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__Mine__ last won the day on September 4 2022

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About __Mine__

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  • Birthday 04/16/1998

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    Over there
  • Interests
    ~ Creepers - they're cute and get far too much undeserved hate and abuse.

    ~ Making renders - hopefully more often than once every few months

    ~ Being nice - because tbh this place is filled with toxicity nowadays and I just want to have a good time pls

    ~ The Far Lands - they're awesome and you cannot deny it
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  1. Just wondering, why are people going crazy over LacaMenDRY leaving? His departure is temporary, he said so himself.

    What makes this particular departure (which, again, is temporary) so utterly soul-crushing over literally anyone else leaving? Honestly curious.

    I don't want to cause any arguments here; I just want to know why this is such a big deal.

    EDIT: I'd also like to mention that saying he's the sole reason the forums is alive is just flat-out false.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. insanehelix7076


      I dont like it when people treat underdogs  unkindly, it reminds me of me seeing people being enslaved against their own will on a video.

    3. Jossamations


      Agreed, I've been in/am in groups and seen firsthand that they're filled with people from the forums that do that, And I really don't like it tbh, Because either these underdogs or new users don't make particularly good renders, Or they do, But They all still have potential.

      But ofc, The elitists come along and talk up a storm about how "X user used mixels and noise on their texture! It looks terrible, They should give up.", Or "Y user uses point lights instead of spot lights! They should know better, Its so performance heavy.", Or "Z user's rig looks like the ice age baby! They should quit the program and let the professionals do it!", Like they don't know any better, You have to teach them with respect these things, Or they'll take it less as criticism, And more as an insult to their work.

    4. insanehelix7076


      The thing that those critics don't understand is that those that they criticize based on their renders being bad or models being bad or anything else being bad is that they are their elders from program skill. And yet those people are too immature to understand that because they are insecure as hell.

      i understand im going ballistic right now cause of this but im pretty sure this tends to happen to people with the same experience as me at a younger time.

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