the most obvious thing there is... Jk, Yeah I noticed, btw that Tank animation you did, amazing!


      @LacaMenDRY more like egg hunt but yeah it was something like war between me and my brother and sister

      Anyways yeah I am back!

  10. Well, its Easter! and I have holydays! So I am logging off entirely! for the next week. Hope that nothing changes to much ByE! And a Happy Easter to you all! For those who actually have Easter...

    and a little teaser for the Phasmophobia Showcase!

    Spirit Box! You can talk with ghost with this!


  11. Not long ago I was the biggest noob there could be, and now... I understand Lightning! I FINNALY AM A MASTER OF LIGHTNING! My life is complete, again... Weirdly... I am stupid... 

    1. LacaMenDRY


      Lighting sir... hehehe.

  12. RzKqXtD.png

    My human Model V48, it looked kind of... Fat so I went with... 


    My human Model V48, bit thinner... A bit...

    Anyways you know that that means, V50 is out soon, oh and that's gonna be amazing, trust me guys, you're gonna love the laggynes on this Models... Amazing Laggy model... 

    1. niam


      Yea, that looks fat because the wide hips.

      Compared to my simpler model (200 shapes), with Auto3D™ support too.

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @niam Auto 3D Support? You don't say? 😏

      Anyways, yeah. I mean we all go through different versions so keep on Playing with that!

  13. Wow this topic actually hit the request, so you guys apparently want to see more of them, don't you? 

    So, okay I'll do more of them!!! 

    This is amazing!!!! 

  14. Fact:

    Almost every Animator I know that is an amazing and talented one, used Mine-imator in his/her past, and they turned out to be who they are, so if we try hard enough, we can be just as good as them. 

    Thank you Mine-imator! 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. H4ppiP33p


      Fax, started using Mine-Imator since 2015.

      But back then I was animating + posing other peoples models/rigs and slightly editing them to my style between 2015-2018.

      Here's an example:


      Golden Freddy Animation Since 2018



      A Reskin of someone else's model/rig since 2018


      Posed someone else's Model/Rig since 2019


      Now between 2019-2022, I'm starting to make my own models and giving them to people to use in their pictures/animations.

      Couple of examples:


      My Model of Cartoon Cat Since 2021


      My Model of The Grim Reaper Since 2021


      My Model of Foxy The Pirate Fox Since 2022


      How the roles have changed, hey?

      One second I'm using other peoples models/rigs for my "work", and now I make my own models/rigs for other people to use in their work. How time flies.



      I've doing animation for almost 9 years... yeah

    4. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner


      To be completely honest I almost did the same, and oh boy, that was so cringe, but I felt way to guilty to even show myself on the forums when I was about to try, so I gave up and just made renders since 2020, since that was the year I even got my first Laptop... Good times good times... 


      No wonder you're amazing at animating if you do it since, 9 years... Damn... That's a lot of years... 

  15. And I am officially out of backup renders, I gotta get some stuff going again trough the weekend, wish me luck! 

  16. So who ever might have seen my newest post, would have noticed that I am working on an new showcase. 


    Does that mean I am done with the Five Nights at Freddy's Security Breach Showcase? 

    No I'll be doing some of those still, have some cool ideas! 


    What's it going to be the showcase (what theme) 

    Did you ever hear of Phasmophobia? Well, if you don't, get some research done! 


    Still some questions? 

  17. Well, today should arrive a replacement for my Keyboard, the original one could not be fixed and a replacement for the original one could not be delivered. 

    So I got myself a wireless - USB attach able keyboard, hope it arrives... And I hope it will hold on for a while at least! 

    Wish me luck guys! 

    1. niam


      Step one, never trust your laptop keyboard and buy an external keyboard instead.

      I have 3 laptops and 2 of their keyboards are wasted.

    2. LacaMenDRY


      That Elizabeth thing.

      Uhm owkey whatever.

  18. I am bored!

    Like legitimately bored... I can't do nothing except play on my Phone or Playstation, but its boring... Damn that Keyboard! 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. niam


      Oh its password protected? Well, RIP.

    3. LacaMenDRY


      @Fox MinerWait did in Windows 10 there is a Digital keyboard for touchscreen right?
      Then why not use it with mouse and then get yourself into your laptop?


    4. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      The bios is the main system control panel, and that starts before Windows @LacaMenDRY

      I can't log into that without a keyboard (main one) 

  19. If you would have only one wish what would it be? 

    1. Elizabeth


      To know how to use Blender 🤣

  20. Ladies and Gentlemen! 

    A pro from the past just followed me, @LacaMenDRY


    I mean for all the newcomers, LacaMenDRY was a big pro in the past, but then he went offline for a longer time and lost his reputation, and me, since I know him from that times, I am blasted, this is a dream come true, oh boy those days! 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @animation dude 888

      Life does not suck because you're not famous, it is pain to hear that people want only to be famous, but why? What gives, all to be happy about is to have friends family, and that's all, being alive, being able to live is enough to be happy about, just sad that not everyone figure that out. 

      Forget famousy, as long as you know that your friends know you that you are famous, for them and that is enough, because being famos is only temporary, and nobody really cares about you, but about that what you do, and when you stop, you realize that they are gone because they won't to see what people do, not who they are! 



      Motivational words right there

    4. animation dude 888

      animation dude 888

      @Fox Miner what a professional words right there

  21. Well, guys

    [Angry speach] 

    S*** happened, my Laptop's keyboard broke and I can't acsess nothing, and till a replacement Keyboard of any kind can arrive will take probably a week... 

    So I'll post some pre rendered images, or some behind the scenes, from my backups, but otherwise, this will be a long week... F***

    Fox Miner out! 

    1. niam


      Super flashy programmable RGB mechanical gaming keyboard that costs more than $150: I AM UNBREAKABLE!

    2. LacaMenDRY


      I knew this news from him yesterday if I remember. The keyboard was burned a years ago but still worked properly so they think it's fine, But then yesterday his laptop keyboard meet it's soulmate.

  22. Bends... Bends... BENDS!!!! I WON'T MORE!!! GIVE ME MORE BENDS!!!! 

    1. niam


      It's like "GIMME MORE LAG!!!"

    2. Fox Miner

      Fox Miner

      @niam That's literally the same thing, lol

    3. justin_
  23. It was a beautiful day until I played with bend size!


    It looks like a tire! 🤣

  24. Modelling, Modelling, Modelling... There is nothing I love more then this, you can just let out your creativity and then you can see it move like alive, if you know how to animate... 

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