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Akmal Zonia

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Status Updates posted by Akmal Zonia

  1. WAIT WAIT WHAT?? OREMASTER IS BANNED? Someone fill me in o-o

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. AbAppletic


      0 warning points... That's because Ayhay's end has come

    3. TheLamyral
    4. TheGoku7729


      normal it's me balla!

  2. Someone should make a dolanese translation for mineimator xD

    1. ThePortable


      Or even a dano translation xD

    2. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      Im pretty sure dano speaks dolanese

  3. oh god no. im in a closet, and i accedently farted. OH GOD THE SMELL

    1. EndahGurl


      'Accidentally.' xD

  4. Bro I can survive not eating bacon. Suck it xD. lolololol

    1. BlackoutsWorkbench


      You're in malaysia, are you even allowed to eat bacon in that primitive world... I mean Malaysia is like Canada its just big and useless, but so is basically every country...

    2. Akmal Zonia
    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      Dang your good at critics. Teach me

  5. So I just checked out my past status, and I have to clear these out: 1) My profile pic is a pic of me and Endie IRL, no we didnt meet yet, but i just drew irl her next to me, 2) I drew my profile pic myself, i think it was rubin who asked me? ehh (this is useless to read imo)

    1. EndahGurl


      I still don't get how people are bugging us to meet IRL if you live in Malaysia and I live in America. .___.

    2. BlackoutsWorkbench


      internet relationships are like a breakfast without bacon, its never gonna work

    3. BlackoutsWorkbench


      tbh a lot of people who say that it doesnt work is bcuz their jealous of akmal... pervs...

  6. Drawing another forums group pic. dont go beserk if youre not in it

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Archon


      I'm not in it. I know. It's okay. I'll just add another sentence to the possible forum quitting note...

    3. RowanSkie
    4. BlackoutsWorkbench


      if im not in it I wil cry... );

  7. #Sharknado2. The wife has a badass hand

  8. apparently, Update 3 ep 2 (update 4) came out, and im on a fricking phone

    1. EndahGurl


      I can tell you this much: It's bootiful.

    2. Rabbit


      Let me update you on it. IT's so much easier to animate in it now, and everything saves. (Bugs are still here though)

    3. TheLamyral


      Me too... whyyyy ?

  9. Imma change my profile pic back to the outlined one

    1. Lord Cat

      Lord Cat

      why? Because people confuse other person (probably your sister...) as someone else?

    2. TheGoku7729


      who's that next to you?

    3. Lumie


      Where did you find this picture ?

  10. Someone said I should color my Profile pic, Did that, Updated.

  11. CHanged my Profile pic (Ye might need to refresh)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. crustyjpeg




    3. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      I colored one, but it looks bad IMO

    4. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      detz bootiful. liek dis if u cri evry teim

  12. ARRGGHHHH Bad timing is really frustrating

    1. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      Bad timing with what? :?

  13. Ill be changing my profile picture later, im on a phone

  14. releasing a long held fart feels like im flying through space

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Zeno


      There goes my nice conversation with David about depeche mode >_>

    3. Achroma MC

      Achroma MC

      I was gone from the forums for 6 hours, just to come back and see this...

    4. EndahGurl



  15. Bro, I dont know why, but I think im going to like you on the forums. We'll wait and see :P (Its not like I can judge people around, just a feelin)

    1. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      Lol ok :D I feel welcome now

    2. The Tan James

      The Tan James

      to bad it never happend cuz u left tho eh? ;-;

  16. Taking 2 Pixelated skin requests today. Quick

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Akmal Zonia
    3. Ore Master
    4. Lumie


      Oremaster, don't be sad, it's easy to make pixel skin :3

  17. So I just finished watching Episode 4 of SAO II, Damn kirito, Why you gotta be a girl(And howw)

    1. Frossa


      What's that? Sattack An Oitan?

    2. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      Sword Art Online

    3. BlueReX


      emm did kirito really be a girl? or just his avatar... demn

  18. Gonna draw myself a new profile pic :D

    1. toaster1
    2. EndahGurl


      If I had any money to bet, I'd bet it's going to turn out awesome.

  19. My God, SubTheKidFTW has already made 2 images of me dying. Both Suicide and Murder

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. EndahGurl


      @Sub Kden. *suspicious glare*

    3. ClokMaus


      @Endah; I highly doubt it's the same way.

    4. SubthekidFTW


      @Clok of course im not.... g-word....

  20. Bro stop making pics of me getting killed.

    1. SubthekidFTW


      thats the same one

  21. I should work on some textures

    1. Zeno


      Geometry. (Sorry, I had to)

    2. EndahGurl


      Like Minecraft textures?

  22. So I was running around the main Mine-imator page, (GET MINE-IMATOR!) And this dude did a great job: http://a.disquscdn.com/uploads/mediaembed/images/1180/7615/original.jpg?w=800&h

    1. IQPlayer


      Use Mine-Imator Correctly, And you'll get that.

    2. EndahGurl


      It's so blurry...

      and AWESOME

    3. ThePortable


      Those guys in the MI page are so awesome!

  23. Yeah I just remembered, I saw one of my Friends, play Roblox on his ipad. HAS IT GONE THAT FAR ALREADY!?

  24. I should re-new my 8-bit skin o-o

    1. Hax4Ever


      it doesent technically look 8 bit. search up an 8 bit pallate. and it can be the same resolution as your normal skin. but not as many colors.

    2. Akmal Zonia

      Akmal Zonia

      yeh ik, I cant find any other names online, I called it 8-bit cuz I once found a skin like that, and it had 8-bit as its Name :S

    3. Hax4Ever


      call it low quality. or pixelated.

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