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  1. Past hour
  2. I`m add my own laptop on type a Lenovo V580c. - black metalic style pic from real life 1 If you enable "Glow" for "Background", the screen will glow at night web-camera have a own Camera - u can turn on it in Background - change a texture on Camera "web-ka" and will see own face) all detalizaded DOWNLOAD: MediaFire - https://www.mediafire.com/file/41g07erjebuh85s/My_notebook.zip/file For instaling Extract files from zip-archiv in Folder and add Laptop LERT.miobject . a resourse in mine imator Resourse-menu.
  3. Today
  4. Yesterday
  5. Detail: pack that i used: FC MI 2: @TheCollieStalks Gun: @crustyjpeg
  6. IBC1 (WTC 1973) public preview, view in 3D!

  7. This THING gets progressively more and more laggy (with my imported terrain). At first I can sit at a decent 30 fps and then it eventually (slowly) drops down to 10 fps, this is horrible and I can't use this software in it's current state- I SHOULD be able to run Mine-imator with this exact terrain because I do so in regular minecraft, its my world and in said world I have 0 fps issues. Also, I run into an issue that teleports the bloody work camera down to a particular spot and then causes my movement to be *not opposite* but very very wrong (Think: trying to move up and forward moves you up and back) (really bro?). Why cant Mine-imator just work??? For two ******* seconds, PLEASE. And no, I am not in high quality rendering mode, I am in the simple flat rendering mode....
  8. My Minecraft skin has transparent pixels on the pants (the outer layer of the legs) and when they inevitably overlap- (the pixels wrap around the whole leg btw), you can see straight through the whole damn skin. > https://imgur.com/a/RoRcoqz < 1. No I will not be deleting the pixels because I shouldn't have to. 2. Dicking around with the render depth doesn't work ((it only works for one side at a time (one viewing angle side). 3. This has been in Mine-imator (I'm assuming) for it's entire lifespan and I am tired of my complaints about it not reaching the devs. Just fix it.
  9. Last week
  10. It's been a minute since I've been here. Anyone still active? Anyway here's a render:
  11. it wont even load for me im on linux
  12. image.png?ex=662e65c8&is=662d1448&hm=adb

    bro realized i stole the his animation idea lol

    (yeah im stealing animation ideas)

  13. https://imgur.com/a/6wXsFcK I propose to have it like this: [0]/[75] With the [things in square brackets] being editable like any textbox.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/zzU82nJ ("World" should be default because it is GENERALLY better btw) Blue being the only one that can be displaced seems very unintentional but what do I know.
  15. If you just make these "*******" animations over and over again and spam them on your channel, you can get 1k subscribers in 1 month instead of 1 year. Welcome to YouTube. I am aware that I will receive a warning for this comment...
  16. IBC towers (WTC 1973) interior first and second floor.


    First floor aka the express elevator lobby


    Second floor, Plaza level


  17. Hehe, after 1 year, I have hit 100 subscribers... No one was harmed, and no, its not one of those stupid lies that make people feel better.
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