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Status Updates posted by TwoToRule

  1. I'm probably going to be posting a video on my YouTube channel between now and Thursday.


    It isn't gonna be good.

    1. Frost


      I expect Reality concept 2 reainimated kthx

  2. I just found what is probably the oldest mine-imator animation that I made that still exists.


    I have no idea how it ended up in my mine-imator cloud folder.

  3. I've been seriously considering setting all of my videos to be age-restricted because of the dumb new thing YouTube is doing.

  4. Apparently, Futuristic Hub is a scam artist.


    I'm not even joking.


    I'm looking more into this.

    1. TwoToRule


      Me neither. I pretty much hate the guy. 

  5. I'm not setting my channel to "made for kids." I'm not having all of that.

    1. Frost


      Good. Me too.

  6. I had a mock snow day on Friday.


    There is an actual snow day today because of unexpected snow amounts.



  7. We had someone ring our doorbell tonight.


    We have no candy. We don't even have our lights on. You're literally supposed to skip houses with their lights off. That means there's no candy.

  8. Mama, life had just begun

  9. Half a thousand posts


    That's cool I guess

    1. crustyjpeg


      that is  N O T H I N G , mere mortal

  10. With the recent release of the Revenge Reanimated collab, I started thinking, How would I organize a collab like this? 


    Pretty much, I would have different parts as normal and have people fill them up. Once those would be filled up, though, I'd have a list of people who would have wanted to do it but didn't get in. Also, I would then set not one, but two deadlines. The first one would be for the original people who signed up for a part, while the second one would be for people filling in if someone drops out. If everyone who originally joined gets their part in before their deadline, then I go ahead and put the collab together and forget about the second deadline. However, if someone drops or doesn't turn their part in, I would handle the replacements in a kind of line, meaning I fill in a part with first in line, then the second, then so on. Then, they can start their parts and turn it in by the second deadline. If there is for some reason still not parts turned in, I would probably just ask someone who already made a part to make it up.


    Of course, this is just what I would try to do. I'm not saying that I'm actually hosting a collab, but I have thought about it a little bit. Maybe, but most likely not.

    1. Frost


      Seems legit.

    2. crustyjpeg


      That sounds like a really good way to handle a collab of that type, I like it.

  11. ml91mal34nhxpig6g.jpg

    He was thrown out of glass ?

  12. I think my brain is fried. 


    What even was today.

    1. Frost


      I have no idea.

  13. y8kxh4enn7xdzw36g.jpg

    1. Frost


      Nice stock image lmao

    2. TwoToRule


      I actually photoshoped it to make the popcorn bigger lol

    3. Frost
  14. I just bought a broken Gameboy Pocket on eBay and I'm going to try and fix it and sell it for a higher price.


    This is either a really good idea or a really bad idea.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Cryptic Runner
    3. MojangYang


      Minecraft: 2D Edition 0.14.4

    4. TwoToRule


      The picture in the listing showed that it has a burned polarizer film. I'm hoping that that's the extent of its problems. If it is, then all I have to do is replace the film. If it also doesn't turn on, then it may just need to have the power switch cleaned. If that doesn't get it to turn on, then it's most likely a problem with corrosion. Either way, I'm most likely going to sell it fixed or sell it in parts. 

  15. Great raid day. Really happy with the turn out.





  16. The right side of my headset just farted out.





    I swear if my dad doesn't fix it within the next 5 seconds I'm disowning him

  17. I'm just going to post a status update saying Happy Birthday Creeper since the wallpaper I was making wasn't turning out well.


    Happy Birthday Creeper.

  18. I saw the trailer for the second Trolls movie when I went to the movie theater today.



    Thanos didn't come soon enough.

    1. Cryptic Runner
    2. Slime


      I am 100% against the songs they used for the trailer. I hate it when people do covers of good songs. the covers are never as good most of the time, this movie being one of those times.

    3. TwoToRule


      It's not just the songs. It's the fact that it's literally Infinity War but in a crappy, annoying movie franchise.

  19. If anybody finds this in their basement, it's mine.


    Or anywhere, really. No matter what, it's mine.

  20. My sisters are watching Dora. I think I've lost all hope.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. crustyjpeg


      @Mineshaft Animation well yeah, but your sister's insane from all that you've said

    3. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      Different sister @crustyjpeg. I have 4 sisters.

    4. crustyjpeg
  21. **********politics**********

    1. Mineshaft Animation

      Mineshaft Animation

      *Offensive Joke about other country politics*

    2. TwoToRule
  22. wait you actually changed your name to skemelon

    1. Skelemelon


      Yea, it was funny. I think so at least...

    2. crustyjpeg


      who was this guy originally?

    3. Cryptic Runner
  23. I just see all of these people with less forum content than me but more rep. Maybe I should actually make some stuff lol.


    But hey, I broke 200 rep.

  24. Finally finished the school year. Might be able to actually get something done now.

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