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About olmocap

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  1. Welp, as the name says Id like to make something about the yamato but before starting with anything related with a story I have certain preparations to do. Thats why I have decided to separate the work in modules. -Assembling the ship with each piece by separate so they can rotate and be animated -Simulate water foam caused by: Ship buoyancy, movement, ship impact with waves, tension breaking foam and shell impacts. -Build an ocean using blocks, then import into the animation and set it to affected by wind -Believable smoke and flashes from guns. -Smoke from fires and the ship machinery itself Here is the progress so far
  2. I think that is a character from "five nights at freddie's"
  3. Welp, I have finally finished the track loop and its now almost flawless, next I should do is improving the overall way the tracks move. vid:
  4. short answer: you gotta use hierarcy A LOT, then reuse it over and over
  5. To start off the tracks need to be assembled, each link needs to have the correct custom rotation where the metal pin would stand in the real ones, once you have a couple done just copy and paste until its big enough to conect from start to end. Remember that they are parented each one to its previous track. After that you have to animate each frame with a certain interval (I like 10 frames) until the first link reaches the turning point where it wont go straight any longer (it should be at the bottom), then you search a point where the position links with the start and make it be the exact same to what the start is so you can copy and paste it and so on, that way then you can just change the speeds (and refine the shape). It's advisable to use tracks that are symetric so you can copy one to the other side without bigger problems.
  6. https://youtu.be/sBkT7hi3RNE Setting it to "repeat" is advisable.
  7. hello! I was curious to ask you for methods you may have about a couple of problems. The first one is regarding tank tracks, how would you do them in order to make easy to animate and operate with? The second one is regarding how to make an ocean in form of a rig moving in the Y axis as a wave, reacting to ships and extending to the horizon.
  8. Hello, I am intrigued by this kind of rigs since I like to work around ships and I haven't figured out myself how to achieve this
  9. Please go to youtube and search some titanic models in the case you want to make an animation.
  10. Any techniques I can use to make sea waves?
  11. Its too bloody, looks like the kind of morality used in call of duty. For you life and death means nothing.
  12. Hi I have made those animations about the titanic sinking based on the 1997 film, if you have any suggestions on how to make less crappy water ( that makes realistic waves for example) and etc etc... Animation V.2: Animation V.1: I used for both versions Deadkoalas titanic. The music used in the version n2 is from "Titanic" 1997.
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