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  1. Today
  2. nice finally diffirent fight animation thing
  3. Amazing animation, how can you make such smooth fight scenes and coordinate it so well with the song, such a great job
  4. VVhat did i miss?

    1. rofrrrrrrrrrrrrr


      Well as much as me I think, I came back yesterday to see if some of the group posted something.
      Fox Miner had a post, but that's all I remember

  5. Yesterday
  6. I have looked everywhere for a working ravine schematic but I have found none pls help if u can thx
  7. It always save: cant save in this folder please select another one BUT I CANT SELECT ANOTHER FOLDER? if anyone has/had the same problem please help me
  8. Last week
  9. get out of my kitchen im cooking


  10. Rig a Gift in Mine Imator 2.0.2
  11. I wanted to animate something, but when I resized something that had the size of 0.005, it made the object and the Workspace Camera to have "nan" coordinates. Undoing only saves the object. Now I'm stuck with a blue void with no clouds or any ground. Just plain blue. Also, for those who experience this issue: 1. Go to c:/Users/<name>/Mine-imator/Projects/<project name>/<project name>.miproject 2. Open the file with whatever text editor you want 3. Search for: "work_camera": { "angle_xy": nan, "angle_z": nan, "roll": nan, ... 4. Replace "nan" with "1" 5. Save the file and now it should work
  12. I've looked everywhere for a ravine schematic but they don't work pls someone make one for me please
  13. finally after days of making schematic in minecraft snd othe stuff... FINALLY IN ANIMATING IN PRORESS!!! https://www.imghippo.com/i/EY4oJ1715100002.jpg
  14. saco

    how do I remove these shadows??s.png

    1. saco


      I found the answer)))

  15. everytime i try to render my animation it renders only 1 second of it
  16. "How often it is that the angry man rages denial of what his inner self is telling him." To the video
  17. Fover

    Coat Rack

    nice and simple
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