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Everything posted by _Xean_

  1. I have a very bad feeling about this....first the killer robot designs, now this....
  2. I think I have a problem. Everything I make (with a story, obviously) involves death and/or torture..... [Edit] Oh damn, I forgot! Credit to Mr.Cat for the player rig!
  3. this is actually pretty awesome, can't wait to see the complete project
  4. well... I see a flower..and blood. Is there a link here?
  5. -Lab report; Project Neuron- Project Details; Based on modern cybernetic and combat technologies. Designed for damage and defense at the cost of speed or maneuverability. Powered by a single R2 reactor, property of I.S.E. Unfortunately, current version requires "subject" to be fully conscious for procedure in order to properly track brain patterns. Project disbanded after first five "subjects" were driven insane by the pain experienced in the procedure. Project will not resume until this issue has been resolved. Three of the two subjects remain at large, rumors run wild about an independent organisation finding a way to circumnavigate the insanity induced by the procedure. -End of report-
  6. well now. How exactly did you manage to find a serial killer's house that no cops have raided yet? Really, I'd like to know. Tests don't always go according to plan, and nobody would miss a serial killer.
  7. eh, it's not as scary as ya might think. I made something while I was moodswinging. Looked at it afterwards and nearly cried.
  8. ar·ti·fi·cial ˌärdəˈfiSHəl/ adjective 1. made or produced by human beings rather than occurring naturally, typically as a copy of something natural. "her skin glowed in the artificial light" 2. (of a person or a person's behavior) insincere or affected. If I wanted to, I could create a string of mucul cells hanging from a metal platform, inject nutrients and stimulate it with electrical pulses to cause it to grow in a similar manner to exercise. since, technically, it doesn't have to be the cells of any naturally occurring creature, just of the structure we label "meat" you could, in a way, say I've created artificial meat.
  9. Drat.. well, first law of warfare, I guess.... "Apply enough force to anything and it WILL, eventually, explode."
  10. wow. I'd like to see more of this, it's really cool!
  11. Quite good overall, 'though there are a few places where the lighting is a bit off and the relatively low resolution make the two player rigs look a bit..eh
  12. Indeed, very good lighting work
  13. eh, I'm not a bid fan of the story line so far. Then again, I tend to expect to much from this kinda stuff. I would help, but all my skills don't really fit with this, unfortunately...
  14. All right lads! Ready the hovercraft and charge the EMPs! We're going bot hunting again!
  15. I'm not a fan of the series, but this is very well done!
  16. Yaaaaa... seems a bit generic to me. I mean, it's really just a human rig (and not a great one) with bigger eyes. I don't really see this as useful, especially since I can create the same affect with a normal human rig
  17. I'm pretty sure it's referring to Hydra from Captain America.
  18. Defiantly improved, 'though you've still got room to get better.
  19. I had nothing better to do (story of my life) so I took most of the primary characters that I've developed, or OCs if that's what you prefer, and put them all in this little picture in various poses. If you look carefully, many of their positions hint at how they interact and are related to each other. I left out the aliens this time, otherwise I'd be here all night. Let me know if you want me to show you the alien dudes. Also, if you guys ask, I can put up another wallpaper explaining what those "hints" were. Oh, and mad props to Zuex for the zombie rig I used. I don't usually like using a lot of rigs, but (no offence brother dear) the skin I have for the zombie guy is garbage.
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