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About Echo.

  • Rank
    Sleepy Echo = Fun Echo.
  • Birthday 08/12/1998

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  • Member Title
    Sleepy Echo = Fun Echo.
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    Tbh I don't even know
  • Interests
    Naps, Naps and Naps. Oh and cats, steak and my bed...

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  1. I have a Sellfy because im poor and I want to die. https://sellfy.com/BlueBallsScythe

  2. If anyone wants to join to test out a bot: https://discord.gg/UZz5zDc


  3. The clipping in the legs should be avoided.
  4. I find that the clipping in the last pose compensates for the lack of fingers.
  5. This video infuriates me. I would make a topic about it but i'd just get alot of hate from people saying "waste of topic" and stuff like that. Most of the questions are based of the stereotypical male and I'm fairly certain that this was scripted by a radical feminist. 



    1. Archon
    2. Echo.


      to top it all of the video gives a bad impression on females as not all females believe what is said in the video. However it is implied the it is. The views are all one sided and don't represent the majority of males. I wouldn't be so annoyed if the video contained different beliefs but it doesn't. Lets just take the quote "Why do you hate romcoms or do you feel you need to hate them." Now lets ask several guys. All similar responses! "I don't hate them. They're just not as entertaining as action films." That's a basic primal instinct. Men, back when we where early humans, Where typically the hunters while women where typically gatherers. That means that most men typically have a love for action and women typically have a love for RomComs as they're more peaceful than action films. And thats just a small spectrum of the whole story.  

    3. 8bit Animations

      8bit Animations

      Filthy 3rd wave feminism -.-

  6. Yeah. Quote people next time so they get a notification.
  7. Make a folder. Put whatever you want to be included in the rig into the folder. Export the folder as an .obj
  8. Now I'm just going to assume WE meant the entire forums. If thats the case I have never seen anything more incorrect in my life. You are.
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