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Everything posted by Floofy

  1. God damn it i knew it was gonna come to this, I DIDN'T RIPOFF YOUR WALLPAPER ELIPHAZ. I started making the wallpaper, then i posted a WIP, Frost was telling me about your wallpaper which i had never seen, thinking i ripped it, when i was just making a camp setting to give a gift to all my great friends. Just because you made a wallpaper that had something to do with camping does NOT mean i copied you. You can try to prove me wrong all the ways, but i didn't steal your idea. Here are some points to disprove any specific things in the wallpaper 1. Guitars are relaxing, i thought it would fit the setting. 2. Most people sing songs at camp sites. 3. Camping is relaxing to me, so again i thought that would fit the setting. You don't own the idea, so just because i made something similar doesn't mean i ripped you
  2. i'm almost always open to talk, you can just DM me on discord: [REDACTED]
  3. i mean i'm always open to making new friends ?
  4. Because its based on a Discord group i own with these friends thats called "A Blursed Land"
  5. "Its nice to go out for a camp with friends." Thank @Frost* For his amazing campfire rig Everything else i made myself All the people in the render: Fray, Slasher, Ant9757, Frost*, a windows boi, Cubic Ralsei, Crafting_Ninja27, TheEmberWing, Me, FlamingFox, And JDButter Animations Thank you all for being amazing friends
  6. i feel disgusted that i still made it in this.


    1. Prismatic Spirit

      Prismatic Spirit


  8. @SinnfulAl Your reply has nothing to do with the post at all.
  9. this was originally made a month ago, i just didnt come around to rendering it till now, i probably should of fixed it
  10. As the title states, i found a folder on my PC that had a TON of old renders, i cant remember the context for all of them, but i will state the context for the ones i know the backstory to. Before we get to the old cringe, here is some new renders. Ok, now here is the old stuff. These were made before i was a furry so they are all the old human version of foof NOTE: The following 2 posts were about commandia. That's all the renders i see that are interesting in the folder. I have one last render but i want to leave that for its own topic.
  11. i need to recreate this again, ive recreated it before but it was gross also so imma recreate it again now that i know how to model, rig, pose, do some lighting, and some effects


  12. oop, forgot one i made the Harold rig
  13. As the title states, these are renders i either forgot about, or just didn't post and don't need their own topic Most of them aren't that good, but i still think they are decent
  14. thank you, i cant react anymore but just know that i would of
  15. thank you, this is a uncovered version of my rig if you want to see it
  16. Note to people: i made ninja's new profile picture


    1. __Mine__


      So Eliphaz basically insulted your art, thinking it belonged to Ninja lol

    2. Jay_
    3. Floofy
  17. After hours of grinding, deaths, and building, you've made it to a new dimension, the Nether. The overworld was a hell for you, now its time to meet their hell.
  18. the rain drops on the car window look kinda ugly, like you can really tell its just a google stock image of a window with drops on it also it seems kinda bright to be night, the moon is like the sun.
  19. i like this the most because of the fringe, the DOF, and the water actually being dark
  20. im thankful for @Crafting_Ninja27

    1. Jay_
    2. Floofy


      if you weren't here i probably wouldn't be here.

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