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Everything posted by Kwazedilla

  1. now i'm using imgur instead of lensdump and while it's jpegified as heck it's still good enough lossless:
  2. very nice bleed lighting effect, how did you manage to get the bleed light to illuminate all edges of your character? i'd guess it's something more than placing lights behind the character
  3. it's been a long time since i made a face rig but i'll try to help. generally, mouths are made by using a bunch of nearly transparent arms that are set to render before the character, removing the outline of the facial expression that you want. iirc SKIBBZ' mouth utilized four arms on each side, all parented together and set to inherit bend so that bending one would cause all of them to bend as well. if you're only using one arm for bends that may be why bending looks weird on your rig
  4. if it opened successfully when you tried again, there's not much issue here. sometimes the program hiccups and crashes; nothing to worry about
  5. Hozq's Face Rig v.1 and Hand Models v2.1
  6. i mean there are quite a lot of real world genocides, all of which involve humans
  7. commissioned for a server and he wanted to be in it, what could i do ?
  8. Hozq's Face Rig v.1 and Hand Models v2.1
  9. what's your favorite idea? mine is being creative
  10. green is not a creative color
  11. not bad! you seem to have picked up a lot of the tips that you got from your first wallpaper attempt. i see that you tried to establish a focus on the character by using lights, depth of field, and fog. additionally, the fog and lighting effects, by themselves, are very good and a great improvement from last time. might i suggest that you apply the rule of thirds (a technique of composition,) i think using that could make this wallpaper into a real banger
  12. agreed. i used multiple spheres within spheres to generate the aura effect, but i might have gone overboard. i should reduce the alpha of the spheres or change the glow color to a darker shade so it's not as intense here's the animated version of the wallpaper! somehow the thrusters are botched and the lights are having a seizure
  13. welcome to the forums! while the premise of the wallpaper is interesting, the multiple points of interest do confuse the viewer a bit (those being the character, the multiple tools, the valuable items, and others.) generally you only want to have one focus in your wallpaper and have minor points of interest that do not detract from the normal focus if you were to remake the wallpaper again, might i suggest you make your character the main point of interest and have the valuable blocks and tools somewhere in the background. you can use lighting and depth of field to indicate your main focus speaking of lighting, while it is definitely adequate it could be improved by changing the positioning of the light so that the shadows formed are diagonal instead of perpendicular to the features of the schematic. also consider reducing shadow blur size definitely not too shabby for your first attempt. keep on practicing ?
  14. holy mother of necroes, i just realized... sorry lol
  15. ? you're good, keep on practicing
  16. i know that feel bro psa: always animate in parts, you'll lose motivation slower and it's easier to edit everything
  17. you could definitely make the posing more dramatic. from your reference, the character seems to be coming to an abrupt stop, and he emphasizes this by arching his back more as if the weight of his upper body is still moving relative to the ground, and sticking his foot way out to stop his movement. his ears are perked up as if on high alert, and he's putting on a slight scowl as he aims down the sights of his pistol. while your posing is alright as it stands, it looks like your character is casually holding up a pistol and taking an afternoon stroll than fighting for his life in the middle of a firefight. you could definitely tweak the body a little more to emphasize the positioning i explained above, and that should make your character appear more daring or exciting
  18. turn up that sunlight range so that there's more shadows as willingsas says, there is no apparent focus in your wallpaper. generally all wallpapers should have a focus, and they can be indicated with techniques such as depth of field, high contrast, or clever framing and positioning i'm not going to delve into the complicated world of photography and composition but just keep in mind to have a center feature in all of your wallpapers, and make it obvious that it is nice texture pack though
  19. unfortunately you're going to turn up that sunlight range in order to make your shadows look nice in this situation, you could definitely try and experiment with bleed light to get some cool effects
  20. this took a lot more editing than i'm normally used to but god damn did i have fun making it
  21. as you stuff yourselves with thanksgiving turkey, remember to be thankful for all you've been given, and that epstein didn't kill himself

    1. Mercury



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